Third Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-13

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111 I It II HACK ."»-S Milo. :;- ear-«»l«l* anil upward. UaiiuiiiK. Hay SB, 1 MB8 r,; 4 1 OT. JACK LEDI. b. g, 4 114 By J. H. Houghton— Myrtle Ledi, by Campua. Trainer, G. W. Crippen. Owner, BUckwell A Crippen. MHTUwu 5-8 l:.7ihvy 18-5 112 7 6 7 51 f.-J B Noble ■ HverVi paz. R.Mackll.. P. Steel ..Tn TUoana Eft f 1 :l . t.mud 4 IM 3 2 1 2* *■ E Noble 0 Am. Maid. Bao.YaBey, BeaBeach BMW TUoana 8-4 1:20 slop 3-2 114 7 7 4 8«14" T Murray 7 Gadttag, Br.Hargaa, O.Junia MM Tijuana 6-8 1: ". 6" .-.hvy 9-5 U2 6 o 4 1 J Is T Murray I Bon Atkin. Infield. Ma 69211 Tijuana 5-S 1 04 -..slop M 10 106 8 8 8 3J 22 RDugpran 8 Clear the Way. Fond Hope. Mex ELLA WALDO, ch. f, 4 107 By Waldo — Swiftsure, by Bowling Brook. Trainer. J. Kern. Owner. -7. Kern1. MMS Tijuana E B 1:* ,nunl 11-18 107 4 Williuis 7 Harry 1.. Perfect Bay. Joaenla HMSTUoana 5-8 l:05%8iop 17-5 IM 3 2 2 2 2i B Fail;- 7 KISal.i... Bit. Romper, L.irivniorn 68361 Tijuana mod *-i IM l 1 1 li 23 G Wliams 7 Bill Head, RoaetUa, Brewa ltee Ml "0 Tijuana 3-4 1.19 atop 9 106 2 I 3 5- CJ K Noble T Mnrben. Pl.tiieVVay. M.Siathem 6i"06 Tijuana M l:M« slop U 10 H 6 4 11 V 1" O W!iama 7 M.Krnter. MiaaDnnbar, Bai-yN. HOPE PRINCESS, b. f. 4 102 By Bard of Hope — Prinzessia, by St. Geoige. , Trainer, ,T. T. Strite. Owner, J. T. Strite. S78S3 Wlllwa Ab 5-8 and9%fast 8 KB I T Wilson It Lantern. BigSaaoke, RosaeRiTer 57841 Willi • • • : i K »iow i !••:: 4« T Wilson ! G.Mhlebb. E.Tr*ter, Fball II. B7702 Willwa Ab 5-8 59Hfa«t G M3 4 T Wil on .• Ethel, lire Ball II. Laatera E71» Hastrs Ab 5-8 ll%grood 6 I 4i T Wilson !» Hose K. A ,.;-. Btbel, Isphaai E4423 B ;•• - !•! mod 14 149j r V Garsan I Lara, Kayataa, Barley BeBe LIMERICK, cl.. 0. 3 IU By Meeiick— Predilecta. by First Chip. Trainer, T. Polk. Owner, T. Poik. MM Tijuana 5 f IM faal 22 111 E 4 .". 8] v- li Molten li View, B 8abk , Baay Bird EMttTtjaana S-8 1*1 fast O-M 117 2 I l 1| I" W Perry 12 Btflette, W.C.D00I7, ValeauLads Ef 847 Tijuana Bs f lHafaat C Ml I 3 5 fj 9« w r.rry 10 n. Fashion, Ki Sabio. Pewankee EMB Tijuana BJ f l:0»%faat o ill i 4 4 4*131 W Ferry » El Sabio, Aaaer.Maid, RabberLL MR* Tijuana El 1-ftiTjfaat ;. in 4 2 2 2and s-".1 W Perry 9 Rrmitaaa, By Bleat, El Sabio STANIXY H.. b. g. 12 112 By— Variant, by Disguise. Trainer, G. F. Hum. Owner, G. F. Hum. H K Tijuana ip . 