Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-19


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1021.-Seventy fourth day. Lower California Jockey Chfp. Winter Meeting of tl5 or more day-. We.athor clear: temperature 70 . Presiding steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, .1. . Coffroth and Leon Wtag. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Km iny Secretary. Leon Wing. Racing -tart- at l :." 0 p. m. Chicago time ,1:."iii p. m.. *Iadicates apprentice Allowance. RTOQRr A FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dee. 20. 191G— 1 :11 V— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds *J*d*y*J. and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: seoond. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % -"-4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kijniv. Odds StrT 52834 BEN PAYNE wsn 6 109 1 31 l 1«4 1» t "" isi7i~MliiVrii ■ k I : r 1 s mo-ioTi .»:8."»« MINERAL JIM w 10 113 2 I V1 $ 4 S* A Zelgler B M Levi 111 ,-phi St88t*THRIFTY THREEwa I 183 11 M ::! ::, ::- P B MarielU B J K.-Ily isn-100 88888 "IH»si-:i.Lls w 7 181 I ! 4. 4 1- 4; O Willis Thompson A Berry toi-ioo 58942 INDIAN BRIGADE n 1113 7 7 .v; :.i :,- B G Yenrgin L Pnndlngaland lOOf-MO 32861HICKORYNUT use. 7 Mil 1 1 $] 71 7 i1 I Iow.-l] i; Ham ."liHiin NASHOTAH at I Mi :.ll I -! i -a 7 -: c Grose, .1 Loe MO-MO 52881 *OUR LEADER a 12 112 M 3 0 31 :•- I ; II BnJadta Moore A Henry 3MO-M0 52887*CONVOV we. 4 KM I I hi 11 ll !- •: Taylor 11 Carnity . 1 5252 7 PLAYTHING w I 181 4 :. 11 lo-iio- M*l -M Slgbter : Neal BM8-189 529SS*WELGA want 3 HO I 1 li 3* H U H Rows Clear Lake stable IMO-rOe tMutnel Beld. Time. 24V5. 484s. 11545. Track good. 32 mutuels paid, Ken Payne, 312.20 straight, 38.80 place, 35.28 show; Mtaeral Jim, 313.28 place. .88 show; Thrifty Thru. 33.83 show. Bqaivalenl booking odds— -Bea Payne. 518 to 100 straight. 388 t ion place. ISO ;•• ISO show; Mineral Jim, 080 to 180 place, 358 to loo show; Thrifty Three. 38 to loo shon Winner B. a. by Tim 1aym — Gottlieben, bj Rubicon trained i.y 11. Bell; bred by Messrs, Lawrence ,V aastoi k Weill lo post at 1:.%1*. At post 1 minute Start fi I and -low for all hut NABHOTAH. Wen easily; second ami third diiviim. BBN PAYNE raced WELOA int.. early defeat and. taking the lead, lot teased his advantage through the stretch. MINERAL JIM began slowly, but steadily improved his positioa and hai-heil fast and gamely. Tlli:iKT Til BEE raced close up from the start and ran a good ran KiiSKLI.lS worked 1 it way up lo a prominent position when an eighth out. lint tiled suddenly. NASH OTAII was away poorlj and closed a htg gap. WLLiiA showed the most early speed, hut oiiit badly. Scratched 52772 Porte Drapeaa, 11".: 52831 Mighty Lever, 108; 52828 Choir Master, 108; 52880 Montgomery Jr., 108. KTOQCrer SECOND RACE— 3-4 JS.Ho. Dec. 20. ISIS— 1:1H ,—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds 9j£t J OO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtKlSt ;, ; _• , Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bnniv. Odds Btrt .•T»8"7S ZA.Ml.i "ii 10111 7 % ■" P* 2» jj w perry Polk 4c Aakoy Oio-Mo 52884* LIT. PRINCESS w t IN 1 1 7» 5" 11 V E Taylor .1 .1 McPberson i:j -i.„, 52834-A CNT ANNIE w3 M 12 3 53 21 SJ S*| E Joatsh . A Parson 250-MO .i";.";!