Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-12

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Alphabetical Index to Entries Adaptable 5th Pirn Admiral Lea 5th Jam Airsis 4th GS Akbar 2d Jam Aldridge 8th Pirn Almas Pet 3d Pirn Alrusha 8th C JD American Way 5th Pirn Anchoress 3d GS Angry Cohort 8th Suf Ante Maker 4th Pirn Anunow 1st CD Apropiado 6th Suf Atlantic City 1st C JD Atoka Lad 8th Spt Autumn Night 1st Spt Babeff 7th CD Backslap 7th C JD Badge 8th Pirn Bahrameter 7th Pirn Balsamar 8th Pirn Bangor Chance 4th GS Basileus II 6th Jam Bass Fiddle 8th Pirn Bat Girl 1st Pirn Be A Bee 6th Spt Bedrock 7th G S Belcrest 7th CD Beletino 2d Spt Bellwether 6th GS Ben Gray 8th Spt Bentbrook 4th Spt Bee Sting 7th CD BelltheCat 7th Suf BertRam 4th CD Beth Bs First 3d Suf Better Bet Jr 4th Suf Betty Skelly 1st Spt Beyond Hope 1st GS Big Ditch 5th C JD Big Elm 4th Pim Bimlette 3d Jam Birthday Party 1st Pim Biz 1st Spt Black Goods 2d Pim Black Ra 7th Spt Blak Jade 7th CD Blue Dell 3d GS Blue Egret 2d Pim Blue Holly 7th GS Bluesweep 8th Pim Bogle 5th GS Bold Dandy 5th Spt Bold Salute 7th Jam Bolus 3d CD Bomb Command 1st Jam Bonnie Charlie 7th Spt Bonnie Heather 1st Pim Boomerang 2d Pim Border Man 5th Spt Bracket 4th Spt Bright Player 1st GS British Isles 6th GS Broadway Joe 6th Jam Brownanne 3d Suf Bubbins 3d Suf Buckie 3d Suf Builder 4th Suf Bully Gusher 7th Spt Burgaway 2d CD Burgoos Gal 4th CD Bushel Basket 1st Suf Busy Pony 8th Spt Bygones 7th Spt SptC SptCable C Cable 6th Jam Caillou Rouge 6th Spt Camps First 6th Suf Canford 5th Pim Cannobie Lee 1st Pim Captain Ruth 5th Spt Carmus 1st GS Cascadian 4th C JD Catana 3d Jam ChaffeeDee 2d Pim Challeport 3d Suf Challoa 6th Jam Challorette 5th CD Charing Rock 4th Suf Charioteer 2d Pim Cherry Wine 2d Spt Chicle Clown 6th GS ChipHandle 7th Spt Chin Whiskers 1st Spt Chongita 4th GS Chuck 8th GS Cinch 3d Pim Conewago 2d Pim Connie Sam 7th GS Cohat 3d C JD Coo Case 7th C JD Countess In 5th CD Count Display 3d Pim Count Gold 7th C JD Count JL 7th Jam Cossack Boy 1st Spt Covert Side 2d Pim Credentials 4th Spt Cudiddle 3d Spt Current News 5th Jam Curiosity 1st Pim Cutest Trick 3d GS Dame J 2d Spt Danny J 6th GS Darby Demon 7th C JD Dark Venus 3d Jam Davies Sister 8th Suf Decision 1st Suf Deep Sea Tale 7th Pim Deep Texas 4th Jam Delorah 4th Spt Delove 2d GS Diatribe 2d Suf Dick Stickney 5th Suf Dispatch 1st C JD Dockstader 5th Suf Dodos Girl 5th Suf Dolly Varden 8th GS Donna L 3d Spt Donna Sue 7tii Spt Donquest 4th CD Dora M 1st Spt Dr Reed 2d Pim Drollon 7th Spt Dry Belt 6th Spt Dustraiser 8th Pim PimE PimEl E El Cabrillo 3d Spt Elmodore 1st GS Enigma 4th Pim Equine Opera 1st Pim Equisun 3d Pim Ermelia 1st CD Escrow 2d GS Eternal Dream 5th Jam Eternal News 4th GS Eternal World 5th Jam Ethel May B 1st Suf Euterpe 4th Pim Evening Flight 7th Suf Evening Tune 7th GS Ever On 2d CD Extra Mileage 5th Spt SptF SptFairanfit F Fairanfit 1st Jam Fancy Flyer 5th CD Fashion Plate 2d Jam Fast Tempo 2d CD Favorite Trap 8th Spt Fight Along 2d GS Fighting Mac 3d Spt Figure Eight 5th GS Fileeta 7th CD Flash Burn 7th Pim Flash Flood 2d CD Flight Nurse 7th Jam Floating Isle 5th Pim Fly Menow 2d CD Flying Toy 1st C JD Forum 5th Suf Franks Pal 3d Spt Freddies Pal 2d Suf Freezout 4th Jam Friendly Don 1st Jam Friendly Frank 2d GS