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NEWPORT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Kace 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling BellingInd Ind Horsas Aga Wt Hdcp 25501 BackTalk 4 103 680 680253i6 253i6 By George 5 105 700 25651 AlCaskey 4 105 670 25539 Assassin 7 105 675 25464 Talarick 4 105 650 25538 Blenheim 5 105 660 25539 Colonel Strathy 4 105 685 685255843Brown 255843Brown Thrush 4 103 665 25127 Lucy Leach 5 103 670 25649 Brown Vail 5 103 690 6902565i3Rowdy 2565i3Rowdy Q 3 100 665 25316 JOB Vail 3 97 660 25582 Old Phil 3 97 670 670255002Tangible 255002Tangible 3 95 675 675Stcond Stcond Race 1 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp256223Dr 256223Dr Worth 110 675 25583 Lady Florence 107 680 24911 MissCanale 107 685 685255862Miss 255862Miss Games 107 690 690Botina Botina b f by Bob Miles Bettina 107 25586 Pearl Ban 107 700 25206 Worthingtou 107 670 670Maid Maid of Hope b f by Vo Volante lante Glenore 107 25586 Martha D 107 680 25586 Winnora 107 675 25625 The Common 105 670 25586 Georgiena 102 665 25622 Pigeon Top 102 685 685Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp254292Imperialist 254292Imperialist 4 114 715 715255852Peter 255852Peter Dnryea 4 109 710 71025351Obatinate 25351Obatinate Simon 5 108 720 720255392Havelock 255392Havelock 5 107 710 20072 Northumberland 5 104 695 22678 Ocie Brooks 5 102 705 705233982Tolnca 233982Tolnca 5 102 715 715255393Prosit 255393Prosit 4 102 700 700254293Foneda 254293Foneda 4 100 1K 1KFourth Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 25624 Slasher 6 115 725 25432 Passaic 5 112 715 715255433Filibnster 255433Filibnster 7 106 710 25623 Coralis 6 104 705 23109 Paulines Last 3 100 700 700256242Dollie 256242Dollie Wagner 3 98 710 25650 Young Henry 3 98 705 705255432Prne 255432Prne Vood 3 91 715 71525542Ruseian 25542Ruseian 3 90 720 25313 The Irish Boy 3 87 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Allies 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling255423Banquo 255423Banquo II 7 111 720 25582 Major Bell 5 103 693 25538 Bantley B 5 103 700 24856 Waterhonse 5 103 715 715256212Ahamo 256212Ahamo 4 102 715 715256243Edna 256243Edna Gerry 4 97 725 25851 Sauce Boat 4 97 710 25430 Queen Quality 3 87 700 25626 Hija 3 87 710 25466 Madeline G 3 82 705 705Sixtli Sixtli Race 78 Milo 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling256492Sundown 256492Sundown II 5 108 710 25621 Onomastus 5 108 725 25626 Handy 4 108 705 25538 Mr Brookwood 5 103 700 25649 Nekarnis 6 103 700 25651 McCleary 6 105 720 25253 Prince of Brannon 4 105 695 695255853Charley 255853Charley Estes 4 105 715 25584 Lady Ezell 5 103 700 25587 Full Dress 5 103 695 25131 Lyllis 7 103 710 710255873Jnlia 255873Jnlia Rose 4 103 685 25313 Jim Nap 3 100 690 25350 Ruth Park 3 95 685 68525351Lady 25351Lady Hayman 3 95 715