6th Jam, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-12

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1 18 MILES Mad Play Oct 4 19241 4951 15 Lord Brighton Graded Handi cao class C 5500 added 4yearolds and upward Chart Book Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec WL WL 478763 Challoa Feb48 Hia 151 116 109 476083 Cable Mar48 Hia 152 106 112 47876 Basileus II Sep47 Bel 153Ts 122 122 408053 Halconero Sep47 Bel 152 110 117 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec WL WL 46624 Fulgor II 103 481454 Broadway Joe 105 479392 Rocket Bomb Aug47 Sar 151 126 118 Coupled Challoa and Fulgor II Pknllnn 1 fib B f 4 by Challenger II Sweetbroom by Stimulus nailoa U Breeder W L Brann 1948 7 002 1250 1250Owner Owner Mrs P Bieber Trainer P Bieber 1947 10 302 7875 7875May3485Jam May3485Jam 1 146sy 9 107 7 55 43 32 PermeRt HcpC 81 BrihtSwdU LablayellO Mahmdess 7 Apr2848 Jam 1146ft 12e 103 10 2 74 513 541 WkerFio HcpC 78 Conver118 DangersAge111 MterMdIO Apr21487Jam 1 146ft 3e 108 6io 71 5 4 2 JessopJ3 Alw 71 GoldBull 113 DangrousAgelOS Camps 7 Apr 9483Jam 34114V ft 18 116 58 5 533 3 PermneR2 Alw 70 RedStmp116 ChyQuest116 Heliotrope 5 Mar448 Trp 1ft146Hft 31e 109 8138127146 MtinRJ2 Alw 70 Salvo112 GoldBull 115 DangerousAge 8 Feb24484Hia 1181511sft 4 116 44 53 43J 62J SniderA4 c1000082 Harem114 Chanteuse116 Annieopsqch 7 Feb1948 Hia tc 1 145 ft 30 109 91 9H 9 5 914 MrtinRJS Alw Baguio113 Fulgorll109 Andantino 9 Oct23477Lrl 170 1435ft 5 118 7 733 753 64 DodsonD4 Alw 88 Camargo121 Oberod109 Legendra 7 7April April 13 Jam 38 m 38b April 7 Aqu 38 ft 39b Mar 31 Aqu 34 ft 121 b bCnMa CnMa SickleQOie 1 1 9 Br h 5by War Admiral Miss Brief by Sickle QOie I + Breecler Peter A B Widener 19486 001 J500 J500Owner Owner Mrs A Wichfeld Trainer G P Odom 1947 3000 1000 1000Apr29485Jam Apr29485Jam 34l12ft 28 108 6 57 53J 35 McCryC HcpC 80 Tavistock122 DarkVenus 14 ColonyBoy S Apr21484Jam 34 113ft 30 109 64J 62 64J 553 McCryC3 HcpC 72 MasterMd121 BItRemrk116 Rinaldo 6 Mar 2483Hia 118150ft 39 106 3 42 67 6 o GiffordP Alw 78 Respingo126 PetIP6int109 FreeAsAIr 10 Feb2148 Hia 114201 ft 109 112 75 983 913 930 NashR3 HcpS67 ElMono 112 StudPoker 103 BugJuice 9 Feb1448 Hia 1 18 148ft 51 107 53 93 913 920 Jessopjs HcpS 78 El Mono 112 Riskolater112 Armed 9 Feb 548 Hia 1V8151 ft 6 107 67 54 5 77 JessopJ7 Alw 77 HailVictory106 EIMono113 Balanced 3 Feb2247 Hia 114201ft 24 111 2 6 620 633 AtkinnT3 HcpS 61 Armed 129 Talon 122 Lets Dance 6 Feb1547 Hia 118150 go 22 110 2 4 43 4H AtkinnTi HcpS 76 ArmedlSO EternalRVdl18 Westmter 8 8May May 11 Bel trt 12 ft 51b May 9 Bel trt 34 ft 