Western Jockey Club Action., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-04

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WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB ACTION At the regular monthly meeting of the Stew ¬ ards of the Western Jockey Clnb yesterday con ¬ siderable business was transacted perhaps the principal feature being the reinstatement of J H Texas Smith to good standing Details of business transacted are as follows followsOfficials Officials to serve at race meetings were ap ¬ proved as follows WASHINGTON PARK CLUB CLUBJohn John F Morse presiding judge judgeS S M Apperson associate judge judgeJames James Howard associate judge and handi capper capperRichard Richard Dwyer starter starterM M N Macfarlan clerk of the scales scalesJames James Loughman paddock judge judgeHugh Hugh E Eeough patrol judge judgeWilliam William Richardson patrol judge judgeLawrence Lawrence A Yonng was appointed Steward to represent the Western Jockey Club ClubHAELEJI HAELEJI JOCKEY CLUB CLUBCol Col A W Hamilton presiding judge judgeT T M Chivington associate judge judgeM M Nathanson secretary and handicapper handicapperRichard Richard Dwyer starter starterHugh Hugh E Eeough patrol judge judgeJames James Loughman paddock judge judgeP P P Pomeroy clerk of the scales scalesZ Z Q Stebbins entry clerk clerkR R A Hiller assistant secretary secretaryM M Nathaaeon was appointed steward to rep ¬ resent the Western Jockey Clnb ClnbJ J H Smith was reinstated reinstatedThe The application of J H Ryan for reinstate ¬ ment was denied deniedThe The application of jockey B Silvers for rein ¬ statement was passed to the July meeting of the stewards stewardsThe The application for reinstatement of jockey Jj OBrien was denied deniedThe The applications of William D James for re ¬ instatement of the horse Snenell for steeple ¬ chase purposes and James T Williams for reinstatement of the horse Andy Williams were denied deniedMr Mr Robert Aull tendered his resignation as steward and asked that it be accepted which was done doneThe The following applications for license were granted grantedTrainers Trainers Dudley Allen A Baker David A Baker R H Bronaugh Dick Brooks Ed Brown R E Campbell E Cassin Henry Cheek Wood ford Clay WilliamJJ Conway John Cowan Q W Curtis W W Darden Charles Dorsey James Everman W J Foley Alex Forbes L D Frazea Harry Fnrst John C Gray Thomas Harkins John Harrington W M Hayes W V Henderson 8 C Hildreth Charles Hill James Howe Charles H Hughes 8 E Hnghes F A Jones George D Eelley William Enapp E Linnel W W Lister Charles T Littrell Charles Mack Lew Marion Chris Martin J P Mayberry J C Milam F T Miller J W Moore John H Morris W T Muir John M Paul James Murphy W G Mathews T C Mc ¬ Dowell Daniel OBrien Howard Dots George B Pattereon W E Phillips J B Respess Ed Richardson H C Riddle John Rodegap John F Schorr George Sbafer William Shields Al ¬ bert Simons John D Smith R Smith W H Stevenson J T Stewart R A Swigert R Tucker F B Van Meter A 8 Wade John 8 Ward John T Weaver W J Widener Scott WilliamB Peter Wood WoodJockeyu Jockeyu H Birkenrath A E Brock W Knapp W H Martin R Smith F Timms E Donnelly J Hicks Thomas Knight Jay Ranch Bobert Steele Elmer J Weir J J Higgina William Houlahan John Martin Robert Slater B 8 Sullivan B Steele has been riding as B Jackton Apprentices J C Apperson R Cash J Chambers C Franklin A Helgeaon W A Hig gins M Hill V Jonoe E Miller D Mitchell W Murphy E Poce J Schwartz O Todd ToddThe The following applications for license were passed for future action actionTrainers Trainers John Eohrmann James P McCann A H Vivell J M Young R W De Neffe E Doolan Joseph Hatton Charles Manlding 8 B Stewart StewartJockeys Jockeys W H Blake F ONeil T Walker R Ransom RansomApprentices Apprentices B R Cassidy W Hennessy HennessyThe The following applications for license were denied deniedTrainers Trainers W H Billings Louis Thompson Walter Wells WellsJockeys Jockeys R Henderson HendersonApprentices Apprentices J Walker George Maasner MaasnerThe The following licenses were revoked revokedTrainer Trainer James Johnston JohnstonJockeys Jockeys T Corner James Johnston William Nelson L Rose RoseApprentices Apprentices John Adams E Fredrick

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901060401/drf1901060401_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1901060401_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800