* PATSY IAK wn W 109 4 12 10*163 71 41 W Taylor II W Harms IS088-10I 52888 PIdNGER wa 7 Its • 5 2» 3* V .". G Year. in .1 V Tate IMO-lon 527S2*BIL1 I JOE wa $ MO ::il Si ». $« 63 B MarielU K H Scbaefer tSO-lOD R2781 CHAS. CANNELL w Kill:: g 1 1, -l 4 1 C Groan Palter Bros 228MM ri»7." MERRt lass wSIM ; I 11" P* 3» S1 ii Rowe Trowbridge ft Officer 178-109 52810 Mli.i: JACK a 7 113 2 8 0* 8* : I3! K Cbtavta W P Cunntagbm slO-MO 52771 ARIETTA w .in; S 6 IT- I0» 14 D Powell Woodland Stable |SSI M8 528S1*M1KE DIXON w " IM ll 10 •. ll ll ii- .1 Clenaenta B E Graham + :.i;:u i-cw GRIFF wa J 37 M 7 12 i- 12 12 M Slgbter Ftazier A Greenleaf fMatnel Oeld. Time, 24. 49. 1:15. Track good. 32 mutuels paid, Zamloch, 8.08 straight, 6.80 place, 1. SO show; Little Princess, 8.48 place, .sr,.iui show; Anal Annie. .40 show. Equivalent booking -"lil- Kamloch. 2550 to 180 straight. 17:»o to 188 place, 40o to loo show: Little Princess, 128 to 100 place. 158 to 188 show; Aunt Annie. 7o t-. loo show. Winner Br. g, by General Roberts Woolen, by IVoolstborpe trained by O. Howefl; bred by Mr. 0. I.. Rogers. Went to post al 2:28. At po-t 1 niinnle. Start g 1 and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ZAMLOCH raced close up from the start and. Bnishtag gamely, outstayed LITTLE PRINCESS In a sjiiiiteil dine. The latter began fast, hut wa- sbunVd hack. Ilu-n worked her way Up and. taktag the lead wleii aii eighth out. only succumbed in the last lifty yards. AUNT ANNIE waa forced to race wide when entering the stretch and ran a u.» d race. PATSY MACK cloned a l ir gap from a tloa beginning PLUNGER and HAS. CANNELL showed early speed. Scratched r.l7is White Shield. 112; 52843 Gila. 113. CrOQer£» THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 rarlaagl. June 28. 1916— 1:05H— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-tJd Jr«3vf olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. S50. Index Horses AWtPPSt -, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bgulv. Odd* Strt 52816 PERCH wa I N I i ~~V I* Is lsl C Groan Z Burnett 570.100 .VS !.-»? MEX flM I G Ii .".- :;- 1- B Mnrielli .r A Parson 770-10U MUM CLEAR THE WAY w 4 113 7 I 1- J»J 21 3* C Dnggnn W Walker ?0and-10fl .".-H7S Miss PARNELL ni lis* 1 ". 3* p ti 4- M Slgnter G Neal 410-100 52885 TOM GOOSE w c 110 4 -J i»t I-a- :,- .7 f Tbpeon R Ripley 37O-1O0 52834 1MANNCHEN w i IM E $ 7- .;. S - .1 Clemnta i: E Graham mi-ik, B2847 r.I.A.N IIITA s 8 ins t 7 s-: 7V 7 7 W Taylor W Gargai: ::i;-loo 52884 CZARDOM wa 5 MG Is 99 :• 91 h Ttowe C Wkyta 11289-188 .".*K7l Ti 1.1.1 its. x wa 9 115 ! I :. M gi j p Mnrtbtea C Richards I43MM Time. 236. 48- s. IM%, 1:08. Track good. mutuels paid. Perch, 8.40 straight, s:..|ii place, .08 show: Mex, .28 puce, .88 show; CMar the Waj . .80 -how . Equivalenl booking odds Perch, .".70 t.. 100 straight, 17n to 188 place, 158 to 100 show: Mex. :;io to Km place, 148 t.. ISO shew: Clear the Way, 00 to 188 show. Winner- B. m, by Ivan tin- Terrible skeptical, by Himyar trained by /.. Bamett; hied by Mr. j-:. s. Gardner-. W.-nt to post at J:ls. At post -j minute-, stari good and -low. Won easily; second and third driving. ii:i;i 11 began fast on the oatsMe and. raeiag Into ■ good lead in the Brst quarter, won earing up. MEX moved up gradually and lini-hi il fast. CLEAR THE WAY raced forw ardiy from the start and finished gamely. .Miss PARNELL ran a game race. TOM GOOSE shooed goad early speed, hut tired badly in the final eighth. Scratched r.HU:! Brown Favorite. 107. CT ff QCTr7 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 23. 