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HABIiEM ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Ruco 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 27463 Triaditaa 4 112 680 2792 Harry Herendeen 3 110 660 27527 Rollick 3 107 650 27192 Little Boy Blue 4 101 625 18493 Utilize 4 102 600 27522 My Chicken 4102 640 27463 AllieH 4 102 640 27492BurnIe 64027492BurnIe Bunton 3 100 75 27132 Battle June 3 95 625 25142 Temptress 3 95 665 665Second Second Race13 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances27345Ed 27345Ed Austin 118 725 27491Mabel 72527491Mabel Winn 107 700 27552 Jack Hattlin 103 695 27257 Coacoa 95 625 2740J 6252740J Joe Brown 95 600 27433 Mollie T 95 650 650TheBabbit TheBabbit 95 27491 The Stewardess 95 670 27133 Bat Mitchell 95 685 27495 Zibia 95 635 635Third Third Bace 1 Mile 3yearoIdi and upward Selling 27434 Henry of Trastamare 6 104 685 6852746630oD8tellator 2746630oD8tellator 4 103 725 274062Evelyn 725274062Evelyn Byrd 5 102 705 27525 Elmer L 3 101 695 69527467Bani8h 27467Bani8h 5 100 7 27377 Gawaino 3 100 680 27484Bed 68027484Bed Apple 3 95 650 275278 archer 3 95 720 7202716530dnor 2716530dnor 3 94 690 I273898an 690I273898an Andrea 3 89 690 690Fourth Fourth Bace 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap The Harlem Stakes 4000 added 27316 Advanca Guard 4 124 745 27464 Pink Coat 6 117 750 26795Sidney 75026795Sidney Lucas 4 116 7in 2719S2Robert Waddell 3 110 725 27042 John Bright 6108 735 2719 The Conqueror II 4 107 740 27492 Vnlcain 4 105 730 273l63Vesnvian 730273l63Vesnvian 4104 735 27343George 73527343George Arnold 7104 735 735Fifth Fifth Bace 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Owners Handicap Handicap27404The 27404The Pride 5 102 740 27527 Boney Boy 5 102 650 274 4 Scotch Plaid 6 102 735 27554 Federal 5 102 710 27343George 71027343George Arnold 7 102 750 Z7466 750Z7466 Anthracite 4 97 720 27525 Telamon 3 90 660 660Sixth Sixth Bace 1 38 Milts Milts4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Belling 27437 Frangible 4 101 685 27437 Hermencia 4 101 725 27404 Ben Chance 4 100 710 275222 Fox Bard 4 97 660 27437 Harry Preston 5 95 665 665Seventh Seventh Baoe 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling Belling273733The 273733The Phoenician 6 105 700 275242Zacatoso 700275242Zacatoso 5 105 710 27407 Dagmar 6 105 700 27289 Ancttor 4 103 685 27407 Sister Mamie 6 103 640 25606 Depending 6 100 680 27041 Helen Paxton 5 100 700 27523 Lenox 3 95 700 27524 Emma C L 3 92 725 27191 HtBluff 3 87 680