untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-21


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POST TIME Americas Authority on Racing RacingTHE THE TURFS NEWEST AND BEST BESTMONTHLY 25 MONTHLY MAGAZINE MAGAZINEAT AT ALL NEWSSTANDS ON SALE NOW NOWOne One more reason why POST TIME is the biggest quarters worth on the newsstands is the big new newJULY JULY ISSUE ISSUEThe The finest and best publication for devotees of racing in the entire field and here are just a few of the reasons reasonsPICTURES PICTURES the best money can buy FEATURES twentyone more than any anyother other turf publication APPEARANCE known everywhere as the theturfs turfs smartest magazine WRITERS the foremost racing authorities in inthe the world 16 stars starsr r All those factors combine to make makePOST POST TIME TIMEAmericas Americas Authority on Racing RacingBUY BUY YOUR COPY TODAY TODAYfor for tomorrow your newsdealer may be sold out POST TIME sells faster than we can print copies has done so for more than a year now since the very first month it appeared to revolutionize the literature of the turf 25 Cents POST TIME 25 Cents Authoritative Interesting Graphically illustrated Beauti ¬ fully printed A turf publication you can be proud to show your friends friendsBUY BUY POST TIME TODAY TODAYor or better still send your subscription its only 250 per year to POST TIME 42 1 Plymouth Court Chicago III

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935062101/drf1935062101_35_3
Local Identifier: drf1935062101_35_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800