untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-04


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LONGJJACH TURF EXCHANGE EXCHANGETWO TWO SPECIAL TRAINS ON LAKE SHORE RAILROAD Leave Van Bnreu St Depot daily as follows 1245 and 115 pm stopping at 22d St Stations StationsRnjrlnwnnrT First Second RnjrlnwnnrT Ornnrl frn Binr nnH Rrv PMnnirr Train Train Returning Stpm trams at 4 00 p m on B O Ry 4 50 Lv yan Buren St 1245 115 and after last pm race 22dst 1248 118 All Elevated Roads make direct connections with u ijn lnwnA ° 101 131 Buren St Running time 30 minutes guaran Sout h Chfc o8 138 136 taj TATTMT TUTIJ OK TwMrFio pousu oaicago

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901060401/drf1901060401_3_12
Local Identifier: drf1901060401_3_12
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800