14 ••• 1 4; : P Hurn 7 ElSabio. BllaWaldo Lit Boaaper E9145 Tijuana fl ll lop 1 M» 3 11 31 fJP Hurn • MabelBule, Aaaer.Maid, BillyJoc 69067 Tijuana - .. rast 10S 1 1 I»| 1*1 P Hum 7 MeMurpby, T. N.irris EM44 Tijuana S I •: :. st n K t 1 I » » P Hum H Vine, Merry Lasa, No Wonder MM* Tijuana 5-x 1 .--fast lk-5 102 :; 4 5 ol 7;1 V Burn S Veptace, B.sTopaa, ll.Angletn VIVA. b. r.i. 10 110 By Oibeau — Cutter, by Gothai.i. Traiaar, W. L. Stanfield. Owner. Polo Stable. M0C Tijuana - i.i..-h t IS 113 I 4 !••- M H Saladin 12 Stiletto, MjssSUtitem, HotPoel E4M2 Tijuana Ej f lt%alop 15 M» HE Pmtor li Dirlaad. P. Moody, Delay V EMM Tijuana fast " 113 rj jj Rettby 7 EMaMa, DocdeGuiae, J.B.Sugg E383* Tijuana El f 1 Wf 114 f E Bator U BtaalyH., M.Deabar, D.deGuise ESSn Tijuana " ■ ■ ■•l-.fas: I3f nw 4 1 Powell B C.A.Oeaaky, B.Laae, Charlea*a BEBBABKA LAD. b. c. 4 M 109 By David Tenny— Nebraska Lass, by Highland Lad. Trainc:-. J. Bislio;. Owner. Bi-bop and Do Kay. BS2S3 R d 1:05 »j%: 1. Milia 8 B.Sqnirrel, Geo.Jaatea, B.Plewei : 55184 B ... 3-4 1:M faat I Ws •" • I. Mills 8 Ana 8., Fiaaron. Jewel City j 65058 Reno I 8 13 t" ■ -1 B I I Pinneajr 7 Hedalrisb, Crowa. MarioaPluke : 54%8 Reno 5-8 t:03~iyood 11 116 .":: B Pinnee*r 7 SaintPierre, Crowa, DixieMaon EMM ".1 i" : •" slop 29 7 11 • m - I Phelaa, .y Roberts, Jom Lake ■ CANDEGREY b. m. 5 10 By De Giey— Candy, by Yankee. Trainer. H. Pill II aoa Owner. K. Baaaaaaa e:i •. EM4S Tijuana 6-8 1:09 mud :•■ 113 S U I I :. Hall 8 H.Willdo, nanrasbaek, Bqaaah 591"" Tijuana E* t l:12%slop 43 114 7 7 b *. :« • . Hall 9 PlowSteel, Infield, Mis- Krutei 1 1 6504R Omaha 5-S IM alow 15 M4 1 - ■ ■ l. Hall 12 Crispie, Grnmbliaglna, MaudM. MMSCanaba 1-4 1:13 fasi 17 IM *:,J, i. Hall • C.Boberta, WoodieMonty, Byrne 1 MNtOanaba 3-4 l:iS";sood 6 110 l» jl. Hall • BeaaioMaeklL Dr.BIaea, j.wd POl !?!!! RACE — 1 l-n; i!i!«- . 3- ear-a Ma :ml ■pwarrd. Llalnalaiar. i.juiu-ui. 1 i«n -, — i:ir — :: — ji«». » HICKORYNUT. b. m. 8 110 By UiitIbB Tjtbll JTut, by Sir Modred. ; Trainer. G. F. Kurr. Ovraer, 0. F. Kurn ...:• i .1..: I 4 4 53 a - I Hunt fi Rhymer, lla-li of Bterl, Bora L Tijuana 11:22* mud I8f W« 1" W 1" •- P Hum M Baisy, larasa, Indian Bris H388 Tijuana I 1-8 2:02%s!op 33 MB !3 4 -1 ."