Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-19


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1921.- Oriental Park. Seventy-third day. fnba -American Jockej aud Auto club. WUvter Meeting of 1"" • ■. more day-.. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Steward*. .1. Hachmeister, 1 . 11 I insdale and 1". .1 Bm 11. Starter, James I. Milt/.n. Racing Bec- retary, M. Nathanaott. Racing start- at L :90 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.i. Indicates apprentice allowance. POOf*?-*! FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1: 05 *— 5—102. Pur.ste 00. 3-ycar-OtZFOJL oltls and upward. Claiming. Net value to -winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. TndfT II. AWtPPEI , % Str Fin Jockeys Owners ,__1L_ ! r? s RtStS PCE OK COMO wsb 8 115 7 i 1- DJ I1 1 C Eames 1 Ho«1ri .. .". E t 1 51888 DIXIE KLYER w 1 IN it: I Pit* " F Tanner I ; 2] 6-5 52988 *KTABKADKB wa B 1M 8 3 _ _ ; w : . J .1 McCaf forty 2J :t 3 8- 52999 LYRIC fi 13 1 :i * ■! 41 R LcastcrF A HeroM E C I 1 52823 HONEST GEORGEwb s 110 ! ; 1 W UeehanJ Umensetter 8 8 8 3 8-5 52922*HOSLER a I 104 7 J • c, 8TeMs 1 H Kenalian 38 M 2o I I 82998 LUL1 ABY J N !a ■ I ■ 1. Penman W Feachter l". 17. K~. 8 :-, .".Mill MAIM MIGNON B3 96J 9 10 ■• • ■ l A Jacobs 1 Brown I SO 30 10 :. .-•;* «; A!. PORTER wb Mia £12 11 ill KM J 9s F Mei iee 1 Dogan 3 :: 3 6-S 3-6 !«2868*GOLDEN RED « 1: .; lit, 1, 2 10 -! 8*149* .1 smith 1, Mackey IS 3 8-5 3-6 52204tSAYETH a G 110 u - 7 It li1 lli.r Francis Area de Noe Stb 3* 30 30 1 ."• C2204tBRIGIDA a 5 100 11 11 1: 12 I- 13 .r Dawson I O Haynle 50 50 50 30 lo tHntnel Beld Time. 24. 49. 1:02. 1:03 .-,. Track fart. 82 Bratacls paid. Prince at Como, 819.10 straight, .s7.:;n place, 85.98 shew; Dixie Flyer, s.i.:;o place, . 84.90 slum : Stall. ad-r. Minn sbOW. • Equivalent booking odds Prince of Coma, 853 t.. 1011 straight, 295 to 106 place, ISO to 100 show; Dixie Flyer, 965 to 100 1.1.1. .-. 130 to 100 show; Btarkader, 50 to 100 -hew. Winner— B. g, by Disguise Claodia, by Star Ruby trained by T. Bodge; n ! by Mr. Frederick I». 87 Bight Went to i "-t at "J::.!. At post 8 minutes, start good and slow. Won easUy; second and third driving. PRINCE »r como took the had at once, drew awaj after ronading the far turn and was easing ep at the ead. DIXIE PLYER passed STARKADER in the last eighth when the latter tired, j STARKADER raced in nearest parsait to the last eighth and gave way. AL PORTER was fractJoaa at the harrier and away badly ! Overweights- Marjorie Mlgnon. " ;_ poonds; Lyric. 4. . j 1 i fr OQ£** SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917—1:05—5—102. Purse 00. 3-year- OuOmI olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWllst ■ 1 . ■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C I S 53024 FAIT a"«7 »MIM."i wb I 180 7 1 1 | ; 1*1 R LcasterG M Mdaa :: 8-5 8-5 !5S9t4 = EDDIE McBRIDE wb 5 110 3 2 2* 2] 2*| 3»k W lleehaall Woods 8 W 10 4 2 BtSW* ORLEANS GIRL wb I 103 10 7 I- Penman J D IfUIin :: i;-5 :;-.", ."•;8: PRCE BOXERO « 101 I i" I i V .1 sniii:i C Westmored I1 1- VI 5 -I ." »X0:*Si;i L a 7 100 8 8 ioii V .1 Francis W Jl Hall ! 1 2 4-5 2-5 .Ml::! "FRANK BURKE wtlM t I 8* v; BS» 8i C K.mvs C It Smith 28 28 28 8 I 52471 aTHE WQRADER wb 111 S .". l"» .• 4 71 W Kelsay H B Career -: 31 - 1 1-J I .VOJH SUREGET WB 111" t 1 8* V ~u 8 .1 Dawson c Urand 15 15 1". 8 I 52022 **TER*BLE BUSAXwb I M3 8 8 I1 5» I : Flekla B T Baxter 25 27. i:: 8 I , 4270SsfWlLL JOHNSON w 1 11" - 1" V 1" 1" 1" 0 Domsck II Xeustetor 68 5" 50 20 10 ■ tWent in entries as B. B. Johnson. Time. 2435- 4835. IrtlX. 1MH. Track fast. s_ iMiiiu.iv paid. Fail Accompli, 89.10 staight, 55.40 place, s: ,:m show; Male lfcBride, .00 place, 84.00 show; Orleans GirL 8S-20 show. Eqaivalenl booking odd« Fait AccompU, S53 t . Km straight. 