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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO Iltl At 2 Jt ie Elo7entti dsf Hadeza Jocffcer Su 8 r Mealing Weather leas teaak iMt Presiding Judge CoL A W Hamilton Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2SO pm KK l FIRST RACE 1 Mile Parse MOO 875 tn seconds 35 to thira 2r i O O L SyenroldB and npward Maidens Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M H X StrFin Jockeys Ownero O H 273722CAPTAIN HAMM 5 113 2 1 li is 1 1 R Sullivan J W Fuller 27285 EL FONdE 3 105 S 31 32 31 211 21 J Ranch BnrnsWaterhse 8 12 12 5 27314 BEAUTY BOOK 4 109 6 7H 51 45 3H Si J WinkfloldFBVanMeterBro2 3 3 910 27344 YERNETTA 4 109 4 81 62 82 51 4 Otis Matthel Spoerl 15 15 13 5 27438 CARLOVINQIAN 3 105 5 = 61 82 7a 6 M Alexander H E Rowoll 25 40 30 12 25985 BIRCH TREE 310510 22122 21 4 6 T Knight R McMillan Co 20 20 12 5 26C922QMAR 3 105 9H I 4n 5 71 71 Qisborn J Carroll 10 IS 13 5 5FESDBILL FESDBILL 3 105 IH 10 91 19 9 81 Bowman W A Blasg 100 100 50 25 25272S6 272S6 AMUR 3108 7 91 71 6 81 9 Dominick George J Long 2 21 95710 27102 V1RG WILCOX 3 103 81 51 10 91110 10 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 50 60 60 25 25Tims Tims 12 24g 49 1 15 1 41 41WinnorB WinnorB g by Donatello Nellie Whittaker WhittakerWent Went to post at 230 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Captain Hamm was easily the best and made his field look cheap El Fonsa ran wall but was tiring in the last eighth Beanty Book was outrun in the first part of the race but finished rather stont ly Veruetta was always outran Birch Tree ran wall for six furlongs Outside of the first three it was a very ordinary field fieldCaptain Captain Hamm show evens El Fonee show 21 to 1 Beauty Book show 2 to 5 Amur show 2 to 5 D n K K O SECOND RACE58 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third I O D 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M W X StrFin Jockeys O H C P 27315 JACK RATTL1N 101 41 12 12 12 la J Ranch J D Smith 853 3 1 27495 ISHT AH 105 2 22 21 22 25 T Knight A Poniatowski 85 85 65 12 27465 HOODWINK 103 as 42 3 311 31 Dominick C E Brossman 8 12 12 4 27191 HOS3FAME 101 11 91 in 61 4 = Weir J Welch Co 15 20 20 6 27436 MIRACLE II 98 SH 31 41 4 5n Beaton Mrs R Bradley 30 30 30 12 27376 POMPEY 96 611 51 51 51 66 HSteeie J Griffin Co 15 15 12 5 27182 BURNT WALLACE96 91 91273173COMM 8 91 92 73 Gormley H Wallace 15 SO SO 10 10273173COMM 107n 273173COMM FOR3TER 101 8 SH 7 7n = 81 71 8 R Sullivan J W Schorr 8 8 8 21 27313 BERT SARGENT 101 7U 6 62 8 9 Davisson W Hoffman 20 50 50 15 27462 SIMOON 97110 10 10 10 10 Birkenrnth G W BelknapCo SO 100 100 40 40Time Time 12Jt 23 36 48 1 01 Winner B c by Spendthrift Intacta IntactaWent Went to post at 305 At post 3 minutes Start good Wou driving and out to the limit second easily Jack Hattlin showed the most speed early and ran away from his field for four and a half furlongs but was tiring badly at the end and jnst lasted long enough to win at the post Ishtar finished with resolution and would have won in another stride Hoodwink ran right to the mark Miracle II showed a little early speed Hossfama made np ground in the stretch run The others were never contenders Rengaw 93 25989 Irmas Choice S3 25986 Foray 93 27495 Zibia 93 Overweights Hoodwink 1 pound Simoon 41 Jack Hattlin show 1 to 2 Ishtar show out Hoodwink show 8 to 5 O rT K K O THIRD RACE Short Course Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third A I J O O 4yearolds and npward Handicap Steeplechase Ind Horses A Wt 8t 4 6 8 10 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 274932FILON DOB 5 165 3i 4 36 3 1 1 It Ellison J B Reepass 85 710710310 710710310273743D 273743D FURBER 4129 12 2 2 23 2 2 220 p Clay S 8 Tracey fe Co 5 6 5 45 268913C CONOVBR4 125 4 12 13 u 320 320 320 Houlihan Mrs R Bradley 10 20 20 S 24086QUEENSH1P5 140 21 3 4 4 4 4 4 Lloyd J D Hooe 3441 3441Time Time 341 341Winner Winner Ch g by Rayon dOr Fides FidesWent Went to post at 335 At post 3 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Filon dOr laid back in third position until over the tenth jump where he was called upon and came Captain Conover dropped out of it after taking the eighth jump Qneenship jumped well but was undoubtedly short and not np to any kind of a hard race raceOverweights Overweights Dick Fnrber 1 pound poundFilon Filon dOr show out Dick Fnrber show out Captain Conover show 7 to 10 Queenahip show 1 to 3 O T PC PC A FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Parse 400 75 to sacond 25 to third A 4 O tJ T 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M K X StrFin Jockeys Ownan O H O P 272543FEDERAL 5 109 5 41 83 35 12 Gormley L Marion Co 68895 68895274842MONEY 274842MONEY MUSS 3 102 21 la IH IB 2n T Knight F T Wood 85115 95 25 274922 HEAD WATER 5109 1 2 2 21 3 J Ranch H L Jones Co 65651 14 27373 CUCAMPBELLS 102 3 31 43 4 45 Does C B Campbell 10020020050 10020020050259S5 259S5 PAY ME 3 102 7 62 6 66 55 Otis J McDonald 100 250 250 60 27434 THEORY 5107 41 5 55 53 6T R Sullivan B C Hildreth 8 12 12 S SLICH LICH 6109 61 7777 Rutter H Stephens 10025025060 10025025060Time Time 12 24 48113 48113Winner Winner Br g by Burlington or Kingston Forethought ForethoughtWent Went to post at 410 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Federal always well up finished fast through the last eighth and was going awaj at the end Money lines showed great speed but had enough when a sixteenth out Headwater tirtd at the last sixteenth but came at ihe end again on the inside rail and would have bean second in another stride Theory seems to be in bad form formFederal Federal show 1 10 2 Money Muss show out Headwater show out O n K K K FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third Zi i O D O 2yearolds Selling Ind Horooa A Wt St K H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 274952MULIAJUNK1N 105 2 13 15 15 15 Gormley F Lightfoot 111 920 26919 THROSTLE 1001 1 5 51 21 22 2 T Knight J D Smith 8 10 10 3 27481 HARRY WILSON 102 73 63 41 4 3 SH R bnlliv bnlliv273132PYRRHO tinllivan J W Schorr 566 273132PYRRHO 103 4n 4 4a 65 51 41 Dominic T Licalzi 45575 455753c 27491 LAPIDUS 100 31 3 3c 63 52 J Ranch Ranch27482KULLEN W B JenninzeCo 57721 27482KULLEN 99 6 710 7107207063 720 70 63 Otis W Hoffman Co 10 16 16 6 62n 27388 STDAH F YOUNG 95 521 2 2n = S 3 725 R ateele J J MarkleinColS 60 60 20 27342 UOSIE MAO 106 8 8888 Mewes J N McCarthy 60 100 100 40 Apprentice allowance Time 12 12g 24 49 1 101 01 1 108 Winner B f by Likely Ado AdoWent Went to post at 445 At post 12 minutes Start good Won palled up second and third driving Julia Jnnkiu spreadeagled her field soon after the start and simply cantered home Throstle was tiring badlyat the end Harry Wilson finished stoutly and would have been sacond in another stride Pjrrho fluishtd fast and was risht there at the wire Lapidns fell out of tha race early but closed ground in the last eighth eighthOverweights Overweights Fallen 1 pound Throstle 21 Fyrrho 3 i iJulia Julia Jnnkin show 1 to 4 Throstle show 8 to 5 Harry Wilson show evens O T7 K K Q SIXTH RACE 1 110 Miles Purse 400 75 to sacond 25 to third OOO 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Horses A Wt St K H K BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27437 HAV1LAND 4 104 BB 1 H 15 16 15 Dominick F Cook I I 45 720 27494 1LLILOUON 3 96 1 8 7s 22 2 21 J Ranch C T Boots 21 165165 910 910274S7 274S7 TAMMY CHIEF 3 102 721 73 6a 41 SH V H Sullivan J W Schorr 5 27407PBECUR8OR 4 104 8 8 8 53 5 4 Otis A G Blakely 8 27463ABOUT 3 8i 2 52 31 83 43 55 Davisson CE Brossman 15 20 20 S 27496 CHAUN FISHER6 106 4 4 5 63 61 63 Alexander W Mulveil 30 SO SO 10 27407 PAPA HARRY 6 104 3 821 4U 8 76 712 T Knight H A Cotton 15 SO SO S S27l73TREMBDft 27l73TREMBDft 4 85 61 22J 22 71 8 8 B Bteele I Glasicock 60 100 100 25 Apprentice allowance Time 12 24 48 1 14 1 40 1 47 47Winner Winner B by Lettoon Anvolee AnvoleeWent Went to pi st at 515 At post 2 minutes Start good Won pmUad up seaond handily Havi land was much the best ran away from his field af tor the first qmarter had been run and waa i never afterward in trouble Illilouon waa cnt off badly at tha first tnrn and lost grournd bat at the best could not havo beaten the winner Tammany Chief finished with determination About ran well for seven furlongs Tremble showed a little early speed speedOverweights Overweights Chauncey Fisher 2 pounds Havilmnd show oat Illilouon show 1 to 2 Tammany Chltf show evens