untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-04


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HAWTHORNE Race Track Dtilcago Joteg dun HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNERace Race Track i i i i i i FINEST IN THE WEST 323333 323333SPRING SPRING 1EETING HAY 27 TO JUNE 5 5SIX SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY BEGINNING AT 230 P M StakeSEvents StakeSEventsJUNE Music Steeplechase SteeplechaseRaces Races JUNE 6 The Turf Congress Handicap 1000 added For 3yearolds and upward upwardOne RacesMonday Monday One Mile Cicero MondayThursday CiceroOrchestra Thursday JUNE 8 The Juvenile Stakes Selling 1500 added For 2yearolds Five and andOneHalf Orchestra ThursdaySaturday Saturday OneHalf Furlongs Band ADMISSION 100 100The The Metropolitan and Lake Street Elevated and Madie9n St Ogden Aye 12th St and 22nd St Stillirtstic illirtstic fni fnir r trains leave Randolph street at 940 am 1230 1255 115 150 and 200 lines connect with electric care every seven minutes direct to grounds UllllUli Cllllal piM Btopping at Van Bnren Park Row Halsted street and Ashland Special electric leave State A and Tan Bnren streets at 1250 10 rn 1CO rn 1 in 10 and 1 uO r rAv8 Av8 returning at 439 pm and aft r raceb Does not stop at Ashland Ave cars pm stop u f 1 pmeronlyat Canal Halsted Ashland and Ogden Avee direct to track in 40 minutes OE OEVVednesday VVednesday and Saturday only CD T trains leave Union Depot at 1215 115 150 and 210 pm Btopping at Sixteenth Metropolitan express trains leaving Pacific Ave ana van Bnren St at 111121 and 1 31 pm L A jf at Bine Island and Western Aves returning after races stop at all stations on Loop Franklin Halsted and Marshfield Ave reaching track 27 min minutes utes from Franklin St Tare For Round Trip on Special Trains 25 Cents Sheridan Clark Secy Room 403 Monadnock Bnilding

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901060401/drf1901060401_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901060401_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800