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34 MILE out of chute Jce Ray Oct 30 1942 1103110l War Admiral AdmiralZjL ZjL DJM Purse Purse 4000 4yearclds and upward Allowances Nonwinners of three races racesUlEl UlEl I iFTI l other than maiden or claiming in 194748 4yearolds 122 Ibs older 124 Ibs Non winners of 15000 in 194647 allowed 3 Ibs 5000 in 194748 6 Ibs 4000 since October 20 or one race since April 10 1948 9 Ibs two races since August 15 or one race since January 16 12 Ibs one race since November 10 15 Ibs Claiming races hot considered Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 47111 Play High Sep47Mth111 118 110 320492 Mityme Aug47Sar111 110 119 268934 Probation Jan47 Hia 11115 119 110 Chart Book Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 46771 Great Spirit Feb48 Hia 111 124 116 460193 Slamaranth Jun47AP112 113 107 48422 Supper Dale Aug47Sar111 117 102 1 1 n Br c 4 by Quatre Bras II Shekncws by Jack High riuy Play High Miyii I IW V Breeder Edward Larkin 1948 19481 1 0 000 I Owner H E Ortel Trainet E B Townsend 1947 12 3 1 3 6800 6800Apr21486HdG Apr21486HdG 34 111 Vfcft 49 112 68 6 6 83 VangriffB3 Alw 78 DailyDip 101 FloodTown 114 Transair 8 Nov28476Bow 1 145ft 22 113 2 44J 514 630 GrayAi Alw 63 Laran J10 MterBid 114 BostonMan 6 Nov22475Bow 34 111ft 31 116 7 714 76 719 GrayA4 Alw 74 LittleHarp113 Irisen119 SendOff 7 Jly22475Mth 34 112sy 2 116 1 7J 810 815 VangriffBe Alw 68 WarGlance106 GoldBull 113 Jobstown 8 Jly10475Mth 34 112m 95 118 5 22 21 24 VagriffBS Alw 83 Supper Date 112 Mesl 107 British Isle 8 Jly 1475Mth 34 111 ft 18 118 2 31 12 14 VgriffBS Alw 92 MarbleArch121 Uranium118 Skeleton 8 Jun18474Atl 34 113Vfeft 12 122 5 3 44 65 VangrfB2 Alw 75 FactFindeM 12 Pompeianl 22 SendOff 7 Jun14473Atl V5 147ft 65 116 5 1 1 1 VanderffB6 Alw 79 Bahrameter115 NedLuck113 Romping 8 Jun 5474Atl 1 147 ft 32 120 1 14 13 15 VagriffB Mdn 81 TheseCanale115 JohnnieC115 Squffie 6 6May May 9 HdG 58 ft 103h May 6 HdG 38 m 38b April 27 HdG 12 ft 51h 51hI Mityme I Ch c 4 by Menow Genevra M2 by Percentage Breeder Lewis J TutL 1947 8 232 20490 20490Owner Owner Cedar Farm Trainer C XV Shaw Jr 1946 8221 14200 14200Aug1247Sar Aug1247Sar 34111ft 2 118 1 51 21 21 GivensC AlwC 90 DbleJay116 MrJohn109 Legendra 9 Aug 5475Sar 34l10ft 3 117 3 3 2h 2J GivensC4 Alw 92 Trapeze 113 Useless 117 Supper Date 5 Jun21475Del 118152ft 8 119 6 44J 74 710 KirkCS AlwS 71 Brabancon114 Tailspin119 