Hawthorne Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-04


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HAWTKORXE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 58 Blilo Blilo2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp256022Hans 256022Hans Wagner 113 685 68525407Jaubert 25407Jaubert 110 675 675255663Hargis 255663Hargis 103 695 25452 Stuyve 107 680 25190 Little Scout 106 700 700Long Long b c by Longstreet Contrary 102 25452 Aladdin 102 665 25566 Lord Qnex 101 625 25566 Emmet Orr 99 650 25566 Tom Wallace 97 670 67024397Stnart 24397Stnart Young 97 695 254523 Hat Mitchell 95 675 675255662Le 255662Le al Maxim 94 6S5 6S5253353Mihasa 253353Mihasa 94 685 25602 Parnassus 89 650 650Second Second Race 1 11 G Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 25607 Moroni 6 109 715 25601 Our Nellie 5 106 680 24729 Papa Harry 6 106 690 690255303Phidias 255303Phidias 5 106 690 25607 El Caney 4 105 725 725256072Prairie 256072Prairie Dog 4104 710 25601 Hermencia 4 102 690 690221942Colbert 221942Colbert 4 100 720 24601 Little Tim 3 92 720 720Third Third Race 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Allowances25566The 25566The Esmond 107 685 25454 Kentucky Muddle 99 700 25290 Throstle 99 630 25206 Mabel Winn 99 635 25372 Johanna D 99 640 24873 Minnie Copeland 97 600 600254932Herse 254932Herse 97 650 25566 Lady Helene 97 600 600Irmas Irmas Choice 97 254933Nellie Waddell 97 690 690Grizel Grizel 97 Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances25565Orimar 25565Orimar 7 108 740 740256C6 256C6 Favonius 5 106 725 725207522Hard 207522Hard Knot 5 106 710 710256013Tobo 256013Tobo Paine 5 106 650 650247252Bangle 247252Bangle 6 104 750 25113 His Lordship 5 104 715 715255652Vulcain 255652Vulcain 4 104 735 735254562Livadia 254562Livadia 6 99 710 710Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Allowances251832Whitfleld 251832Whitfleld 114 690 69025403Prince 25403Prince of Africa 114 650 25491 Fancy Wood 109 705 705251812Trinity 251812Trinity Bell 109 695 695255653Jiminez 255653Jiminez 104 725 21920 Adelante 101 675 20557 Searcher 101 690 690255642Bculptress 255642Bculptress 99 675 675Sixth Sixth Race 6 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 25457 Nansen 4 114 675 23695 Fair Deceiver 6 lit 690 255683 Leo King 4 114 725 25601 Myrtle Gebaur 4 112 670 25525Zaza 4 112 710 253633Harney 3 108 665 665252022Faraday 252022Faraday Jr 3 108 650 243713Educate 3103 720 25334 Mary Moore 3 103 650 25569 Deloraine 3 103 690 250153 C B Campbell 3 100 705 25297Give All 3 100 670

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901060401/drf1901060401_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1901060401_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800