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THIMBLE KEEPS ON WINNING 1 Takes Fair Grounds Main Race, * with United Verde Second. ■- - ♦ ■ -a Duster First with an Unlucky Better One Second — Doubles for Eider and Two Trainers. i NKW 0RLEAX8. La.. Jaaaary I- Beebtra wen ■ the artier of the day at Hie Pair Ground* tiiis after ., ■ana Cala and Baaferd feal a pair f virion to the peat in Bead and Lazy Lou, bat* riddee by Mack Garner. Lang alaa earned ;i pair at brackets, a lii, wiuning mounts bring Thimble aad Knot Ui and traiacr Murphy daplicated traiaer Calaa eat by saddling Pavla in addition te Thimble. The hardeel Jell Ika I ic layer* have experieaeed in many yean was kaartril them this efteraooa wbea s lic.tviiy :.:icki«i heroes arrired .11 tin fiaish in ad* f vaawe «f their oppeaeats. Although the card, eatable f Ike Falaae ilaadl rap at a mile and :t sixteenth far ;i puree nf 1 $]..Vi. was eeateatad by low rater*, tkej furaiaked excellent apart with several "f the f : n i;if- «-x n inr. rath racing, meal af the jockey* striving foi aa . .uter atrip of the track, prevailed aatil the fifth , race, v. inn Laag "ii Thimble changed the arder . and iaeldeataily stole the race by biasing .1 trail I I . ■est the iaaer rail for the Oral neuter ef a mil- I, I The move raaeed liiiu to Harare a lorn; lead Bad . naahled him afterward to c Boone the beat portiea . of the going. He fiaiahed oa t: . aatskh atrip. J The aaaae tactics were nm ployed witk Pavla, which Mole a long i Mi :it on- ■ aad it enabled her te .just manage f, keel Oaklxwa Belle boaae. The laitial dash, in which two-year aide atarted, j resulted iii a lacky rletory for Banter, cat ty lag Al barl Baawaa* cetera. Sh - won easily eaeagh, bat 4 Carta, ;i first lime starter Cram Moetfort lean j -table, waa probably bnl aad with anything like , iuai raring lack waaM have mini" a show of the j winner. Beebfct took her Bp sharply at the Mart Bad made aa extremely wale aweep aa 1 lir* turn. , i.nt si - ram, in aeaaatiaaal style Bad from 1 bad ■ laal got tip in the last sixteenth tu finish in at i . place. Bead, aaly lightly regarded, scored in the second : ~ It aad his ricbary waa the oaly respite that I ■ layera had all during the atteraaoa. Garaer oat generated the others aaaa after tu.- start Bad had his mount in tiie best geiag foi the reaaaiader af the race. Phllaaderer Made 1 aaaae effort to 01 bias, liur be failed in the atretcb Nordeck. wbicb fillisbed third, niiuli! ha.- beaten the winner I. lit tor his slow beglaalng. The Sephew and AU- aader Uaaailtoa dirided atteatbaa ia the third race and Brain were the taleat earrect, far The Sephcr. had litth- diffi-ratty in oatatayihg Actreaa tbroagk the stretc . 1 1 TTin easily. Alexander Hainilion f i ; . -; . ••■! in third place. KNOT GRASS IN RUNAWAY VICTORY. Knot ».ra s ■ sbow "f those he Bi the r.inrth race and won the rate in the first -■ixteentti when be raced lato a fiTe-leaajtha lead. Itirdie ;. followed bha eleaest ap, bet the finish f..uud them eight length apart [Tailed Ten:- nude ■ aaaae effort t.. orerlmnl Thimble iu tlie featuje ran. hut the Harpky filly held sway af:. r L-oiii the first qaarter and led hitn past the finish in easy style. Incidentally it marked the third sacceea that Thiasble has Beared at this m etinu Hie riaakag ace round all tb atartcr* ••.t iin.-5u for heavy aappart, wttb Lazy 1/ju the stand by for tiie pajbllt rhere wa« great rejatciag wbea sLk- won und retard pay lin.-s were the rale with cat h hiy« • .-.f -r the race. Cool and cri,i bat siinM.iny weather was the .•ider during t. ■• day aad another geaeiaaa sttead-aace was on hand t view the racing. The track roatiaaed Mow, bat waa dryiag eat rapidly, the outer .art of the track bordering oa goad. Genie W. wa« aa l adly kicked while at the peat in the fourth i-a-e Wednesday that she was hardly able to move in her stall taday. She sustained two cuts on 010 f her baps, and trainer Murphy fears that bin ill poison nu»j act ka. A aeraai ;i- it-ment was naartxd bt .n aa effort te prevent this gJisaai lackey laaaea 11 Barke was notified by Judge loaepk A. Murphy today that be ha- been restored to gaed standing. litis rider bad bee« under the han" BBC Bererai mouths. He is a brother of ,io. key H. I. Barke. Three of the ehrvea starters, in the two year-old rare today were former aafhtra of W. H. Bawea Pelican stable. They were Carta, Bejectioa and tune Bird. Traiaer • Caaej had Joba Taul .Tones, one of the atan of the Pellcaa rmttit. fired and turned out for the winter at Havre de Grace. TRAINER J. JOHNSTON AGAIN STRICKEN. Trainer laaaes aaaaaaaa :.s in ■ pceeariaaa ondi ti.»n as tie- res. lit of another stroke of paralysis. which came upon Dim several days a,o. His health has been none too aaad for a Ions time but he made ■ brave fnght in an effort to keep on lus feet and attend la hi- iatlea nhout his raciug stable. The trial- of Tom .1. Shaw. "Frioce* Gardatr, Mark BaaBBheri and Itemy Parr, rharged by ins triet Attorney Man with alleged violation of the Laeke law, will iiepin laaaary iv .lames Eieffering. Caaadlaa turfman, aarchaaed Leaaaaa and Break Hoy. wUck raced in the aaaae af ■William Martin at Jefferaaa l.irk. and win. h were re- BBaalhle for ruling- agadaat trainer W A. MeaUaaey and jockey B. Tharher. The sale was approved bv the stewards aud the horses will be allowed to race at the lair Grounds. Beamed Ootb is training them. Milfoil, a carded starter iu the two year old race todav, was withdrawn by the stewards upon the report of starter A. B. Dade, because of her not Wine sufficiently educated at the barrier. Guy. .1. P. rhillips good stake horse, and Centimeter, G. E*. Kla kford"s fast apriater, collided while beinz exercised at the Fair Grounds this Continued, on secoud pagej. THIMBLE KEEPS ON WINNING Continued from first page. asoraiag, hit fortunately both escaped injury. A boy ran out on the track in front of Guy, aeariaaj and cansin"; him to swerve against Centimeter. Both horses had to e pulled up sharply to avoid running into a hanow. Oeorge Read claimed Tulsa out of the sixth rate from .7. Riley for ,800. Reads ••polkeWoman" in the race was Pavia, the winner. Jockey C. lin« ran hif total number of victories since the first .f tie year up t» twenty today, aa 1 average of two a day. He has won one or nssaa races eaeh iiay far eleven days in g row. .1. P. Muyberry was anlang todays visitors at the Pair GreasMts. He «ame from the East. The Fair Gronuds track will he fast tomorrow, barring more rain. It dried cut rapidly as the day pare OB, hat the stretch of ground for ■ few feet out from the inner rail was si ill a bit sticky ami holding. All of the winners finished on the eatable. lackey Earl Pool made his debut at the Fair ! Grounds today aa Baa in the third race. He plan- to ride regularly from now on. .