Latonias Opening Feature: Inaugural Handicap of ,000 Added Has Attracted a Stellar Array of Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-13

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LATONIAS OPENING FEATURE Inaugural Handicap of 5000 Added Has Attracted a Stellar Array of Entries A 5001 attraction in the Inaugural Handicap for threeyearolds and ov r at a mile and a sixteenth is provided for the opening day of the Latonia meeting As the stars of the Whitney Itnss McLean and other eastern stablos as well as the foremost of the western establishments jire among Ihe entries to this feature the big crowd that is certain to be at Fair Latonia on Saturday June 1 will see a race well worth witnessing The conditions of and the nominations for the Inaugural are ns follows followsINAUGURAL INAUGURAL HANDICAP 000 added For threeyearolds and upward 15y subscription of 1J each 75 additional to start 5000 added of which 800 to second 100 to third fourth to save stiiko Weights six days before the race Winners of 13500 after publication of weights 5 pounds extra Acceptances to lx named through the entry IK X the day before the race at usual time of clos ¬ ing One mile and onesixteenth onesixteenthAdan Adan N General J M Gomez b c 3 by lies rian Kxpresing KxpresingApplcgate Applcgate W K Ginger ch h 5 by Coy Lad Lucky Wave WaveApplegate Applegate W B Jack Hare Jr br h C by Marathon Moonet MoonetBaker Baker J II Cinderella br f 4 by Celt Toots TootsBradley Bradley E B Busy Signal ch f 4 by Cunard Sweet Alice AliceBradley Bradley B R Best Pal br c 4 by Helmet Piduln PidulnBradley Bradley E K Balance Wheel b c 3 by Ben Brush Whisk Broom BroomBradley Bradley E li Behave Yourself b c 3 by Marathon Miss Kinglets KingletsBradley Bradley E II Black Servant br c 3 by Black Toney Iadula IadulaBradley Bradley K K Bit of White br f 3 by Sun star Dreamy DreamyBradley Bradley E K Believe Idle Hour ch f 3 by Cuuard Lovenot LovenotBrannon Brannon 15 J St Bernard ch g 5 by Ivan the Terrible Beatrice K KBranuon Branuon B J Colonel Livingston b g 5 by Handsel Axis AxisBrannon Brannon B J Drastic b b 0 by Hastings Dragnet DragnetBrannon Brannon B 7 Col Baker b c 3 by Ben Brush Pleasant Puss PussHreckinridge Hreckinridge I lm Lady Madcap br f 3 by Dick Fiuncll Affable AffableCamden Camden J N Ilangoou br c 3 by Light Brisadc Lirdella LirdellaCamden Camden J N Bettina b f 3 by Light Brigade EfittarinaCamdiii Efittarina Camdiii J N Dark Ben br g 3 by Ben Brush Double Dark DarkObriau Obriau Edward The Leopard ch c 4 by Von Tnnnp Hutli W WChirk Chirk C W United Verde br c 1 by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree TreeClark Clark C W Captain Mac ch c 4 by The Manager Koyal Dainty DaintyClark Clark C W Sway b g 5 by Vulcain Ruby Bight BightClark Clark C W Pictor b g 5 by Pictou White Veil VeilCosdcu Cosdcu J S Blazes br c 4 by Wrack Blazing Star StarVisiliii Visiliii J S Paul Jones br g 4 by Sea King May Floriiice Dattnor Mrs M Bnnga Buck ch c 3 by Vul caiu Mary Orr OrrDattncr Dattncr Mrs M Minute Man br c 4 by Palaud Miss Moments MomentsFernandez Fernandez A L Aiken b c 3 by Peter Pan Easy Street StreetGalhihcr Galhihcr Hros Kinburn ch c 4 by Duval Koyal aptive aptiveCallahcr Callahcr Bros Dresden ch f 4 by Knrk View Polly Prim PrimGalhihcr Galhihcr Bros Old Chap ch c 3 by Jack Atkin Koyal Child ChildGullaher Gullaher Bros Sergeant York br c 3 by Dick Fiuncll Mileage MileageGentry Gentry Lloyd Sterling b c 4 by Horron Verlieida VerlieidaGering Gering Frank Jr Baigncur b h 5 by Sar daiiapile Bain do Mor MorGilroy Gilroy Mrs C II Mayor House br h 5 by Hanbridgo Hclma S SGoldblatt Goldblatt M Hilly Barton br c 3 by Huon Mary Le Hus HusGoodis Goodis J if Sands of Pleasure b g 8 by Fair Play Golden Sands SandsG G xdc 1 M Herald br g by Coy Lad Angeroii AngeroiiGncson Gncson J G Lady Starlelte b f 3 by IVlltcifist Snow Girl Girlllanifd llanifd Ilros Covne br c 3 by Dick Finiiell Alice liaird liairdllarned llarned Itros Mnrjorit Hynes ch m 4 by Dick Fiiinoll Alico Itaird ItairdHarncd Harncd Bros Mighty Man ch h 4 by Martinet I ady Irma IrmaHarrington Harrington W K Wyoming ch b 5 by Bryn Mnwr Star of the West WestHarrington Harrington W K Westwood br c 4 by Honey wood Koselawn KoselawnHarrington Harrington W K General Average ch c 3 by Gen Kobtrts Maiiretania MaiiretaniaHawkins Hawkins 1 S Co Firebrand ch c 3 by McGee Subdue Hayes T P Lothair ch g 5 by Bourbon Beau The Fashion FashionJones Jones Moutfort Rouleau br c 4 by Tracery Koyal Coinage CoinageJone Jone Montfort Brookholt ch c 4 by Ballot Gracilla GracillaJones Jones Montfort Ethel Gray br f 4 by Hessian Sweet Marjoram MarjoramJones Jones Moutfort John S Rcardon b c 3 by i Ormondale Autella AutellaI I Kelley Frank J Guvnor ch g 3 by Superman Verdict VerdictKelley Kelley Frank J Gangway h c 3 by Luke MeLuke Little Oasis OasisKelley Kelley Frank J Belgian Queen b f 4 by Aeronaut Agnier AgnierKilmer Kilmer Willis Sharpe Ultmidge br c 3 by Ultimus Midge MidgeKilmer Kilmer Willis Sharpe Sun Brae ch c 3 by Sundridgc Sweet Briar BriarLehau Lehau Dan Castlereagh ch c 3 by the Cur ragh Silica SilicaLoft Loft G W On Watch br c 4 by Colin Rubin Granda GrandaLowe Lowe John High Cloud b h 5 by Ultimus Umbria UmbriaLowenstein Lowenstein M 3 Paul Weidel b c 4 by Golden Maxim Lady Lexington LexingtonLowenstein Lowenstein M J Yung Ching blk g 4 by Santoi Charity Lass LassMcDowell McDowell Thos C High Command ch g 4 by The Manager EllenaDale EllenaDaleMcDowell McDowell Thos C Distinction b f 4 by The Manager Alanarka AlanarkaMcLean McLean E B The Porter b h C by Sweep Ballet Girl GirlMcLean McLean E B Leochares b g 11 by Broom ¬ stick Leayonara LeayonaraMcLean McLean E B Lough Storm b f 3 by Lough Foylc Storm Nymph NymphMcLean McLean E B Lough Swilly blk c 3 by Lough Foyle Bleachers BleachersMcLean McLean E B Lough Eagle blk c 3 by Lough Foyle LAiglette LAigletteMarino Marino John Rapid Traveler b c 4 by Rapid Water Alberta H HMarino Marino John Trust Official ch c 3 by Meelick Princess Industry IndustryMatlack Matlack D T Woodtrap ch h 7 by