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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 13 Mile Mile2yearolde 2yearolde Maidens Selling Sellingind ind HorsoBcolor sex padigrea Wt Hdop 23548 Lady Clarik 106 690 690255712Maggie 255712Maggie Clopton 106 720 25407 Kilrush 106 695 695Uwanta Uwanta ch f by Prince of ofMonaco Monaco Bnnahine 106 25571 Jungfran 106 715 25232 Pirate Maid 103 700 24472 Sister barah 103 695 25434 Me 100 700 25026 NoraD 100 705 25460 Rosy Cross 100 725 725255713Anna 255713Anna Elliott 100 710 710Mazie Mazie D b f by Tacoma Princess Yama 100 25355 Dnela 100 710 25571 AllMine 100 705 705250993Ruby 250993Ruby Ray 100 715 715Second Second Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Allowancestnd tnd Horses color Bexpsdigrsc Wt Hdcp Hdcp255722Precisely 255722Precisely 112 720 2557231111 Fritz 109 715 25392 Lee Nutter 109 725 725Broodier Broodier ch c by Service Miss Baker 109 Lynch 109 XuftB b c by Tacoma Lady LadyLucas Lucas 109 4 25458 Tristram 107 705 25572 Nor Maz 103 690 25458 Phonolite 103 700 25572 Oakling 103 710 25513 Hambo 103 703 25458 Flossies King 103 695 25572 Colonel Flynn 103 690 25353 Carat 100 700 25572 John Storm 100 715 715Tlilrd Tlilrd Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling Selling2509S3Battus 2509S3Battus 113 703 703255733dinfl 255733dinfl 108 725 22655 DauPaxton 107 695 25620 Sard 107 715 25532 Accolade 107 695 25395 1enny Belle 105 710 23976 btaff 105 700 700Buck Buck ODowd ch g by Buck master Peggy ODowd 104 25098 ZackFord 104 700 25463 Fridolin 102 715 25098 Alea 102 720 720199392Ihe 199392Ihe Copper 101 700 25532 Mrs Grannan 99 705 25395 Donna Bella 99 710 25531 May Do 99 690 690Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellingind ind Horses Ago Wt Hdcp Hdcp255708wordsman 255708wordsman 7 116 715 7152553l2Celtic 2553l2Celtic Bard 8 113 720 25534 Loxoil 4 109 705 25575 Deponan 4 109 710 71025357Prestome 25357Prestome 4 109 725 24974 Don Luis 6 108 710 25138 C P Jones 5 108 703 23711 Kaftan 4 107 693 25575 JSight Bells 610G 700 25531 Regatta 6 106 690 25614 Jim Turner 4 104 695 25393 Eda ttiley 4 102 715 25512 WilliamBoyer 3 89 695 695FIftli FIftli Race 1 310 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 23368 Tom Cromwell 8 Ill 710 25575 Windward 5 111 705 70525103Barboe 25103Barboe 6 108 720 25534 Hound Turn a 108 700 25273 Eugenia S 5 106 715 71525534Lady 25534Lady of the West 6 106 723 723255343Ice 255343Ice 4 104 700 700Sixtli Sixtli Race 78 Mile 3yoarolds and upward Selling 25616 Kings Highway 6110 695 25517 Cherry Head 5110 700 700255173Brulare 255173Brulare 6 108 710 23624 TomGilmore 4 108 690 25463 Reducer 6 107 725 254633 Verify 6 107 715 715256193Meddlesome 256193Meddlesome 5 107 710 71025512Ladas 25512Ladas 5 107 700 700254382Tnskarcsa 254382Tnskarcsa 3 105 705 70525614Ben 25614Ben Frost 6 104 720 21761 Orris 4 103 695 69523547Syncopated 23547Syncopated Sandy 3 102 700 25575 La Desirous 3 100 705 705236142Sue 236142Sue Johnson 4 100 715 25286 Purse Lady 3 86 690