Brooklyn Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-04


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BROOKLYN FORM CHART CHARTQRAVESEND QRAVESEND L I June 3 Eighth day Brooklyn Jockey Club ClubSpring Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Racine starts at 230 p m O ± PC fc FIH8T EACE 1 34 Miles Over 7 Hurdles 5700 added 4yearolds and O J J upward Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St 1 3 5 7 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 22168 CPHALALGLU 132 9 9 8 3 21 12 13 Brazil J W Smythe 6752 19155 DESPERADO 5 136 7 61 61 4 45 31 23 Barry Albamarle Stable 6762 252742M DOCTRINE 6 150 4 31 SB 21 U 22 3 Donohne Underwood Co 11521 8545 15882B HDNDRED4 139 88 5 61 53 4 415 Mara J W Colt 4 6 6 2 21348 BELLAMY 6134 5 11 m 1 3a 515 54 Hewitt J F Barrett 20 30 30 10 25274 W MIN8TREL4 134 10 10 9 91093070 62 Monahan D D L Boland 30 40 40 15 22137 K BARLCRN 5 150 3 21 21 51 61061 71 J Donohue J W Colt 4 6 6 2 24347 BON JOUR 5 134 2 71 71 810 812 gs 810 Biggins C On 10 15 15 6 24152 ROXBURGH 4 142 11 11 10 10 10 10 9 Kennedy G Bardin Jr 15 15 15 6 25219 I8LINGTEM 5 132 6 42 42 7 71 91010 Heider G Schwarz 50 60 60 20 20BOB BOB 7 147 1 5 Fell Dayton D Hollis 10 15 15 6 6Coupled Coupled in betting Time 322 322Winner Winner B g by Mars B S SWent Went to post at 230 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the eatne Ceph alalgia best handled saved for the first mile and sent to the front at the half finished strongly Desperado was pockated and interfered with nearly throughout was probably boat and ran a fine race Monroe Doctrine prominent to the stretch quit badly in the last quarter and was lucky to be third Bermuda Hundred was going well at the finish Bellamy displayed good speed and jumped well for half the distance King Barleycorn was not fit and was under a chok ¬ ing pull for seven furlongs He can do better and far outclasses this kind on the Oat OatOverweights Overweights Cephalaluia 2 pounds Bermuda Hundred 2 Wandering Minstrel 4 4Cephalalpia Cephalalpia show evens Desperado show evens Monroe Doctrine show 2 to 5 25653 O K C K O BECON SECOND HACK 68 Mile 5700 added 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25421 NEITHER ONE 104 3 13 H H IH McGinn Kraus Bros 15 15 12 4 24947 RIGHTAWAY 108 4 41 41 22 23 OConnor H T Griffin 4 4 21 910 25472 ROSSIGNOL 106 5 2 31 41 35 T Burns T Hitchcock Jr 5862 5862252163JAME3 252163JAME3 FITZ 109 6 510 510 5 43 Bnllman A J Joyner 6862 25474 POSTILLION 97 2 32 2 3 51 Cochran Setanket Stable 8 10 8 21 255492 WILD OATS 107 7 62 6 65 65 Shaw J Fleischmann 2 1152 910 24845 ILLUMINATE 108 1 7 7 7 7 J Daly J McLaughlin 20 100 60 20 20Time Time 12 5 24 36 50 102 Winner Or f by Loantaka or Faraday Squad III IIIWent Went to post at 305 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Neithar One got off running but she was much the best and simply played with her field Rightaway finished fast and ran an extra good race Rossignol ran in improved form but was lucky to be third James Fitz broke flatfooted and was badly handled but closed a big gap Postillion showed plenty of speed and appeared to be a contender to the stretch but when called on quit Wild Oats heavily bandaged ran a very bad race raceScratched Scratched 25059 Mies Hastings 110 249472Friar Tabor 106 25547 Carrier