Mount Royal Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-21


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MOUNT ROYAL PARK ENTRIES The figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of 1926 no matter where it finished No time records are shown for a beaten horse over any distance when he is fifteen lengths back of the winner In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions 1M83 IS FITIST IXDEX OF 1927 12S28 IS FIRST INDEX OF MAY MAYRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago daylight gar ing time 1CO 1COThe The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries we made Akron Aqueduct i Anrora Belmont Park Beulah Park Blue Bonnets Blue Grass Bowie Brighouse Park Brooklyn Chinook Park Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg Clarksburg Columbus Col wood Park Coney Island Connaught Park Cranwood Park ParkDade Dade Park Delorimier Park ParkDevonshire Devonshire Dorval Dufferin Park Empire Erlanger Fair Grounds Fair mount Faik FaikFort Fort Erie Hamilton Hastings Park Havana Havre de Grace GraceHawthorne Hawthorne Huntington Jamaica Jefferson Park Juarez Kempton Park Kenilworth King Edward Lagoon Lansdowne Park LP LPLatonia Latonia Lat LatLaurel Laurel Lrl LrlLexington Lexington Lex LexLex Lex Colored FairLCF FairLCFLincoln Lincoln Fields LF LFLong Long Branch LB LBMaple Maple Heights XH XHXarlboro Xarlboro Xar XarXiami Xiami Mia MiaMobile Mobile Mob MobMount Mount Boyal MB MBNiagara Niagara Falls NF NFOmaha Omaha Oma OmaOrlando Orlando Orl OrlPeoria Peoria Peo PeoPhoenix Phoenix Phx PhxPimlico Pimlico Pirn PirnPolo Polo Park PP PPPompano Pompano Pom PomBaceland Baceland Bac BacBeno Beno Bno BnoSalt Salt Lake 8L 8LSaratoga Saratoga Sar SarTampa Tampa Tarn TarnTan Tan fo ran Tan TanThistledown Thistledown Tdn TdnThorncliffe Thorncliffe Thf ThfTijuana Tijuana Tij TijTiroonium Tiroonium Tim TimToledo Toledo Tel TelTuUa TuUa Tul TulUnited United Hunts UH UHWashington Washington ParkWP ParkWPWheeling Wheeling Whs WhsWhittier Whittier Park Wer WerWUlows WUlows Park Wil WilWindsor Windsor Win WinWoodbine Woodbine Wdb WdbTonngstown Tonngstown Tgn Mount Boyal Park 1 Mile MileFirst First Bace 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Foaled in Canada CanadaTrack Track record Canon Bridge Aug 10 1916 100 4 114 114Todays Todays fnd HorsePostlos VTt Bee AWtIIan 11920 Puff Ball C 8 113X725 08440 Flying Ford 8MU 109 1084 113X720 06603 Golden Answer 7 5 11 1 715 7150533G 0533G Shiner II L 7 108 710 08801 Maker of Trouble TroubleM M 5 5 101 705 06506 Al Hoddir 11 4 4 113 7fO 96365 Italstone M 9 4 1U8700 1U8700Amnetrr Amnetrr 1 3 101 Troy weight 4 113 Second Bace 58 Mile Iurse 500 3yrarolds nnd upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track rtHord rtHordCanon Canon ISridne Aug 19 1910 100 4 114 08607 Leaside C 8 113 71 10127 Chief Sponsor S MH 98 10114 9 108720 06603 Polygala M 3 Htn 109 103 4 111 715 11713 Village of Hit 2 5 111X71O 11473 Candora 1 3 i 04 705 13065 Leading Light 5 0 113 700 05847 Troubler 7 MU 109 l08s 8 113X700 113X700Canoeist Canoeist 4 3 100 Third Bace 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordNellie Nellie B Aug 23 1920 108 3 107 12733 Lets Go 3Sem 110 107 3 110 725 13226 Sol 4 Pom 100 103 3 111 720 12688 Is 7t So M MG G Emp 115 1OS 3 111 715 11869 = Bcthlilirm 5 Hav 98 108 3 105 710 13066 Shoplifter M 2 Win 111 103 = 5 3 104 705 12319 Charlotte Hall HallM M 1 Tij 105 107 3 109 700 700Fourth Fourth Bace 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPuree Puree 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordNellie Nellie B Aug 23 1920 100 3 107 04213 Faith W 12MR 111 108 7 114X 11928 Polo Sti r 14 Tij 113 107 5 110x 07280s Goia M SAVdb 109 111 4 102 715 07281 Miss Holland 5 Hav 10T 108 9 11 08562 Pandine G MU 111 109 7 110705 06607 Horace Larch 10 MU 111 1095 10 112X700 12688 Arsacid M 13 Sar 111 108 3 107 095 04915 Blizzard 3 KB 94 110 3 100 010 08303 Leprechaun 4Hav 97 108 = 5 5 112 I2H 08669 Blether M 9 3 113 090 07570 Golden Twig M 1 3 107 085 07286 Uebus 51 2 0 102 G85 95394 Arriving M 7 4 111 085 03143 Madge Johnson JohnsonM M 11 5 111 085 085Fifth Fifth Bace 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordIscbgabibble Iscbgabibble Aug 25 1920 113 I 103 13040 Blue Uidge 3 Jam 112 112 5 111X725 13028 Camilla 1 Jam 100 113 4 115X720 131093 Ued Weed 7 0 115715 13196 Carlos Enrique 9 MH 113 112 7 112X710 13028 Muriel S 8 Hav 104 114 4 115X705 12492 Our Flag 4 9 115X700 11533 Dr Mayer 2 Tdn 119 115 G 115KU5 12000 Lula 5 Hav 107 114 0 111 tan 09206 Uncle Abe G MH 112 112 0 112 Sixth Bace 1 Mile MilePurse Purse SOO 3yearolds HandiiapTrack and upward Handiiap Track record recordViceChairman ViceChairman May 23 1922 139 r 110 12802 CHICKVALE 1 7 114X735 13257 Lockerbie 3A iu 97 13815 6 113 725 13277 Patltan G Tij 115 140 0 121 XTM 13381 Accok Accokek ek M 4 3 100 715 03751 = Somerset M 2 Aiti 103 142 4 104 710 13202 Watch the Time 5 Aur 104 142 3 104 706 706Seventh Seventh Bace 1 Mile Purse 00 3yearolds ClaimingTrack and upward Claiming Track record recordViceChairman ViceChairman May 23 1922 139 5 110 12510 Al Boyd 0 Bel 113 141 7 114X725 114X725130CO 130CO Dvoiiit 1 Pom 94 147 S 103 720 12980 Compass M 3 3 103 715 13065 Boxwood 2 CP 105 143 S 98X710 13070 = Miss Fortune 5 DP 103 129 0 100X705 10199 Spearllne 1 in 100X7 08803 McTab 7 BB 96 143 7 t SX7OO

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Local Identifier: drf1927052101_17_6
Library of Congress Record: