Saratoga Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-17


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SARATOGA FORM CHART CHARTSABATOOA SABATOOA N Y August 10 Eleventh day The Saratoga Association AssociationSnmmerlMeetlng SnmmerlMeetlng Yeatherclear track slow Presiding Jndge Glarenco McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Bacing starts at 215 p m 27563 FIRST BACK 5 13 Furlonga 700 added 2yearolds Handicap ind Horses A Wt St K H X StrFin Jockeys Owners 272342LADY STERLING 90 5 21 23 IH l Creamer W C Daly 12 25 20 6 27410 WHISKEY KING 110 6 13 U 21 23 BeanchampPepper Stable 10 12 7 3 27410 16513545264641GBAIL SMABT SET 118 2 41 31 31 3 Spencer G Walbaum 3 16513545 1226794aELSIE 264641GBAIL 105 1 51 51 4 4 Shaw GonghacresStableSS 2 75 12 26794aELSIE L 102 3 77 51 5 Dean MHTichenorColO 15 15 4 248182COLD 8TBEAM 114 4 6U 61 61 6 N Tnrner F B Van Meter 31 8 7 3 BOdE OF MAY 110 7 3 41 7 7 T Burns W C Whitney 12 25 20 8 Time 11 23 366 50 1 03 1 10J Winner AqnilaWent Ch f by Hanover Aqnila Went to post at 215 At poet 4 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Lacijr Sterling was vary badly handled bnt was easily best at the weights and in the going She waa id the worst going throughout and finished strongly Whiskey King broke slowly and acted like a sulker but ran from last to first place in a hundred yards with an amazing burst of speed and crossed tbe entire field knocking Smart Set Grail and Cold Stream back and practically destroy ¬ ing whatever chancoe thty may have had Bmart Set and Grail cloeod a gap in the last quarter especially the latter and were going strongly at the end Elsie L had no chance with her bad jockey moreover sbe dislikes mud Cold Stream has worked very fast and will probably do watt on a rememberingScratched fast track BOBO of May showed spaed and is worth remembering Scratched 26794Endurance by Bight 118 261142 Foundling 107 273922Qay Boy 103 25324 Andy Williams 102 102litrfjrCtiimff litrfjrCtiimff iutr 3 ttf It WWJcyrtKixfcr Uow 7 toG Sm rt8et ebow 2 toS 6rntt show 1 to 4 t rT K A SECOND BACK 1 18 Miles 500 added 3yearolds and upward A i OOtt Selling Ind Horses A Wt St St V K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H U P 27371 NITRATE 3 96 1 21 22 25 1 It 11 H Michaels J E Madden 2 13521 3 274433THE AMAZON 4 114 4 IH li IH 23 23 2 MnlhollandP 8 P Randolph 343 71 275053ALS1KE 5103 3 3 3 3 330 330 330 Miles W C Daly 656591014 27532 INFALLIBLE 3 86 2444444 GThompsn O L Richards 40 BO 15 3 Time 26 516 118 146 201 201Winner Winner Br c by Tea Tray Nineveh NinevehWent Went to post at 245 At post 1 miante Startgood Won driving second the same Nitrate received a winning ride although the horse showed a startling reversal of form The Amazon a very difficult mnre to ride hud very little chance to show her real form and was a good horsa badljr messed about Aleike in going and a distance to his liking ran a bad race Miles tried his dilatory priceScratched tactice and the horse probably disliked the price Scratched 27468 MacLeod of Dare 108 No 108No show betting on first three S r K pT THIBD RACE Full Conrie About 2 12 Miles 4yearolds and npwarfl t i O J O Allowances Tbe Beverwyck Steeplechase Value 1500 Ind Horses A Wt St 4 8 12 16 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27468 T BACHELORS 163 2 2 21 2 28 13 Hi G Green W U Whitney 65 85 75 2ft 273203ZINZIBER 4 153 1 3 3 3 IH 2 5 230 Veitch Mr Chamblett 85851 13 27320 TRILLION 10 163 3 H li H 3 57645Time 3 3 Mr Hayes W C Hayes 57645 Time 634 SpinsterWent Winner 634Winner Ch K by Jndge Murray Spinster Went to post at 310 At post 5 minutes Start good Won handily second easily Tha Bachelor waa a good horee through the field bnt was probably lucky to win as Zlniiba appeared to have much the beat of it and seemed almost a certain winner a half from the finish ground Trillion i of uo account this year FOURTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs 100 added 2yearolde Maidens Selling nd Horses A AWtStK Wt St K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners OHO 27311 GEHALDYN 110 9 6 ° 41 2i li L Smith J G Follanebee 20 20 10 4 44a 27501 CHICKADEE 107 6 4a IH in 2a J Woods A G Weston 07484 27412 BATYAH 102 7 8 71 4 SB Mile J E Madden 12 15 15 S 27392 WODEN 110 1 9 10 8 4i McGinn R T Wilson Jr 50 50 40 IS 27469 MEldPERSINGEB 110 11 11BBOADiTBEEr 10 9 9 5i T Walsh J Work 5782 BBOADiTBEEr 110 12 12BAG 11 11 31 6 Bnllman T Monahan 10 12 10 4 BAG TAG 110 10 31 61 71 72 Monaco A Belmont 10 20 15 6 27504 8BANDONFIELD 110 3 2 2H 61 8 Spencer W N Adrians 21 3 21 1 27117 IRIDESCENT 110 5 71 5 ° SH 9 Simms T Alexander 60 60 BO 263il TRUMP 105 8 12 12 11 10 H Michaels T Hitchcock Jr 20 30 20 6 27469 HIGH CABNIYAL 107 2 H Si 10 11 Wonderly J J McCafferty 8 15 12 S GOLDAGA 110 4 5a 8 12 12 OConnor A Featherstone 3662 Time 11 23 37 50 111 111Winner Winner Ch c by St Carlo Geraldine GeraldineWent Went to post at 355 At post 7 minutes Start good Won driving second the earn 6ar aldyn is much improved and ran a gam race bnt was lucky to win Chickadee was beat bat was badly interfered with and carried hopelessly out on tbe turn Batyah closed np fast at thai end and is very useful on a mnday track Woden was shut off at the start and made up aa immense lot of ground Meisteralnger and Broadstreet both improved their positions through ¬ out fter a bad start Bag Tag showed much speed in the bad going next to the rail Shando field and High Carnivnl quit badly in the stretch stretchScratched27047 Scratched27047 Illuminate 110 2680 Ohio Girl 107 27469 Step Onward 107 27439 Paat MT Goraldyn MTGoraldyn show 2 to 1 Chickadee ehow 4 to 5 Batyah uhow 21 to 1 Shandonfield show 1 to 2 O r7 K ft rr FIFTH BACK 1 110 MUCH 800 added AU Agaa Handicap Ind Horaea A Wt St J4 K X StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H 0 r 275293KILOGBAM 4 109 1 H H It 2 IH Wonderly N Bennington 7107101328 27392GAY BOY 2 89 2 2 2 2 1 2 H Michaels C H Mackay 1 751310 Disqualified for foul Time 26 52 1 17 1 44 1 51 51V V inner B c by St Saviour Orlie OrlieWent Went to post at 425 At post 1 minute Start good Wondriving Kilogram made alow pace with Gay Boy in close attendance both evidently having waiting orders The twoyearold moved up on the stietch turn and waa carried out and bumped byr tbp older horee It waa sgI sprint in the last quarter between the twoi sg 8cratched27443Decanter 118 27143 Specific 110 2739iTrigger l08 27137 Gunfire OT

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Local Identifier: drf1901081701_1_5
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