• ! 7 ! Hurn 5 Balgeorge, Mist. Polly, BySiMter EBX8 Tijua 1 [ l:11%raud ••! H E E E 1 !• P Hum g ChoirMaaler, Heal tea ch, Dorvthj f.7M" Wiilowa iu:7 y l:SC%alow 7 W4 ■ P Hum r, chat. conn. Dieoero, DaaOyVaa 1ANKIF NAIL. br. 111. » 111 By Leonid — Bessie Rcmbert, by Dungarvcn. Trainer. W. Samples. Owner, J. fi. MeDaniol. id ■■ I ■ 1 1: . ■ r Caron • Buaaa M., Bebra, Baby fUatet |i I € 7 7 7 V* G l..ii- 7 l:il ».d, Gea.Byns, Ut.Orpbaa 6»l« rijuana 61 f 1:09 fas! 243 1» 11 M M Mw S*J B Maskrid 11 Pewankee, W.C.i»ooiy. LyB rboa j EMC1 Tijuana 11:1 faat irJ I 7 4 5 fi cv Q Weber 8 Hap. Valley, Pierrot, ColdleRoae I ; 1 "., 1:491 faat 23 HI «1R Dorlty • Oobrtta, MJMrern, Hirkaryaal DEHRA. b. in. B 110 By Sir Huon— Kosemeade, by St. Gatien. o. Baaoatt. 0"»,er. Baaaett Erct. 1 !:,... 1 ! 1 ■ StUder •". K.i.fSe.l. I.Or-liaa. I . .1 [ .■ i im- 1 B8448 i I l . .. • i Btuder r. AndreyK., Rhyaaer, Mtau ;irl i j EM*J rijuana ImTOj I 1W 114 4 V P C Studer S BnaanM., FaanieNaU, BabyStater I 1.9191 Tijuana n- 01 .... 13 107 .77 7 8] PC Studer 8 Miatreaa Polly, Gea.Bya«r, Steve | I 1-1 l:57Halop 19 K4 3 4 4 3 .., t»« C Btoder c Balceorye, lthynier, liaiy Biatar ro:7D HOPE, b. m, 5 UO By St. Swithiar,— Bell Weevil, by Cayuga. 1 Trainer, C. Haaley. Owner, H. T. Palmer. 1 6*487 T1 :• :■--.:■: I !• HW I BPai I J.VonuB, l . i-v. . . Ind.Brieadi Tijuana 5-8 17! h l« .:". 4 _ A Jacobs 10 Rosa ttkli Chrome, Restful EMM Tijuana "■ f 1:1 slop 12 3 108 2 2 i :■ A Jacoba 8 I aaaat, lad Brigade, Lewia B. i ta :..;.; mud I W7 S I ! ! ! i Jacoba 8 Miatake, RoaaAtkia Lewia B. I ! Tijuana --.- :, 23-M IM - 1 - -4 : B Parka 8 C.Master, Uax.FrkUa, Moorewd LADY IBBOCEBGS, b. in. 11 115 By Barration BO Beina, by Santiago. :T.-:.mer. A. J. Christie. Ownei. A. J. Christie. . na I I-"... - •.•:■ hvy 13 "• i Gross 5 P.ofMteel, Bebra. Lit. Orpbaa 69367 Tijuana itr.7-v J :..:v. in. a! K US s 7 7 7 71 . ■■ Gross B B.Stuart, M*tnGirl, AXterNigfci • TI tana lmTOy 1 :32%slop -; 113 S 7 7 1 • E" E Taylor 7 Undine, 1"! ofsteei. Baby Bister E9K4 Tijuana 11-14 1:61 fast 37-M 115 1 I E E 7 7" C Groaa 7 Ctorer Jaaia, Behra. Den EMM Tijuana I 1-8 1 :57Vif aat E ill 1 1 . 