17i t . 10» place, 08 to KM show; Eddie 1 McBride, 880 to 100 place, i:i to 100 show; Orleans Girl. « o t.. 100 show. Winner — l?lk. f. by Von Tramp- Make Good, by Lurk and Charity trained by i II. Ridge; bred by Mr. .1. ll. Rosseter. 1 Went t.i post at 8:01. At post 4 minutes, start s wd and stow. Won easily: second and third driv- ins*. FAIT ACCOMPLI set n fasi pace sad came wide arhea entering taw stretch, hat drew away agala in the last 1 ighth. EDDIE McBRIDE raced in closest parsait and Walshed ganMly, bat tiriiiL. ORLEANS ; GIRL raced u.ll oa the outside ..t the leaders and was coming with a rush ;;t the end. PRINCE - BOXERO closed a Li;; gap and finished with a rush. SYBIL could never get up. s.ratch. -.j 52803 Sentry, 115. Qvww.-ight- *yh*]. 1 [wund. • • j fT 0Q£»O THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920— 1:11— G— 102. Purse S700. 4-year-olds and I ! ! UMoDO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 5C: cecond, 00; third, 0. ~ Index T A Will si j Str Fin Jockeys Owaera O H C I S 52555 LOYALIST w 5 103 4 4 l1 I G Fields Rosedale Btable 7-107-107-101-7. l-io 3 ! 528aos*SLIP. SILVEB WB 5 101 S I 4: 2" l-; L"k ll LcasterArmopia Stable 8-5 2 2 2-5 1-5 ."■-■iSil PUNCTUAL w 1 W8 5 8 8 8 J Francis K 1 Carter 10 10 io :: 1 CtS79*KEWESSA wb 11 103 1 5 2* 41 I- r L PerurtanS L Oliver I 8 8 1 M0 529M*VIETA w 8 108 E J .",- :;: :: E .1 Smith W K Padgett 7 8 8 " I E 52949* •JUANTTA III. w » MO I 1 8» Bs 8 i A McLbliaC TagTCle VI 11 12 5 1 1 Time, 24. 48Vi. 1:14%. Track fast. s_- mataels paid.LoyaUst, 88.00 straight, .20 place, s-._i show; Slippery BUver, 82.90 place, .30 : sbaa : lnnctual. ,s:i. hi show. Bqaivslenl 1 king "hl — Loyalist, 50 to loo straight, io to 100 place. 10 to 100 show: Slippery BUver, 15 to 100 place, ir, to 100 show: ran, tnal, 50 to 100 show. Winner I h. g, by The Manager— Aacioat, by Cesarion trained by -T. Haggerty; bred by Mr. TbOBaaa t . UcDoweU. Went t.. post at 8:99. At p.,t 1 minute, start good snd slow. a"..ii easily; secaad and third driving. LOYALIST set a g 1 pace ft i the start and kept increasing hK advantage to win in a canter. . i SLIPPERY SILVER ran a game race, bat tired. PUNCTUAL closed a gap and weuid have been second 1 in a tew more strides. Overweight — Punctual, .". pounds. : pTOQf-J/1 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. OaVt/UTC Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index II AWtPPSt ■. : -, Str Fin I ckeys Owners O II C P S .VJ7IS MAVEHONA w i; 1". I . [ : l1 A Ii.keiis V It Co. 8-5 2 Z 7T"1~ - 527S03*RAMA wb 107 - 2 .:- :;1 !• 23 I. Penman M GoMblatt 8-6 8-5 8-6 561-3 .-,-;s!H VOORIN a KM S : 9 -• - 8s! R LcasterJ 11 Moody E E E 8-5 4-5 :, -iKOK A I T DEDA w 88 11 ll ll 4* A McLhlinl Hodge t; g i; ] i ."•HHi DISTURBANCE wb 100 :, ., i, i. :■•■ j Francis A D Worley ■ i ». I I 52552s* ROSEATE wb M2 8 i :. ■- •■■ 8 .1 smitn A C Niebaas I 11 1 8-5 5-5 Time. 24 5. 4845. 1:14. Track fast. 82 nutnels paid. Mavehoaa, 87.00 straight, 85.40 place, s;;.:;o «bow; Kama, sy.io place, iS-.-.O show; : oorin, 88 20 show. Equivalent Looking odds- -Mavehoaa, 290 to 109 straight, 70 to 100 place. r„-, to luo show; Baata, 7.7, ■. lm» place, 127. to 109 show; Vooria, 00 to 100 show. Winner — B. f, by Uarsaoaicoa — Isette, bj Isinglass trained bj K. K. Karrick; bred by Mr. AV. B. Co*. . Went to post at 3:52. At post 1 minute, start good and fast. Won easily; secaad and third driving. MAVEHONA was outrun to the str tea tarn, when -I1 was brought on the outside and. Oaishing with a rash, was going away at ti nd. KAMA ran w.dl. tnished gamely and outstayed VOORIN. The latter wa always a close-up contender. AUNT DEDA showed the Btost early speed, but tired badly in tin- la -t eighth. Overweights Vooria, 1 pound: Disturbance, 4. SrOQiOfr FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—6—102. Parse 00. 