Pigeon 102 102Overweights Overweights James Fitz 3 pounds poundsNeither Neither One show 2 to 1 Rightaway show 1 to 2 Rossignol show evens Wild Oats show 1 to 2 OPCf fX1 THIRD RACK l Mile ami 70 Yurtls i700 added 3yearoldr Maidens OOOtt Allowances Ind Horaos A Wt Bt H K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P GOLD SPINNER 112 1 H 12 16 lio H Piggott G B Morris 2 3 21 1 25576 ETHICS 112 2 7 5 4 311 2a H Michaels C F Dwyer 30 30 20 8 8252173BELV1NO 252173BELV1NO 11210 9 81 61 61 3 McQuade JGalway 20 20 15 6 6250223NONES 250223NONES 109 10 10 71 51 21 4io T Burns T Hitchcock Jr 3 31 21 1 1247442DR 247442DR PRESTON 112 9 12 12 71 51 51 Cochran Georga J Long 12 20 8 3 25275 SATIRE 112 5 33 3 211 4 6 Littlefield C Littlefield Jr 20 30 30 10 25511 ISAAC HOPPER 112 11 11 11 11 91 7 Mounce W Oliver 30 100 50 20 20C 21177 ARDEN 112 12 13 14 14 13 8 Dangman C W Baird 100 100 15 6 6J GOLD EN GRAIN 107 7 5 6 81 81 93 Shaw J G Follansbee 3 5 41 85 85C 25511 DACTYL 107 3 81 91 10 10 101 Slack C Bimms Co 10 10 10 4 4M 25551 ARGANAUTA 107 6 42 4 9 11 111 Lawrence M Kahn 100 300 300 100 100JHCarr 24638 YOUR GRACE 109 8 61 10 12 12 1211 Wonderly J JHCarr H Carr 20 50 50 20 20J 22080 CE8PEDES 112 4 2a 2 31 71 13 Coylio J P Martin 30 40 40 10 10W 24529 ANNA DARLING 107 13 14 13 13 14 14 Miles W C Daly 100 100 100 40 25377 EGOTISM 107 15 16 16 15 15 15 McGinn Kraus Bros 60 100 100 30 19252 HENGIST 112 14 15 15 16 16 16 Bronnan Oneck Stable GO 60 50 20 20Time Time 24 48c 1 15 1 42 1 47 47Winner Winner B c by Goldfinch Red Spinner SpinnerWent Went to post at 335 At post 4 minutes Start straggling Won in a canter recond driving Gold Spinner got a running start and was never extended from start to finish The actual con ¬ tenders on public form were far back at the start and met interference throughout and conse qnently the race furnished no real line on the winners caliber He is probably a good one how ¬ ever Ethics was lucky saved ground and ran a fine race Belvino off badly pocketed for half the journey and repeatedly interfered with finished strongly Nones nearly left and carried wide on the first turn and then ridden to a standstill in the first half was easily second best and might have given the winner an argument with an even chance at the start Dr Preston closed a gap from a bad sendoff Satire was under restraint to the stretch and will do to watch when a capable jockey rides Golden Grain has been highly tried triedScratched Scratched 18795 The Bluecoat 109 109Gold Gold Spinner show 1 to 2 Ethics show 4 to 1 Bolvino show 3 to 1 Nones show 3 to 5 K f K K FOURTH RACE a8 Mile 2yearolds Fillies Allowances O O O O The Criterion Stakes Value 3500 Ind dorses A Wt St Yt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P P24984GHAIL 24984GHAIL 114 1 125306BLUE 32 3 21 1 Landry GoughacresStable7 12 10 2 25306BLUE GIRL 124 3 H H HI 2 T Burns J E Madden 35 71035 out 25610 HANOVER QUEEN114 2 2255813CHIRRUP 2 21 3 35 Spencer AHDHMorris2 1152 25 255813CHIRRUP 114 4 4444 Piggott G GB B Morris 15 30 30 4 4Time Time 12 23 36 48 101 Winner B f by Atheling Pilgrimage PilgrimageWent Went to post at 4 00 At post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Blue Girl was best but was used up in setting a terrific pace and was caught tiring at the end by the winner which laid away Grail however