Fulgor H 6th Jam JamG JamGal G Gal Royal 8th Pim Gala Forever 1st Jam Gallant Foot 5th Suf Garden Cloud 3d Suf Gay Date 7th Suf Genancoke 5th Pim Generals Aide 2d Suf Glacial Run 8th GS Golden Thorn 6th Suf Gotham 6th CD Gracie Son 5th Suf Grand Entry 7th GS Grand River 2d Spt Granizo 1st Suf Gray Warrior 6th GS Great Spirit 6th Pim Greek Hero 4th Jam Gustaf 6th GS H HHalcpnero Halcpnero 6th Jam Halsickle 5th Spt Happy Flora 4th GS Happy Joan 6th Spt Happy Pilot 8th Spt Hard Facts 4th Jam Hard Reno 4th Pim Hasten Jason 8th CD Hasty Sage 1st CD Hat Check Girl 3d GS Hazels Play 1st Spt Head an Tell 3d Pim Head Woman 3d Suf Hector 2d Spt Heesadate 4th Spt Heine 3d Spt Hero 2d GS Heyorta 4th Suf Hi Bob 6th Spt Hi Johnnie 2d GS Hillbf Gold 7th Suf Hirta 7th GS Hiya Pop 1st Jam Homeward Bound 1st GS Homing Pigeon 1st Pim Honest Engine 3d Spt Hoseah 2d Pim Huguette 8th CD Hullabaloo 7th GS GSI GSImpact I Impact 2d GS Inaugural 4th Pim Instanter 8th Suf Invermark Girl 1st Suf Ism 2d GS GSJ GSJ J J J Lynch 2d Suf Jackie B 1st CD Janes Patsy 1st Spt Jay Bo 2d Spt Jessies Beau 6th Spt Joes Favorite 8th Pim John A Dreams 3d Pim John Q Public 4th Suf Johns Pride 6th CD Joseph Jr 8th C JD Joyce W 5th Spt Junior Girl 2d Pim Justa Whirl 4th CD Justinian H 1st Suf SufK SufKalarney K Kalarney 2d Spt Kantar Aid 7th CD Karls Best 8th Spt Kaslick 4th C JD Keen Olo 4th Spt Kere 8th Spt King Chatter 2d Pim King Cobalt 2d Jam King Naaman 2d GS Kittiewan 1st Pim Knight Gappy 7th Spt Knights Hill 5th C JD Kotsatoah 4th CJD L LaBonnette 4th GS Lady Joan 5th CJD Lady Kathleen 1st Pim Lady Phara 5th GS Lady Seaton 7th Spt Ladys Orphan 7thSuf Lairds Cat 1st CJD Lanky 2d Jam Laurania 7th Pim Lee Circle 4th Jam Leo Red 8th CD Letter V 2d Spt Lieut Well 5th Pim Light Reigh 7th Spt Limehill 2d Jam Liquid Lunch 1st GS Listen Tiger 8th GS Listing 2d Suf Little Bobby 4th GS Little Cassino 2d Jam Little Matt 8th Spt Little Milly 5th Spt Little Snail 1st Spt Lookout Dice 3d CD Lord Camden 4th GS Loriot 7th GS Loyal 8th Pim Lucky B 1st CD Lucky Doo 4th CD Luk OSullivan 7th Jam Lunch Date 4th Suf Lutie Bolo 1st Spt Mackaby 1st Suf MacPlin 2d CD Macs Mystery 2d Spt Major Attack 1st CD Major Jimmy 5th Spt Malemute 7th CJD Mandas First 1st Spt Markobob 1st GS Marltown 6th CD Maruth 2d Jam Master Bid 6th CD Mel Hash 5th CD Melvin 7th Spt Merrick Belle 1st Suf Merry King 1st Jam Mess Boy 2d Pim Mia Mia 2d Suf Micmac 1st Suf Miss Blindfold 8th CD Miss Covery 2d Pim Miss OHogan 1st GS Miss Prove 1st CD Mityme 6th Pim Moncoin 3d Pim Money King 8th Pim Montes Ace 5th CJD Mosquito Boat 7th Jam Mr Buster 7th GS Mr Dodo 1st Jam My Grace 7th Spt My Myrna 3d Suf SufN SufNancy N Nancy Pansy 3d GS Naval Base 6th Suf Navy Cross 6th CD Nene Pobre 7th Suf Nestrol 2d GS New Challenge 4th Jam New Puzzle 5th Pim Next Time 4th GS Night Bomber 2d Suf Night Count 7th Pim Night Sound 1st Pim Nods Girl 7th Spt Noonmark 1st Suf North Dakota 4th Spt Norwest 2d GS Not So Good 4th Spt 0 0O O K Ruby 5th Spt Oakmuir 2d CD Obelisk 3d CD Oberod 6th GS Odd Pigeon 3d GS Old Faithful 7th Pim Omaha Mike 8th Pim Opening Bid 7th Jam Orestone 4th Pim OrTetra 2d Suf Our Best 1st CD Our Candidate 1st Jam Outland 2d GS GSP GSPalgene P Palgene 8th CD Paper Clip 4th Spt Pappys Pride 3d CD Parhelion 4th Jam Pari Joe 7th Spt Parson Brown 