Trapeze 8 Jun14475Del 1 147sy 9 117 4 22 34 34 KirkC2 AlwS 74 OwnsChoice123 Trapeze108 GolnBull 9 May17475HdG 18150ft 4 117 2 3 23 26 KirkC4 ScwS 87 Loyal Legion 117 Camargo 112 Repand 5 May 647 Pim 1T1e 1475ft 10 116 2 21 1 1n KirkC6 AlwS 82 LoyalLegn113 RoyalGovr116 Repand 9 Apr29476Pim 34 112ft 35 118 4 2h 1h 11 KirkC2 HcpS 85 El Mono 111 PadLock114 GoldenBull 6 Apr19475HdG 34 110ft 6 118 6 4 22 32 KirkCio ScwS 92 RoyalGovr 122 Tavistock 114 Repand 10 Nov1346 Pim 1 145ft 30 116 3 34 46J 5 SniderA4 AlwS 76 Fervent116 Faultless113 RoyalGovnor 11 11May May 10 Pirn 34 ft 115hg May 8 Pirn 58 si 105h May 5 Pim 34 sy 117h 117hPrnhnfirtn rrooarion Prnhnfirtn 1 1 fi B c 4 by Alaking On Parole by Pharamond II iu Brccder Chas E Nelson mi 9 f 3 2 5200 5200Owner Owner Mrs C E Helscn Trainer Pat Brady 1946 10 1 0 3 J1940 J1940Jun26476Mth Jun26476Mth 170144ft 6 113 6 24 24 46 RobertsP3 Alw 81 LJthouse122 MerryLass117 SperDate 8 8Jun14475Del Jun14475Del 1147sy 23 108 7 90 916 92 Roberts AlwS 50 OjwnersChoice123 Trapeze108 Mityme 9 9Jun Jun 7476Atl 118153 gd 9 107 T 1 22 23 RobertsPi HcpS 76 Jobstown114 DnasAce109 AtcPower 5 5Jun Jun 3475AII 34 111ft 4 116 4 31 21 24 JemasN4 Alw 86 KpMoving119 FIresDbr119 HalfShot 8 8May27476Atl May27476Atl 34112ft 2 116 7 45 35 48 HasekllL2 Alw 78 KpMoving116 OurLuise103 Lesinian 10 10Feb22472Hia Feb22472Hia 78125ft 3 116 4 11 11 13 SniderA4 Alw 82 YankeeHill 122 Hyflare 116 Salomea 12 12Feb17473Hia Feb17473Hia 34112V6ft 32 A117 3 11 11 34 MartinRJ Alw 82 Leander117 Joe Mandell 117 Volatile 12 12Jan23473Hia Jan23473Hia 34111 ft 9 119 3 1h 11 2U JessopJS Alw 89 LooktBoss116 Riskolater113 FirmPce 11 Jan 6473Trp 34111ft 13 116 3 2 24 35J MartinRJ Alw 81 MichaelB122 MattyM119 Precession 12 12May May 11 Pim 38 ft 37hg May 9 Pim 58 ft 103h May 7 Pim 12 sy 58b 4550Owner Soilit jpinr Breeder Calumet Farm 1948 4 2 0 1 4550 Owner Calumet Farm Trainer H A Jones 1947 2100 1700 1700Apr15485HdG Apr15485HdG 34117 hy 1118 3 1h 14 14 WdhW Alw62SomaLad118 TrueDrm120 VdaDcy 8 Feb19485Hia 34 111 ft 4 124 54 43 42 32J DodsonD4 Alw86SylviaDear111 ElbowRm123 Arrogce 8 Jan2248 5Hia 34111 ft 1eA118 1171l9niiioii DodsonDi2 Alw 79 Balanced104 Precession104 Heliotrope 12 Jan12485GP 78 130 m 1e120 34 1h 2h T DodscnDJ Alw 59 NedLuck 115 Magnolia 115 LidoWay 9 Dec29473GP 34112 ft 2120 4 21 1h 11J DodsonDU Mdn 85 ColdBaa120 OKBoss120 VeraMhela 12 Jan21 472Hia 78 125ft 2e 120 2 32 35 