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Delaware Park Trophies Put on Public Display DisplayOaks Oaks Richards and Tom Roby Chase Cups Feature Exhibition ExhibitionWILMINGTON WILMINGTON Del May 9 Thirteen trophies and three replicas of awards to be presented during Delaware Parks 51day meeting which opens May 29 were put on public display in the office of the Delaware Trust Company today The trophies will remain on exhibition until May 23 23The The perpetual trophies the Oaks Leon ¬ ard Richards and Tom Roby Steeplechase Cups are featured in the display Mrs Marion Dupon Scott is the donor of the Oaks Cup which was made in 1829 by the famous silversmith Paul Storr The win ¬ ning owner of the Oaks each year retains possession of the cup until the following seasons renewal of the race but keeps permanent possession of a replica which is presented by William Dupont Jr JrDonald Donald P Ross president of Delaware Park presents the historic Leonard Rich ¬ ards Cup to the winning owner for pos ession until the next running of the stake and also offers a replica which is kept permanently The cup was fashioned in London in 1826 by Benjamin Smith and was once won by the 12th Lord Lovat of Beaufort Castle InvernessShire InvernessShireThe The Tom Roby Steeplechase Cup and replica is presented by Bayard Sharp a member of the Delaware Park board of di ¬ rectors The race is named for the steeple ¬ chase rider who has been hospitalized since 1942 when he was thrown in a jumping event at Belmont Park The Tom Roby Cup is presented each year to thex thexwinning winning rider of the race