6 t| 2»| C Groaa 8 Balaroaa, MbttXPoUy, JeweHUti ZODIAC. !.. r II U2 By Star Shoot— Lady Vincent, by St. Blaise. ilrainer. J. Mny?. Owner, J. Mays. I ■•- Ti aai . i ." i ilop -• ■■ ill ..77 7 ! H Sa adia 7 AndreyK . Sdoah, Mtaia • .1 : n74 l .n.rnud 441 112 I 8* W Dean s B.Stuart, Uoua.Girl, AfterNisht i 59191 Tijuana i 1-8 2.-01%alop 293 MI 8 8 1 s I l " - W Dean 8 Hbrtresa Polly, GcauBync, Btere I r Tijuana L f 1:11 slop -f 1". 11 M 11 11 ll* W Dean 11 BeaBeacb, Hap.Valley, Cbarmat j mM] 1:41 fast U 109 !*• C I: Miller 7 Pfnajer, DeerMre, Br.C P.Fryej j SIPPARA. eh, g, 7 M 112 By LoKi— May Eastar, by Huron. Trainer. J. Sir.jjJelon. Owner, J. Me.ckey. 1 : ■ 3-41:23 mud 1 IM I I " "; 2* E Noble 8 Plgaioa, MisaHildalL, M*ataerrl I 69497 Tijuana 11:51 si... R ME .: 4 4 4 31 3 B Parke • Data, Fnnitana. Little Orphan j Tijuana 8-4 1:M mud M lli E E *• « V l Martinoa • H.Saaarr, Plantact. ImLBranda I i E9170 Tijuana ii:»7 slop CM Ml 9 7 9 l 10 lo-- R Barton li Pinaewt, Brmitana, Li t. Orphan ! j 59%4 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:"1 fast M IM 5 5 6 6 5i 5;- R Harton 7 Clover Junia, Dehra, Dora EASTEE JIM. b. g. 6 M 112 By Jim Thorpe— Nimber, by Aryan. Trainer, L. A. Scully. Owner, Bay k Beare. 59425 Tijuana 3-4 1:23 mud 2M IM I 1 I sr- 1" Arria 0 Fbzaroa, Bippara, Miss Hilda II | MMBTljuana iin7i liB inu l 74 117 « C H i 6 6-" L lli.l! 8 Suaaa M. Paauie Nail. Dehra MM2 Tijuana 1 1-8 2:03 slop 7:: in 5 « .". f. 5 5-" I. Hall • Bnekhornll., W.Bmohe. B.Sist-i : . EMM Tijuana 1 l:42t4/ast 310 104 «. a 9 9 9 p-c lai-rett 8 BaBotcar, Tint. PlnoeroM MMSTU ma Hf IM faat lif 117 lj Q 13 11 I2W 8 Carter 13 Garden City, Pintcttat, Figaros | LAZY BEIT. b g. 8 117 By Merchmont II.-r-Lady Eula. by Sir Dtxoa. 1 L. Matthews. Owner. Matthews and Dtinlapl. I .■Mi. I |uan» i I ivc.hv;. M • ■ • - 8 8 7: . !; Carter 9 H leaLneaa DoilieHart, Petlar 689X1 Tijuana -8 l:02%fast 801 114 M 11 11 11s MJ E Taylor 12 McMurphy, BicKleader, Alajah : M317 Reno ImMy l:42Kfaat 44 M8 1"" T Bod W Cafeteria, M.Hnnann, T.March I 5 MM Keno 6i f 1 :iS1sast 7 ill 2* 14 afthewa 8 Br.Doariey, i:.HarKun. P. Spray 1 j 65050 Iteno 3-4 l:16?;goodl7-W 114 f W Mvinrc 7 BfUaah, Aiiss Wells, Blazer

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Local Identifier: drf1922011301_9_1
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