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Alphabetical Index to Entries Abim 1st Nar AgrarianU 6th Nar Admirals Aide 2d Nar Air Commander 8th Det Air Power 8th LF Air Rate 5th LF Airosa 4th Aqu Alablue 6th Aqu Albatross 3d Aqu Aldridge 8th Nar Allies Pal 5th Aqu Alrusha 1st Det Ample Reward 4th Nar Andys Glory 6th Nar Ansted 9th LF Antares 7th Det Arabs Fancy 1st LJP Arb 4th Det Archer 7th Nar Ariel Actress 7th Nar Atomic Energy 2d LF Anudona 4th Det Auro Boro 4th Det Baby Gold 9th LF Bad Light 7th Del Bahrameter 6th Del Bam 4th Del Bambuco 5th Nar Battle Theme 2d Aqu Be Ready 2d Aqu Beach Moss 5th Det Bel Beau 6th Nar Bel Beau 7th Nar Ben Gray 9th LF Benaddi 8th LF BertRam 4th LF Bessie Vance IstLJF Best Boots 4th Aqu Beths Bomb 1st Del Big Heralder 4th LF Binding Tie 1st Aqu Binding Time 1st Aqu Black Knave 6th Nar Black Ra 9th LF Blenette 4th Nar Blunt Remark 7th Aqu Bodens Pal 6th LF Bold Dandy 1st LF Bold Salute 8th Aqu Bolo Fancy 9th LF Bolo Mack 3d Nar Bolo Tie 2d Nar Bocm Boom 2d Aqu Bowery 2d Nar Bracket 3d Det Bright Steel 6th Det Brown Clipper 3d Det Brown Ruin 8th LF Bubble Gum 6th Det Bull Play 6th Det Busyridge 2d Nar NarC NarCaltha C Caltha 4th Aqu Camargo 5th Del Captain Bono 1st LJP Cencerro 7th Aqu Chaldean 2d Aqu Challe Anne 6th LF Chance Morn 1st Nar Charley Cook 4th L JF1 Chesty 5th LJB1 Circus Clown 3d Del Clean Slate 6th Det Clemie Cash 4th Det Compliance 6th Aqu Cork Tip 2d Aqu Crack Time 8th LF Cravache 4th Nar Cudiddle 2d L F FD FDad D Dad 4th LJ Dagon 4th Nar Dame J 2d LF Darby Duluth 9th LF Darlinf lar 3d Naf Dauberup 9th LF Dauntless Bo 8th Aqu Day 1st LJP Defiantly 1st Aqu Delhannah 6th Det Denagee 6th Del Devils Island 2d LJP Dirl 6th Del Discord 2d Del Dockstader 6th Nar Dole 5th Nar Donquest 4th Det Dr Almac 2d Del Dust Screen 5th Nar Dusty 2dKF Dynamo 4th Aqu E EEast East Light 7th Aqu Easy Al 5th Nar El Osuna 2d Det Elpis 5th Del Engel Man 3d Nar Errant Lass 8th Nar Eugene 7th Det Eternal Reward 6th LJP LJPF LJPFearless F Fearless 7th Nar Federal Agent 7th Det Fergies Ariel 9th LJP Filament 4th Aqu Fire Dust 8th KF First Command 4th Nar First Flight 5th Del Flange 1st Nar Fleet Vixen 1st Aqu Flight Gal 8th LJP FlorizanAce 8th LJP Foss Barker 2d Det Four Seasons 9th LJP Foxstep 2d LP Franabe 1st Nar Frankish King 7th LF Freezout 7th Aqu Frenchtown 2d Del Frere Jacques 6th LJP Fresh Breeze 7th Del Frisky Spirit 1st LP Front Row 1st Aqu AquG AquGain G Gain A Foot 2d Del Gal Ann 8th Aqu Galacherry 2d Del Galla Babe 3d LP Game o Chance 1st Det Gay Gunner 7th Aqu Gay Lookout 8th Nar Gay Tulip 8th Det George Gains 6th Nar Gerham 4th Nar Gestapo 3d Aqu Ghost Run 6th Aqu Gold Boy 1st Det Gold Bull 7th Aqu Gold Call 7th Det Golden Bull 6th Del Goldies Honey 2d Nar Goober Lad 8th Det Good Genii 8th Det Good Hostess 5th Det Good Son 4th Nar Grand Actress 4th Nar Great Doctor 3d LP Grand Canal 4th Det Gregalach 6th Det Guy Hottel 9th LP Gypsy Actress 1st LP LPH LPHaberdasher H Haberdasher 2d Aqu Halcyon Air 7th Aqu Handy Lad 2d LP Hash Night 4th LP Hashcamp 3d Det Hasty Victory 1st LP Head an Tell 7th Del Head Sea 8th Det Hefty 3d Del Helen Dear 8th Nar Helioptic 7th Aqu Hidden Ace 3d Det Highway Fifty 8th Nar His Nickel 1st Del Hitem 7th Aqu Homogenize 3d Aqu Honeymoon 5th Del Hot and High 5th LP Houlgate 8th Aqu Hyblaze 7th Aqu AquI I I Mean 8th Nar Idle Prattle 1st LP Ima Fastone 6th Nar Impatience 4th LP Incline 4th Del Iron Pigeon 7th Del Jack S L 6th LP Jacks Niece 3d LP Jay Larking 8th Nar Jeems 1st Nar Jersey Isle 5th Aqu Jet Black 5th Aqu Joe Mandell 8th Del Joes Gal 6th Nar Joes Sun 8th Nar John Q Public 2d Nar Johns Pride 6th Det Judy Cave 4th Det Judy Dare 5th Det DetK DetK K K Dorko 2d LP King Midas 3d Del King Victory 1st Det Kingarvie 6th Det Kings Coup 8th Nar Knights Armor r3d Aqu Kurkland 4th Nar NarL NarLady L Lady Tyrant 2dDet Late Breeze 5th Det Leavetaking 1st Del Lena Valenti 3d LP Leonidas 9th LP Likeable 7th LP Limehouse 2d Det Linden Belle 3d Nar Lois F 1st Aqu Longhorn 2d LP Loose Horsey 3d Nar Lost and Found 7th Det Love Story 8th Aqu Lucky Incident 5th Nar NarM NarMackinaw M Mackinaw 6th Aqu Mae Agnes 7th LP Major Attack 9th LP Manadroit 7th LP Manna H 6th Nar March Chick 4th Del Mark Up 3d Del Markability 8th Det Market Out 5th Det Master Mind 7th Aqu Mayram 6th Det Meetmenow 8th Del Mel Indian 8th Aqu Memphis Bud 6th Det Menotnow 2d Det Merry Dick 2d Nar Mesmerized 1st Aqu Mia Maria 2d Det Midnight Oil 7th Det Minef inder 8th Aqu Misleader 6th Nar Miss JBrand 1st Det Miss Golightly 9th LP Miss Grillo 5th Del Mr Buster 5th Nar Mr Del 4th Det Mr Dumjohn 7th Nar Mr X 8th Det Musical Lady 4th Nar My Emma 6th Aqu My Julie 1st LP Myf ixon 1st Det Myshirley 2d Nar NarN N Namelate 4th Det Nell K 1st Aqu Never Tell 4th LP New Dealer 2d Nar New Top 3d LP Night Count 6th Del Nodin 5th Det Non Ferrb 5th Det Not So Good 2d Det Noview 8th Aqu AquO AquOh O Oh Boy 9th LP Old Banner 3d Nar One Bell 4th Aqu One by Air 8th LP Opening Bid 8th Aqu Oreling 4th Del OrTetra 2d Nar Osculoria 5th Nar Our Birthday 1st Del DelP DelPaulas P Paulas Star 8th LP Peace of Mind 3d Del Pebbles Bugler 7th Det Peg 2dLP Persepolis 2d Aqu Petrol Point 4th Del Picardy Belle 6th Del Pilaster 4th Del Plaquemine 7th LP Playanna 3d Nar Podner 3d LP Port Chester 4th Nar Porters Broom 6th Det Pujante 8th Del DelQ DelQueen Q Queen Jody 1st Det Radio Time 4th Aqu Rampart 5th Del Ranahead 1st LP Rare Bid 3d LP Ray OSullivan 8th Aqu Ready Jack 5th Aqu Reborn 6th Nar Red Devil 7th Aqu Red Shoes 5th Del Regularity 1st Det Republican 8th Aqu Rest Awhile 1st Nar Reward All 7th Det Rex Romanus 1st Del Right Answer 7th Del Rocky Play 8th Aqu Roi Rouge 6th Det Rotamal 1st Det Roy Jay 7th LP Russian Action 8th Aqu AquS AquSarabuck S Sarabuck 8th Det Say Nomore 9th LP Scattered 6th Aqu Scholarship 8th Del Sea Crest 2dNar Sea mans Pal 1st LP Shaffie 4th Nar Shaf f ie 6th Nar Shasta Man 2dLP Shavo 1st Nar Shimmer 4th Aqu Shiny Penny 4th Nar Shy Katie 4th Aqu Silver Mine 3d Det Silvers Pride 6th Det Sin Lee 2d LP Sky Roamer 4th LP Sky Wolf 1st LP Slick Pigeon 3d LP Smart Eddie 5th Aqu Smoke Puff 1st Del Snow King II 3d Aqu Socorro 4th Det Southern Pride 5th LP Speedy Lee 5th LP St Jock 7th Nar Star Reward 6th LP Steeple Jack 7th LP Stepping Miss 7th Nar Still Champ 5th Nar Stud Poker 5th LP Sues Special 3d Det Sugar Man 8th LP Sugar Pete 7th Del Sun Vigil 2d Det Sunnip 2d LP Sunny Jack 9th LP Sunsleep 2d LP Super Foot 4th Nar Superb Donna 3d Del Sweet Alice 8th Det Sweet Dream 6th Aqu Swing High 2d Nar Syrian Boy 1st Nar NarT NarTacaro T Tacaro Briar 8th Del Tannette 1st Aqu TeaMaker 8th Del Texas Style 1st Nar Thankful 2d LP The Dervish 5th Aqu Thunder 8th LP Tiger Call 2d Nar Tit Tat Toe 3d Det Token Reward 7th Nar Top Transit 2d Nar Touch Control 2d Del Town Hall 2d LP Transair 8th Del Tree Land 4th Nar Tree Town 4th LP Truk 1st Nar Tryout 2d Nar Tucky Tiger 8th Nar Turbine 6th Nar Twixt 9th LP LPU LPUncle U Uncle Rob 1st LP Useless 8th Del DelV DelValdina V Valdina Date 2d LP Valdina Loria 1st LP Velvet Heels 3d Det Vice Admiral 6th Det Vista Alegre 9th LP WHKelly 1st Nar War Atlas 1st LP War Raider 5th Nar Watermill 6th Aqu Whipsaw 5th Del White Lady 4th Aqu White Wine 4th Nar Whyso 2d LP Wide Wing 7th Aqu Winter Wheat 8th Del Westminster 6th Del Weyanoke 8th Aqu Wonder Why 7th LP Yaf inob 8th Nar Yankee Raider 2d Nar You and Me 3d Nar Zacadow 1st LP