finished very strong and ran like a highclass filly Hanover Queen beat herself in following Blue Girl closely Chirrup was outclassed outclassedScratched Scratched 24316 Sedition 114 25610 Gunfire 114 114Grail Grail show 1 to 2 Hanover Queen show out FIFTH HACK 1 11O Miles 1000 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horses AWtSt K K X StrFin Jockeys Owners CHOP 2T4733DR BARLOW 3 110 2 41 41 4n 41 1 Odom W I Kilpatrick 2 21 11512 25580 FIRST WHIP 4 121 3 5 5 5 3 22 OConnor J McLanghlin 56565 1232 ALCEDO 4 126 5 3 3 32 2 3 T Walsh L V Bell 8 20 20 5 5213203BEAU 213203BEAU GALLANT 3 112 1 22 211 IH IB 42 Bullman B Croker 75 85 75 12 5056 SAILOR KING 6 95 4 Hi IH 21 5 5 Cochran W Jennings 12 12 8 2 2Time Time 25 49J 1 15J 1 42 1 48 Winner B c by Forester Illogical IllogicalWent Went to post at 4 30 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Dr Barlow was pocketed to the stretch where he found an opening on the rail and came away from his field like breaking sticks He was easily best today First Whip finished strongly and ran up to his best form Alcedo at the weight put up a splendid effort and is in first class shape Beau Gallant looked grand was full of speed for seveneighths bnt failed in the stretch from lack of condition He will beat theee back in his next essay Sailor King ran a fine race for him bnt was outclassed outclassedScratched25608 Scratched25608 Gold Fox 103 25613The Amazon 104 25613 Wall About 96 96Dr Dr Barlow show out First Whip show 1 to 2 Alcedo show 7 to 5 Beau Gallant show out f Cj ft p fj SIXTH BACK About 34 Mile 165 feet short 700 added 3yearolds t O O O 4 and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K K fc StrFin Jockeys Owners U ± 1 U e 25576 GODFREY 5 110 5 5255763DR 12 1 1 12 Bullman J H Steimer 4 a 5 2 255763DR RIDDLE 4 106 2 6 = 41 31 21 Cochran J J McCafferty 21 3 2 45 25423 OLIVER MC 5 100 7 7255513ANTE 81 81 4a 32 Miles G Roth 6762 255513ANTE UP 3 95 3 21 23 21 42 Michaels MonhanHubner6 10 8 3 25576 BOUNTEOUS 3 103 10 9 9 9 53 Monnce W H Sands 20 30 15 6 24553 YORKSHIRE BOY 3 100 4 41 71 61 62 Slack J L Holland 15 40 30 10 25551 DHOGHEDA 3 97 6 5 = 61 7 7 J Daly Daly3n R H Loud Co 10 15 15 6 25309 9 H RL HIGHNESB4 104 1 3n 3 5a 8 Shaw G Forbes 3552 20876 6 CANDLING 4 106 8 71 5 8 9 Brien C E Railey 20 20 10 4 25551 1 CONNIE 3 87 9 10 10 10 10 Creamer W C Daly 15 30 20 8 4344 4 ICANCHUBIA 3 100 11 11 11 11 11 Brennan G W Johnson 60 100 100 40 40Time Time 11 23 48 112 112Winner Winner Bar by Kingston Ella Blackburn Went to poet at 500 At poet 8 minutes Start good Won handily second driving God 41 n ft t showed tbVmogt apeed throughout nd was lucky Dr Riddle outrun in the first quarter was badly messed about in the big field but came like a flash in the last furlong too late He was surely the best and is a horse of fair class Oliver Me closed a big gap coltScratched and was running strongly at the end Bounteous closed a tremendous gap Watch this colt Scratched 22105 Tinge 106 23847 Kid 87 255792Glennellie 103 206143 Bold Knight 103 Overweights 103Overweights Oliver Me 2 pounds Yorkshire Boy 3 His Royal Highness 1 Godfrey show evens Dr Riddle show 2 to 5 Oliver Me show 6 to 5

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Local Identifier: drf1901060401_5_1
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