3-year-olds and, «.3and« vB« upward. Allowance;. Net value to winner S550: second. 00: third, 0. la! ll AWtPPBI [ Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~Tl C 1 8 -"_ 5285S*SALVO 5 1 2 i I , J Francis J Walters " :i v, z~~i 2-5 • 7»-iXX.; RUNNYVEN WB 4 109 1 7, 8* :: 3" 2* W Kehny A L Austin 8-5 8-5 8-6 1-21-4 .■•:8!»1- BRIG OF WAR wb S Sa I ■; 1! 1- 1 S« G Fields Roacdali Btable 7-5 7-5 7-5 1-21-4 S25S2 KINGS BELLE a 3*80 2 E I ill L Penman i A Herold E 0 8 2 1 7-.H M» DISCUSSION w 5 108 :. I 5*1 5j V : _ .1 Dreyer Carvallo Bros 10 13 12 7. 2. ."•iiOl ARMISTICE wa I MO 8 S E 8 0 E A Pickens Florida stable 10 1] 12 5 2. Time. 23. 47=3. 1:13. Track fast. 82 mntuels paid. Balro, .40 straight, s:,.:; » place. 82.70 show: Ruanyrea, .o place. 82.08 show: ■ i Brig • I War, s.j. W show, Equivalent bookiag odd- Balvo, -7 to 100 straight, 93 to 199 place 85 t loo ■bow; Raaayvea, 59 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Brig of War, 20 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Charles Edward Shoo Fly, by Meddler trained by II. Van By; bred by Mr. George M. Hendrie. went to post at 4:18. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the ■ same. BALVO was saved in I. — t pur-ait until in -t I last eighth, where he easily passed BBIG OF ! WAR, lui had to be ridden hard at the end to out-tay ki NXYVEX. The latter was taken back at the , half-mile post, bat came around on the outside in the stretch and was gaining oa the winner at the i ead. mtio QF AK tir. d alt, r setting ■ n.-t pace to the last eighth. KINGS BELLE raced gamely. PT OQ£»£ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1318—1:41—5—117. Purse 0o! £wJmi**99 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index llor-.s Wi PPgl Bti I lockeys Bwners _ O H C P s— " 59BSS *ELMONT wa 4 ■■:,• . Doyle 6-5 i .-,.. 52721 DOUBLET II. wB I 84 1 2 2s 2 - . ■ 81 E Thompson 10 10 1" I - 529262HOCNIR w 10 108 3 1 7" 7 .;- I, -.1 PIU W B Flnnegan I .".021 t r. ■ » S 7 I NORF BEL I. E wb 1:21 1" l«l 5* 4- A McLhlinH E Davis 0 0021 52915 DUKE RUFF v. 5 101 E 1 :"• .1 Smith .. de Eatnunpea 3 :: :: 1 1-J .V.JK0! RE ENNIS v 7 100 7 I - 8 8* 7 I I Fields I. Crist G 7 7 1" 8-5 i .-•JX-, 1 • LARIAT « 5 103 8 5 I - 7 ; R LcasterD B Fountain 7. E S 2" 1 r.-.*8.- ; jack HILL wb fi 110 9 6 3 I I C Barnes L F 0*Leary 15 15 IS ■: :: 52920 L1THOUCK wb I 10716 8 I 1 7 I 3 .1 Dawson A B Davidson 10 12 12 .", Time. 23-. 4735. 1:13. lHt%, 1:43-,. Track fast. 82 nutuela paid, Fine. at. 84-70 straight, .si.io place, 85.50 show; Doabtel IF. 892120 place. 815.40 ■ show ; llocnlr, 85.00 --how. Equlvalenl 1 king odds BImont, 155 to 100 straight, 105 to loo place. 77, to 100 shew; Doublet II.. . 17.10 to 100 pla. - ■ 7.7 i to 100 show; Hocair, 150 to 100 shew. Winner p.. gt i.y Lake McLuke— Kerr, by Uacommoa trained »j B. B. Bice; hied bv Mr Richard 1 T. Wili 11 Went to post at 1:49. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; stcoad and third the same. ELMOXT beg d lowly, but made hi- way up ..a the outside on the lat turn and easily passed NORFOLK BELLE, but was doing bis best at the ead to outstay DOUBLET II. The latter seemed to tire, but came agala and Onlshed fast and gamely. 1101 SIR w - on the outside m..st of the way. but ; closed a cap and was gaining at the end. NORFOLK BELLE set 1 good pace to the stretch aud tired. Dl KE Ki IF ran 1 rlj for bun and can do much better. Ov.rw. i-ht- l.itl...li.-k. 1 ■■ pounds: -lack Hill. L.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921021901/drf1921021901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921021901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800