117b May 6 Bel trt 58 m 106b 106bRncilauc KsarDOSIieUS Rncilauc I 1 99 Ch h 6 by Victrix Barberybush II by Ksar DOSIieUS 11 LL Breeder Jean Couturie France 1948 6 1 1 1 9550 9550Owner Owner I Bieber Trainer Hirsch Jacobs 19472 000 May3485Jam 1 146sy 65e122 423 65i 5 5 DonosoR4 HcpC77BrightSwrd117 LaboulayellO Challoa 7 Apr2848 Jam 1 146ft 23e 122 57 3443 433 DonosoRi HcpC 78 Conver118 DangersAgelH MterMdIO Apr17485Jam 1 146 ft 2e 112 75 85 910 912 JessopJ2 HcpS 74 Knockdown114 OoubIeJay125 Stymie 9 Apr1048 Bow 1 146ft 7 114 65 43 2 1 HowellR7 HcpS P9 PelrolPoint106 FlashBurn110 Incline 3 Apr 348 Bbw 170145ft 53 118 4 45 37 3 BalztiW HcpS 78 FlagDrill 111 Incline 116 PetrolPoint 6 Mar29485Bow 170 146ft 73 114 44 1h 3t 2 HowellR4 Alw 81 MsWar107 End ofStfe103 BelltCat S Sep3047 Bel 118151 ft 34 122 5 78 65 6 PermeR HcpC 76 StageBond107 LarkyDay122 Halconero 9 Sep2347 Bel 1 137ft 10 114 5 5 53 5H PermeR4 Alw 73 BrtSwordHS QckReward118 Pujante 5 5May May 7 Pirn 1m sy 153h May 2 Jam 12 ft 50b April 25 Jam 78 ft 132b Breederj Jorge de Atucha Argentina 1347 10 1 0 4 17275 Owner Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt Trainer L McCoy McCoyNov1346pim Nov1346pim 212429gd 3i 115 2 326 335 342 MoraH2 HcpS 27 MissGrillo124 Calvados1l41 Shivaree 4 4Nov Nov 8476Pim 2ft3416m 20 105 3 1 16 18 MoraHS HcpS 72 MsGrlo124 MnDixon110 OurSenstn 7 7Nov Nov 3476Pim 158250 sy 16 108 2 1h 22 310 AtkisnT HcpS 52 MissGrillo124 MnDixon113 MhChick b bQct3Q476Pim Qct3Q476Pim 112235 gd 21 116 8 44 612 715 DpnsoR SplWS 56 BlueYder116 0nFront112 MchChicklO MchChicklOOct14478BeI Oct14478BeI 1122325ft 6 114 5 34 710 717 Scurlk05 HcpC 62 StageBd121 RosaBIca113 Celophnll 7 7Oct Oct 6476Bel 1 137ft 2 116 8 3 33J 33i DonosoRS AlwC 82 Master Bid 120 Forfar 113 Sorisky 9 9Sep3Q476Bel Sep3Q476Bel 1 18 151 ft 2 A110 1 421 2 35 JaspnT HcpC 80 StageBondIO LrkyDay122 BritSwd 8 8Sep24477Bel Sep24477Bel 1ft 144 ft 17 117 10 63J 42J 43 DonosoRS AlwC 89 Coincidence117 GItBull 114 Mislder 12 12May May 10 Bel trt 38 ft 37h May 8 Bel 1m sy 140h May 5 Bel 34 ft l14h l14hPulrtnr Pulrtnr Tahirruiyur ii II 1 OR Gr 9 5 b LOriflamme Pelusilla by Tahir ruiyur WO Breeder Jorge A Santamarina Arg 1948 8111 3275 3275Owner Owner Mrs P Bieber Trainer P Bieber 1947 7000 Apr12485Jam 1ft147sy 11e 115 78 7 715 77 GuerinE3 AlwE2 TideRips113 DangsAge108 KayGibson 7 Apr 6484Jam 1ft147ft 7e 106 612 68J 63J 31 WdheH2 HcpO 77 Thor108 Florencia119 DangerousAge 6 Mar22487TrP 1ft145ft 5i 11761163251152 PbodyC6 c10Q0082 HrthMouse122 FlyingFort117 Bimont 8 Mar11485TrP 1ft 146ft 15 107121264 2h 11 PebodyCio 7500 79 Complex 106 