612 DodsonD Mdn 69 Balanced 120 YankeeHill 120 Graviton 11 May 4 Pim 12 m 53J h April 26 HdG 38 gd 3Sb April 14 HdG 58 m 106h Oiamaranm LarkspurOiamaranm lnmnrnnfh 1 1Y7 Br c fay Gr3nd Slam Amaranth by Blue Larkspur 450Owner 1U Breeder Mereworth Farm 1948 1 0 0 1 450 Owner Bomar Stable Trainer R E Potts 1947 11 1 3 1 4750 May5487Pim 4750May5487Pim 34 117Vbhy 6 109 14 1h 2 34 CcronaMi Alw590fflslder113 TacoBriar112 SqndOff 6 Aug29477Was 34 113m 85 120 3 6io 58 55J JessopD3 Alw 73 PadLock112 Burrwood120 MuslLady Aug27476Vas 34 113 sl 2 114 1 42 34 31 LeBIcE2 Alw 80 Good Story 120 Pelure 115 Hi Bunty 7 Aug747Was 34 113m 6 1135 42 1 2 FeastpnHa Alw 79 FastPulse105 CaptFlagg115 YoullSee 8 Jly30476Was 1 135ft 5 117 3 35 58 513 RoboftJ6 Alw 86 Gotham 111 YoullSee 120 Evident 6 Jly14474AP 78 125sl 95 112 1 2h 12 p SkoskiA AlwE 83 Big Casino 115 Jazz 109 Big A 8 Jly 5474AP 1 137 ft 4 109 1 54 54 65 PcabyC6 Alw 84 Gotham113 PappysPride118 SongSw 7 Jun23475AP f 137ft 3 116 1 12 14 2h SkorskiAi Alw 86 SgSparrow116 Evident120 Patmiboy 5 Jun17475AP 34111gd 13 113 7 56 43 64 SkoskiA6 Alw 82 WithPleasure115 Always 113 Plumper 9 May31477Det Ws 148ft 21105 23 22 2 MonsonGa Alw 67 Jacopades 112 JoesLaddie 108 Ekard 9 9May May 11 Pim 38 ft 39b May 9 Pim 58 ft 103h May 1 Pim 58 gd 108b 108bSunnpr JUpper Sunnpr uare Dnf 1 fi9 Ch c 4 by Eight Thirty Schwester by Pennant I UZ Breecfer Cornelius V Whitney 1948 3 010 700 700Owner Owner H G Bedwell Trainer H G Bedwell 1947 13 302 7075 See 7075See chart f yesterdays sixth race raceApr24486HdG Apr24486HdG 34111gd 9e 106 78 77 7 BIO WahlerC7 HcpS 79 LoyalLegn120 DailyDip104 LitlleHarp 8 Apr17485HdG 34112qd 8e 109 65J V 8 8i WatsonR7 Alw74FIdTown116 Transair109 BlueBorder 8 Aprt3486HdG 34114shy 17 110 1h 11 ih 24 WatsonRS Alw 74 LyalLegn122 TroBroarlO GdenBull 8 Nov22475Bow 34111ft 23 116 5 6 2 6 6 CombestN6 Alw 84 LittleHarp113 Irisen119 SendOff 7 NOTl1476pim 34116 m 9 109 5 6H 68 6 MartinRJ4 Alw 58 Offlslder107 PeHbor122 WithHonr 6 Nov 4476Pim 34 114m 11e 114 1 64 88 8 GonzzMNi Alw 54 GlenHher116 BrightSong119 BigStry 8 Oct30477Pim 34113 gd 8e 112 3 76J 9i 92 GonzMNio Alw 70 SendOff113 Secnav118 GlenHeather 10 Sep22476Bel 34 we 110sy 17f 106 9 1051 9 76J PermeRS HcpS 80 Rippey 131 Pipette 114 BenLewis 12 Sep1347Aqu 34112 ft 34 1164 514 551 652 OlahL6 Alw 81 WideVing1 17 Mangohick 121 Indicate 7 7May May 10 Pim 12 ft 53h May 7 Pim 38 sy 39b May 1 Pim 38 gd 39b