Trap Rock WoodvineMoeller Woodvine Moeller P King Plaudit br h 5 by Plaudit Wild Thistle ThistleMorris Morris Walden Transient ch c 3 by Trans ¬ vaal Footstool FootstoolMorris Morris Walden Fallacy br f 3 by light Brigade Fallal FallalOBrien OBrien Thos W Pluribus ch c 3 by Pluvious Sylvita SylvitaParrish Parrish J W Midway ch h 7 by Ballot Thirtythird ThirtythirdPaul Paul Mrs J L Co Cotton Blossom br f 4 by Luke MeLuke Crownlet CrownletPaul Paul Mrs J L Co Jorice ch m 5 by Plaudit Abby G GPeyton Peyton Felix War Prize b g 5 by Star Shoot Kagland KaglandPoison Poison W F Vulcanite b h 5 by Vulcain Single Shot ShotPoison Poison W F Peace Pennant b c 4 by McGee Maltha MalthaPotts Potts Mrs O B Bread Man b c 4 by Golden Maxim Evelyn Doris DorisKespess Kespess J It Lord Wrack b g 4 by Wrack Gowell GowellKespess Kespess J B Make Up b g 4 by Disguise Fairy Story StoryKespess Kespess J B Bullion ch g 7 by All Gold Jinks JinksKoss Koss Commander J K L Sir Barton ch h 5 by Star Shoot Lady Sterling SterlingKoss Koss Commander J K L Boniface b h C by Transvaal Cerina CerinaKoss Koss Commander J K L Billy Kelly b g 5 by Dick Welles Glena GlenaKoss Koss Commander J K L War Pennant br h 5 by Jim Gaffney Maltha MalthaSimms Simms E F Pon Hommo b c 3 by Sweep Sue Smith SmithSimms Simms E F Despair b c 3 by McGee Mary Davis DavisSimms Simms Oliver Eternal br h 5 by Sweep Hazel Purke PurkeSimms Simms Oliver The Wanderer b h 5 by Vul ¬ cain Kose Tree II IIStouer Stouer W O General Haig b h 5 by Dick Welles My Fair Kentucky KentuckySwift Swift D F Monsoon b c 3 by Peter Quince Mattie C CTraves Traves W V Legal b h 5 by Hilarious Kespousful KespousfulTraves Traves W V Mile Dazie b f 4 by Fair Play Toggery ToggeryTriKiey TriKiey Walker Dancing Spray b m 5 by Kapid Water Alberta H HWalerbiiry Walerbiiry L Seiiniugs Park rli h 5 by Jim Gaffney Irish Queen QueenWheeler Wheeler M L Alula b f 4 by Voorhees Bremerhafoii BremerhafoiiWhitney Whitney H P Upset ch c 4 by Whisk Broom II Paiikhurst PaiikhurstWhitney Whitney H P John P Gricr ch c 4 by Whisk Broom II Wonder WonderWhitney Whitney H P Dr Clark ch g 4 by Broom s t irk Pa nasi n c cWhitney Whitney H P Exodus ch c 3 by Peter Pan First Flight FlightWhitney Whitney H P Dartmoor ch c 3 by Whisk Broum II Pankhurst PankhurstWhitney Whitney H 1 Broomspun b c 3 by Broom stiik Spun Glass GlassWhitney Whitney H P Tryst ur blk or br P 3 by Peter Pan Tryst Whitney H P Ararat br g 3 by Broomstick Dovelet DoveletWhitney Whitney H P Prudery b or br f 3 by Peter Pan Polly Flinders FlindersWilliams Williams Bros Nurture ch g 3 by Martinet Druid DruidWilliams Williams Bros Napoo ch c 3 by Martinet La Gloria GloriaWoodard Woodard Wm Co Black Watch II blk g 4 by Macdouald II Blatk Venus VenusWoodford Woodford J Hal Zuleika ch f 5 by Neil Gow Turkish Princess PrincessYoung Young Allie W Scottish Chief ch g 3 by Light Brigade Santa Susanna

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Local Identifier: drf1921051301_8_1
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