1916— 1:0s1 5— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-t3«a lfZFt3 i oldb and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. "in.!. Horses AWtPPHI W •_ . Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqulv. Odds.Ktrt »2843*1HTL1 l-ASl I K ».w 7 107 i 1 L i-li-ll T Kindle Allen dTWRkeraon HV-MI ."•2!»I7 GERTRtOE B. w S MS I E r."1- 1" 4; 2*11 Mnrielli R Pnrton UOt Ins 52865 SMIL MAGGIE « 8 VH • 1 2* -: :; ; M Slgbter X W Bnrfcbort 17i-ioo 52082 •HOOVER w I lag ■"• I * i" : l| K Taylor Wnddoll Bros 2P»-10u ::kkk a. n 1 hhi :: ■; PP*P and .1 fh-mn - W MBtol 4330-M9 58212 i.Ai;ii,nM.N wsa I IM 7 2 n • . C 1 P Mnrtrncx C B Irwin mion TENN1 GIRL w 7 MS IT 7 7 7 7 w Taylor P It Doyle- Z1M8-100 Time. 2Z*:,. 48i. 1:01 .. 1:07-,. Track good. s 1,1111 .t. 1 - paid. Only Fashion, 318:40 straight, .88 ptace, s:;.io show; Gertmde K 1.80 place. .40 -how: Smiling Maggie, 10 show. Equivalent i o.. king odds -Dwiy Fashion. H78 to Khi straight. :iso to 180 place, 00 to Hhi show; Gertrude K.. 150 to 100 place, 128 o loo s|„,« : Smiling Maggie. 28 to l"o show. Wina r Ch. g, bj Bey del Shasta— Queen of Fashion, by Maxnie trained b] L D. Hntcbin-m.ii: bred by Mr. I.. I. All n. Went to pool at 3:11. At io-i 1 m liuie. siait I and -low Won ranter tag; second and third driving. l»l I.Y I-ASIIION -printed to the front with a rush aml_ netting a fa-l pace, won ui„tondeil. GERTRUDE B. finished f.i-t and outstayed SMILINO MA4K51E. The latter ivas a game and forward contender and finished well. HOOVER tired after raring well t.« the stretch. BABYLONIAN fell away early and 1:111 as if short. Scratched r.i: 1 7 1 Kin Smoke. 118; 52881xPfamrro, 1K5; 52841tMbM Onri, 185. Overweights Hoover. 1 pound. jrrbQgrC FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1, 1920— 1: 43 5—6— 122. Purse 00. tJJ/OO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, S50. index Horses AWtPPWI Str Fta Jockeys Owners . Odds Stt t 52803- -SAl ER 88 3 I 1 G I1 4- lj E Taylor .1 A Parson 528283RCTLD ARMS waa 7 113 7 1 B» 1% 1" 1, c Gross .1 W Tat lu0-! . 0 52824 MODISTE w 4 14 .", ". 3* 4| M S* ::, 1 Powell W A Wright SOO-100 .-■:! : I Rl si 1 daisy wnOlM 2 1. 3* 2* 1«* 4s 1: Mnrielli .1 Greeabbw 1430-100 52882* BOBOLINK stM -17 7 7 7- 1;- .". II Jones FA Vane- S700-M8 E282S MIKE DALY wa 7 IM S i ■■ t ."•■ 5*5 S* M BTghter Lawleos ft Murphy 500-100 52858 CORRITA wan 0 IM 1 1 13 , « 7- 7- P Martinez Co.-ur dAlene Stable 3009-100 528S3*B. DEITCHMAN - » MO 38SS8S8M How.- reargta ft Taylor 3SB8-M0 Time. 24*5. 49. lM%, 1:4225. 1:47. Track good. materia paid. Saner, .40 straight, .40 ptace, .88 -how: Bnttand Arms. .80 place, Si.fiO shon : Msdfste, .00 show. Bonrvalenl booUng adds— Saner. i7o to 100 straight. 7o to 108 plan-. 58 to 100 show: Itmland Arm-, lo ii ISO place. M to loo show; Modtate, sn r.. 1im» show. Wiiiiiir B. ;:. by McGee— Fiance- S.. hy Hick Welie- trained In .1. A. Parson; bred fag MeaSTS. Turney Brothers. Weal to post at :L:;7. At pool 1 minute. Start I, 1 and s],,w. Won dill tag; secnml and third Use same. SAFER, after betas saved to the stretch, finished gamely aad ontatayed RUTLAND ABMS in .- lone t .ui. drive. RUTLAND ABM8 set the pace from the hnckstretch ami. although passed by iKlsii daisy when an eighth mil. came again and finished resolutely. MODISTE raced for-wardly and finished gamely. IKlsii DAISY raced close up from the star and took tin- lead after entering the stretch, hnt tired in the last sixteenth. BOBOLINK made up much ground. MIKE DALY was on the outside throughout and lost much ground on the turns. Scratched 52S51 Electric, 182. Ovei n eights Modiste. :; pounds. JTOQCTQ SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05 Vs— 3— 118. Purs.3600. 