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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKIANI OAKIANI CAIi June 3 One Hundred and Tenth day California Jockey Club Spring Moating Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Joseph A Murphy Starter F Mulholland Racing starts at 205 p m Recall flag is used V E t A I FIR8T RACE Futurity Course 170 feet short of 34 mile Purse 300 4 J j J rt 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K 5 StrFin Jockey Owners O H C P 2a627 HILARY 4 115 1 11 22 21 1 Ruiz D C McCarty 2 2 95 710 25627 BAGDAD 4 115 2 fri 5 3k 2 Tullett H L Haakell 15 50 40 15 24903 ABBA L 3 3101 101 4 22 11 11 3 Brodine B A Chilson 25 30 15 7 24903 EDITH O 3 101 6 41 41 41 4i Stuart D J McCarty 10 25 25 10 25409 BONITARY 3 103 8 87 51 5 Alexander H E Rowell 4662 23432 PIDALIA 4 115 5 61 63 7 6 M Bergen W Braida 50 100 100 40 25588 TINKLE TINKLES 101 10 10MARINEU8E 10 10 10 7 Bergen Elmwood Farm 6 10 10 4 MARINEU8E 3 103 9 9 8 8 8 Hoar W Fisher 5 5 31 32 25590 ELKARN 3 108 3 7 9 9 91 Burlington W H Grissim 15 20 20 8 25630 CARLONIAN S 108 12 12 11 11 101 Ryan E Lanigan 6 13 13 5 25184 LINDO 4 112 7 52 31 61 111 Dingley J Crooks 10 15 15 6 25519 SPINDLE 3 106 11 11 12 12 12 Bassingar P Hildreth 6 12 12 5 5Time 1111Winner Time 1111 Winner Ch g by Harry OFallon Ethel VI VIWent Went to post at 210 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily sec jnd driving Hilary took things easy to the homestretch then came on like a good horse Bagdad finished strongly under a good ride Abba L received bad handling and might have been second by daylight with a good halfOverweights ride Lindo showed a flash of early speed Bonitary made up ground in the last half Overweights Bonitarr 4 pounds Pidalia 2 Lindo 2 Spindle 3 Hilary show 1 to 3 Bagdad show 7 to 1 Abba L show 3 to 1 M arineuse show 4 to 5 fc Pv33Pv SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St V StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P 25521 PREJUDICE 4111 2 31 32 33 IMC 11 Alexander BurneWaterhsel 1 71013 25627F1RST SHOT 4 107 3 1 21 21 21 25 Baesinger B Schreiber 46565 254783FORMATUS 4 107 4 41 4n 4H 41 33 Berger Elmwood Farm 10 20 20 5 25593 KICKUMBOB 4 107 6 7 6 7 62 43 Tamplin W M Murry 50 200 150 25 25590 MIKE RICE 8 111 7 61 51 51 51 51 Tnllett T E McLaughlin 12 15 15 4 24660 GRAND SACHEM 6 109 5 51 7 61 7 62 Hoar J J Morah 5772 255613 ALAS 4103 1 21 11 11 3 7 Fanntleroy H C Ahlers 4772 4772Time Time 12 231 49 1 14 1 28 Winner 28Winner Br f by Loyalist Pride PrideWent Went to post at 2 35 At post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Preju ¬ dice avoided the early pace and clearly had the race won a furlong from home First Shot ran a game race coming on sturdily at the end after a long tussle with Alas Formatus ran a fair race and can do better Alas died away after showing speed for five and a half furlongs Bcratched17587 Odd Eyes 109 109Prejudice Prejudice show out First Shot show 1 to 2 Formatus show 2 to 1 25666 THIRDRACK 1 5 l Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M Y K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25562 VASSALO 107 1 1U 11 11 1 Alexander BnrnsWaterhse 71071035 out 25441 HUACHUCA 110 4 32 3 21 2 Bergen Doble Campbell 4 982 25150 TORSO MAID 107 3 6 55 41 3 Bassinger J Weber Co 66685 25589 QUADRA 107 5 5 6 6 4 Tullett WB Jennings Co30 50 50 10 255923 HAINAULT 107 6 43 45 31 512 Hoar E Lanigan 10 10 8 2 25520 IRMA A 108 2 2 2 51 6 Bozeman J Sullivan 10 15 15 3 3Time 1081Winner Time 181 24i 50 102 1081 Winner B g by Vassal Idol IdolWent Went to post at 320 At post 6 minutes Start good Won with the first three driving Vasealo received the best ride and stuck his head out just at the right time Hnachuca was seemingly best today and if off as well as Vassalo would probably have beaten him even with none too good a ride Torso Maid was cut off early or she would have been a keener contender and was going fast at the close Hainault was worn out in breakaways Irma A showed speed for three furlongs only and can do better betterOverweights Overweights poundHuacbuca Irma A 1 pound Huacbuca show 7 to 10 Torso Maid show 3 to 5 O PZ f ± ± T FOURTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet short of 34 mile Purse 300 JJJJ j 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M V2 H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25412KATIE WALCTT4 113 6 31 H 11 11 Bozeman E Kaufman 21 31 3 65 24904 FRANK WOODS 4 115 5 51 3 2a 21 Romero Garden City Stbl 12 15 15 6 25632 CANEJO 4 114 2 4 4i 41 3 Ruiz Owen Bros 3 4 16565 25409 MATILDA O 3107 7 1 21 3 41 Gutierrez H C Ahlers 8 10 10 4 4256272QOLD 256272QOLD FINDER 4 115 8 62 51 53 55 Alexander M Storn 2 1251251 125125123455THRACIA 23455THRACIA 3 106 4 2 61 61 61 Hoar Burlingame Farm6 7 7 21 21254093APHRODI8 254093APHRODI8 3 106 1 7 7 7 72 Stuart J H Simpson 6 12 10 4 25558 FOLLOW ME 3 108 3 8 8 8 85 Fauntleroy S Merriweather 20 30 30 12 24972 TRIPLE CROSS 310610 10 9 9 920 Burke E F Fredricksen 10 20 20 8 23068 BOB PALMER 3 108 9 9 10 10 10 Bergen P Howely 20 50 50 20 20Time Time 111 J JWinner Winner PenelopeWent Ch f by Prince Royal Penelope Went to post at 345 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Katie Walcott was best made her move three furlongs from home and lost no ground in the stretch Frank Woods ran to his best form Canejo did her best bnt likes a longer route Matilda O was knocking at the door all the way Gold Finder received weird pilotage Thracia showed a little onlyScratched early speed only Scratched 25409 Count Hubert 108 El Rey 103 103Overweights Overweights Canejo 1 pound Matilda O 1 1Katie Katie Walcott show 3 to 5 Frank Woods show 3 to 1 Canejo show 3 to 5 Gold Finder show 1 to 2 V PC C ± C ± Q FIFTH RACK 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolde and upward Selling 4 O O O O Fillies and Mares lad Horses A Wt St J4 H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 25590 HOMAGE 3 108 5 56 41 32 11 Bozeman P G Lynch 5882 25480 FOUL PLAY 4 117 2 33 31 21 22 Hoar B Schreiber 5 5 31 65 25561 DDL WIETHOFF5 114 6 41 56 42 3 Alexander BurnsWaterhse 35585 255223MOCORITO 6 124 1 l It 11 45 Ruiz J Sullivan 32 32 1 12 25628 LUCERA 3 103 4 7 7 61 52 Bergen Elmwood Farm 10 30 30 8 25561 CLARANDO 5 114 3 2 2H 51 63 Bassinger D F Cox 8 12 12 3 3255883QALENE 255883QALENE 4 112 7 65 65 7 7 Slocnm W H Forbes 30 50 50 10 10Time Time 2314811141 2314811141Winner Winner Ch f by Take Notice Hoolou HoolouWent Went to post at 415 At post 9 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Homage recovered her speed with marked suddenness and won in game fashion Foul Play seemed the winner a sixteenth from home but did not have enough left to stall off Homages rush Dollie Wiethoff made a good homestretch run Mocorito tired under her weight Clarando showed plenty of speed for three furlongs then quit quitOverweights Overweights Homage 3 pounds Lucera 3 3Homage Homage show 4 to 5 Foul Play show 1 to 2 Dollie Wiethoff show 3 to 5 Mocorito show out OPC J SG SIXTH RACK 1 1 16 Miles Purse 300 4yearolde and upward OOOy Selling Ind Horses A Wt St Yi K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25558 CROMWELL 9 110 1 51 62 61 21 11 Ruiz W M Murry 21 21 85 710 71025558PAT 25558PAT MORRISSEY7 107 6 31 3 21 It 23 Alexander BnrnsWaterhse 65 2 95 45 255592LOST GIRL 7 105 4 61 51 7 41 31 Hoar E G McConnell 5762 25563 SYLVAN LASS 5 105 5 8 7 8 7 41 Prior J Chloupek 10 15 12 31 255632EINSTEIN 6 107 3 li H li 3 51 Bassinger Earnshaw Bros 6994 25411 THE BUFFOON 4 107 2 7 8 31 8 6 Gutierrez H J Jones 20 100 100 25 255903RIO CHICO 5 107 7 2i 21 41 51 71 Bozeman G Sullivan 5 7 7 21 25563 TOM CALVERT 6 107 8 9 9 9 61 81 Tnllett G H Secrest 12 30 30 10 25478 RAINIER 5 107 9 41 41 51 9 9 H Brow J Wells 20 100 100 25 0mitted from entries Time 12i 241 49 1 15 1 4H 1 48 48Winner Winner Ch h by St Blaise Flavina Went to pest at 445 At post 15 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Crom challenged Pat Morrissey seventy yards out and ontgamed him Pat Morrissey off poorly and bumping his way through on theflrst turn ran to his best form Lost Girl came from afar in the final quarter Sylvan Lass was going great guns at the end Einstein led for nearly seven furlongs then gave it up Scratched upScratched 255593 Sunello 107 255633Bardock 107 107Cromwell Cromwell show 2 to 5 Pat Morrisaey show 2 to 5 Lost Girl show evens