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WINNERS EVERY DAY WINNERS WINNERSThe The Rush 31 Silverdale 1 1 10 Laureate 51 51This This is what we gave our 20S subscribers straight f rom tho shoulder yesterday at Hawthorne At St Louis we gave our out of town clients and pool room players turee extraordinary good ones At Hawthorne discarding the jumping race oa which we gave no figures wa could easily claim a clean sheet as Andes winner of the second race and Star Chamber who captured the fifth event both figured second Had we known however that Winkflald was going to ride we would have been compelled to put both on top as he understands each individual and is in excellent riding form at present Common sensq inside information and closa application of figures are bound to win We have been a long time in tho field have a good clean record and never misrepresent misrepresentTWO TWO GRAND SPECIALS TODAY Give us a trial and be convinced that there is a way to boat the races Delivered to any city cityaddress address at 11 am ST LOUIS WIXXEHS OX SALE AT 11 AM XO SOOXER SOOXERTHE THE AMERICAN HANDICAPPERS TEE 72 119 Dearborn St 50C DAILY 300 WEEKLY WIRED AT 10 AM