3-year Olt/tJl/ old:; and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second, 20; third, 0. " Index I!- WVHTm . Str Fin Jockeys Owner- Equiv. Odds Str"! y 80 1 M Y RTL 1 : X wan 8 109 2 2 V~~l Is 1 P Ma rtinex C B Irwin 340-100 52885 CAMFLAGE II. waa I IM 1 I ♦* 2* 1 ! 11 Rowe Clear Luke stable S+l-100 52872 BILLT LANE w3 91 3 3 » 3» 34 3a B MarielU I. 11 Tryon 50-100 51873*MT MAZIE n I 1"i t :, I- 1- 4 M Slgbter Btackwell ft Crippen MS8-1O0 52318 miss URB :, nu 1 1 " :." :•:■ 5» E Taylor .1 A Parson 338-109 52788 EP1PHAXES I M0 5 ■■ I I I C C tin.s.- Neal ft Bartholomew 348M0Q Time. 245. 48«3. 1:01«3. 1:08. Track good. mutuels paid. Myrtle A-. .80 straight, .48 ptace, si. 10 show; Camonflage II., .80 place, lo -how: Billy Lane, .20 show. 1: |.n .1 leni booking mill- Myrtle A.. 340 t. ISO -traicht. 128 to loo place, lo to 1110 -how: CamonOnge II . 248 to 100 plmv, 28 to 100 -how: Killy Lane, lo to loo show. w nun 1 B. to. s i.v -|X Taper Beit Weevil, by Caynga trained t v C. B. Irwin: bred by Mr. K. ii Ambuss. Wenl to posi 11 Lou. Al post 1 minute. Start goad and -lew. Wen cantering; second and third .: iving. MYRTLE a took a quick lend and, keeping It, drew away t.i win in a canter. AMOI PLAGE II. raced forwardly from the start and finished gamely. KILLY LANK waa always a close up contender. MY MAZIE showed earlj -pud. Overweights My Marie, 1 pounds. ~ irOCnftlfi SEV£NTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. May 23. 1920—1:53—4—109. Pur.-e 00. 3-year-olds jAinWu and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. _lniR- Horses AWtPPSt Str Fia .1... k. .-- Owners Egulv. Odds Strt 52821 vi MNTGOMERY v S 112 3 1 1 j "r Mnrttaoa C B lrwta 110n lM 52832LE DINOSAURE a 7 111 1 1 l pi :. ; 1. i- 1; Tenrgin r R Allen soi-o ."•.!»:;;. GEN. BYNG w 5 101 1: Taylor W C Wonnt ■•■•.mi 32828CORK wa a M0 - I Z* ::- 3] i C Tbpaon . A Parson 1340 ion 528SS*KEES WING s 4 103 I 1 r -- 1: 1- B MarielU G T Cornall 160-100 .".i« 4- VERDI LOON w 1107 7 7 b. 7.1 1-1 $ " $• 11 How.- .J L Krannon 120-100 52248*ZETETIC wJ K 1 ;■ 7 7 7 7 7 . 1 Slgbter W L Stanficld M8MO0 Time. 24*5. 49,. 1:15-,. l:42»i. 1:18%. Track good. inutile]- paid W. ..ii. MontKoincr m.". 10 Ktraighl si;: imi place, 10 -hew: I..- IHnosnnre, s7.tui ptai •• s on shon . .. a K- ll- s 1 111 raMnt hooking odds iYoodie Montgomery 1180 to 100 itralgiM •■ » to 188 pan 178 to 188 akam 1. Dtaoaanre, 280 t.. 100 place. l".» t. 188 shon Gen. Byng, 120 to lno shon Winner Ch. g, b] First Chip Ditches* of Mamtefaellai, bj ltnnast.tr trained bj C. B Irwin- farad b] Mi s w . W. nt te aoat l 55 At post l unnuic Start Ktir and slow, Wag Sriviafj tecoan] and tuiiU the ■hum. WOODIE MOXTGOMKBT raced to the froal with a rash after passing the half ami inking n long lead, i m t d gamely and r vigorous ii.lin. I.K DINOSA1 RE rsme with a mail in tic stretch and tin -Ixbed gaining fa*t i.lN. BTXG cloned .1 big gap with a belated rnah. rORK tired. BERB WING unit badly after Rhowing the ato»t earl; speed. VERDI LOON was away slowly ami tifltd after racing up t a fern aid position. Orerwelghts -Cork, jj pounds : Zetetle. l.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921021901/drf1921021901_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921021901_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800