7th Spt Patch Party 4th Spt Patricia B 8th CD Pebalong 7th Pim Pendragon 1st GS Penetrator 1st Suf Pennant OWar 7th CD Percherry 2d Jam Perfect Miss 1st CD Petrified 5th Spt Pictura 4th Pim Pirouette 1st Pim Pittirose 3d Suf Play High 6th Pim Pompeys Hero 8th Pim Ponca 3d Suf Pouting Mac 2d CD Pretty Girl 7th CJD Pretty Valley 3d Jam Prince Aumar 2d Pim Princess Irene 3d GS Probation 6th Pim Proposition 7th Jam Punctual 8th GS GSQ GSQueen Q Queen Jody 3d Spt SptR SptRaffle R Raffle House 8th Spt Ramadan 2dPim Red Board 1st Jam Red Flare 7th Jam Red Herring 5th US Red Mars 7th CJD Red Skipper 7th CJJ Red Stamp 3d Jam Red Tag 8th Suf Reno Ultimate 8th Pim Rex Damion 1st Spt Rich Sweep 2d Spt Rich Uncle 7th CJD Right Answer 3d Pim Rio Rita 1st CJD Roberto 4th Jam Jrlockabye 4th CD Rocket Bomb 6th Jam Rodger Joe 2d GS Roman Candle 5th GS Roman Nymph 1st Suf Rose Tidings 2d Spt Roseblaine 2d Jam Royal Foot 8th GS Royal Red 5th Spt Ruling Time 4th Jam Runaway 1st GS GSS GSSalute S Salute 1st GS Sam Bernard 4th Jam Samedi Soir 3d GS Sanab 8th CD Sandglass 3d GS Sax Bee 3d Spt Scipio 5th CJD Scorching 3d GS Second Son 3d Pim Segundo Sombra 5th Suf Senator C 5th Suf Shadow Dance 3d GS Shadow Shot 6th Suf Shaffie 5th Suf Shako 6th Suf Shasta Man 2d Spt Shaws Pride 6th CJD Shuckins 2d Suf Sibsis 8th Suf Silver Skit 1st GS Silvery Moon 6th CJD Singing JSatin 1st Suf Sir Blasker 2d Spt Sir Date 6th Spt Sir Gallascene 2d Jam Sir Toro 1st GS Sister Leona3d Pim Slamaranth 6th Pim Slicks Girl 3d Spt Smajor 3d GS Snifter 5th CJD So Black 1st Suf Some Bid 5th Spt Sonny Haynes 2d Spt Soulful 1st Suf South Border 1st CD Southern Pride 6th CD Speedy Fellow 2d Suf Spiteful Sue 6th Suf Split the Wind 8th GS Spring Sand 4th Spt Staging 5th Suf Starry Cant 3d CD Static 2d Spt Steel Bull 4th C JJ Stepping Miss 7th Suf Studio Play 5th Spt Suede 8th CD Sun Talk 4th Suf Sunny Bones 1st Pim Sunshade 4th Suf Super Flight 1st Pim Supper Date 6th Pim Supro 5th Suf Suzerain 3d CD Sweet Comet 1st CD Swift Action 1st Spt Swordstown 5th Jam Syndicate 4th CD CDT CDTattler T Tattler 8th Pim Ted Wes 8th Suf Tetrafettle 2d Suf Texas Style 8th Suf Thousand Ships 2d GS Three Clovers 5thSpt Ticker 8th Pim Tiger Express 1st CJD Tiger Fore 3d Pim Time Stitch 6th GS Tipit 2d Pim Titian 1st GS Tonys Find 5th GS Toolmaker 8th Suf Top Book 1st Spt Torello 4th CD Tourist List 5th Pim Transfluenfc 5th Jam Trixie 6th CJD Trough Hill 5th Pim Trust Fund 8th Spt Try Flight 2d Spt Turfbar 2d Jani Two Duece 8th CD Unabridged 2d GS Unaided 1st Pim Uncle Rob 2d CJD CJDV CJDVacance V Vacance 4th Jam Valdina Kovia 1st Spt Valiente 6th Suf Velvet Heels 3d Spt Vico 6th Suf Vinita Dot 7th Spt Vogts First 4th GS GSW GSWalloon W Walloon 8th Spt War Dauber 3d Pim War Dressing 8th GS War Grief 4th Pim Wasp Waist 4th Spt Wee Wee Marie 1st CD Well Born 4th CJD Westward 3d Pim Whipsaw 5th GS Whirl Top 5th CJD Whirligig 1st Pim Why the Rush 1st Pim Will Markham 1st Suf Wilt Thou 3d Spt Winged Feet 4th GS Wise Sun 1st GS Wonder Witch 1st CJD CJDX X Xenof ox 1st GS GSY GSYazdegerd Y Yazdegerd 2d GS Yesme 5th CJD Young Buddy 1st CD Your Sun 7th GS GSZacaplay GSz z Zacaplay 4th GS Zig Zag 1st Spt ZoBo 5th Suf

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Local Identifier: drf1948051201_34_1
Library of Congress Record: