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Commission RulingsReported Rulings Reported to DAILY RACING FORK LEXINGTON Ky May 2 At a meeting of the Kentucky State Racing Commission on April 11 the following rules were amended as follows effec ¬ tive May 11 1956 RULE 79 If any horse or horses should be excused by the Stewards be ¬ fore becoming a starter the money bet on any horse or horses so excused shall be deducted from the pool and refunded to the purchaser or pur ¬ chasers of tickets on the horse or horses so excused provided after the start there shall be no refund except as provided in Rule 80 But if a horse of an entry or the mutuel field is ex ¬ cused by the Stewards leaving another horse or horses in the entry or field to start there shall be no refund to purchasers of tickets on the entry or field so excused except as provided in Rule 80 80RULE RULE 80 If any horse or horses should be disqualified for bringing in underweight the money bet on any horse or horses so disqualified shall be deducted from the pool and refunded to the purchaser or purchasers of tick ¬ ets on the horse or horses so disquali ¬ fied But if one horse of an entry or one of the horses grouped in the mu ¬ tuel field is disqualified for bringing in underweight there shall be no re ¬ fund to purchasers of tickets on the entry or field provided one horse of the entry or the field is an actual starter carrying correct weigth weigthRULE RULE 208 When a horse is dis ¬ qualified under this rule any other j horse in the race belonging wholly or in part to the same owner or entered by the same trainer is also disquali ¬ fied fiedRULE RULE 67 At tracks provided with a chute at the sixfurlong pole there shall be no race for horses three years old or upward of a less distance than six furlongs At tracks not so provided no race shall be given at a distance shorter than five and onehalf fur ¬ longs In applying this rule to tracks of less distance than a mile no race shall be given for horses of any age of a shorter distance than five fur ¬ longs