DntlessGal 108 WiseFriz 12 Mar 4486Trp 1ft146ft 11 112 66 712 80 318 LaytonJRS Alw61 Salvo112 GoldBull 115 DangerousAge 8 F b19486Hia tc 1ft 145 ft 63 109 4144 33 25 LaytonJR2 Alw Baguio 113 Andantino 105 tb fl Jan21486Hia 1ft tc 149 si 68 112 87J 91 83 7 LaytonJRi Alw Cencerro112 Eb112 FreeAsAir 9 May 9 Aqu 1m gd 149b May 6 Aqu 12 sy 53b May 2 Aqu 38 ft 38b 38bBrnnHwnv BrnnHwnv JonesDrOQQWay JOC Jnp 1 HA B h 5 b Neddie Miss Jones by Broadway Jones DrOQQWay UO Breeder W W Vaughan 19481 000 250 250Owner Owner C Starita Trainer J Wessler 1947 1000 May7485Jam 1ft1464ssy 91 114 12 2 44J 44 AtksonT4 Alw 68 Vligol 1122 PftBahram122 Hyblaze 4 4Apr23474Jam Apr23474Jam 34111ft 21 124 9 85 83 91 AtksnT6 AlwC 79 LrkdAndy113 SrDuper115 On tHalf 11 11Nov15465Jam Nov15465Jam 1ft144ft 12 108 5 33 43 63J KenneyF HcpO 69 FstFdle121 LetsDance115 Windfields 9 9Novll Novll 465Jam 1ft 145 ft 13 110 7 13 15 14 KenneyR HcpD 91 Forfar 113 Static 112 Florencia 12 12Hoi Hoi 2466Jam 1ft 145ft 13 116 5 35 35J 571 KenneyF2 HcpD 80 HalfAfter117 Station113 IslamPrince 7 7Oct25465Jam Oct25465Jam 1ft146 ft 11 108 6 11 12 12j KenneyF6 HcpD 86 BlueFcon122 BedRch113 BuftSper 8 8Oct18464Jam Oct18464Jam 1ft144ft 23 111 4 33 33 34 KenneyF4 AlwD 89 Rabies 114 Calvados 114 Gallavant 5 May 11 Jam 12 ft 49b May 5 Jam 1m ft 145b May 1 Jam 18 ft 156b 156bRocket Euie Rocket TimeEuie Bomb uuiuu 1 1 8 Dk br g 5y H9h Velocity High Blue by High Time Q Breeder Houghton P Meicalf 1948 2110 53600 53600Owner Owner Deer Head Stable Trainer J F OBrien 1947 20 3 2 4 12600 12600Way Way 4485Jam 1ft1464i ft 61 117 41245 4J 21 AtksonH Alw 81 RedShoes115 DngerusAge108 Hyblze 5 Apr24487Jam 118154 ft 31 120 57J 32J 21 1i Guerin 3 15000 73 SaintLye 117 Thor121 Harem 5 Nov11476Jam 1ft145ft 38 119 11 117J 741 77J McPheeRio Alw 80 LetsDance122 GoChicago113 Equanis 11 Nov 1477Jam 118152 gd 5 120 6 54J 63J443 GuerinEi AlwD 79 Reckon 109 Campos 120 Go Chicago 7 Oct25476Jam 118153 ft 3 114 6 62143 HJ GuerinES AlwD 79 Jarvis Bay 117 Vacance 110 Reckon 6 Oct10477Bel 1 12230ft 65 A114 5 34134 48 AtkYnP AlwD 78 Bam114 JarvisBay121 Campos 6 Ocf3478Bel 112231ft 31114 5 24 2J 2h AtksonTS AlwD 83 Campos112 Vacance108 GrdPrincell 8 5ep2747Bel 118150ft 8 11710 51J 34J 3 i TbuIIWio AlwD 81 Fay Foo 109 Vacance 108 Oatmeal12 Scp10476Aqu 11815315ft 65120 4 34 2 15 AtksnTi 13000 78 Vacance 111 Darale 117 Sir Helix 6 May 10 Aqu 12 ft 52b May 3 Aqu 12 ft 49 h April 29 Aqu 38 ft 38b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948051201/drf1948051201_24_3
Local Identifier: drf1948051201_24_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800