Fort Erie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-17


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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTFORT FORT KBIE ONT August IGThirtyeighth day Fort Erie Racing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Caasidy Racing starts at 230 p TPCTl FIB8T BACK 6 1a Furtonjr Purse 250 Syearolds and upward i I eJ I tt Maidens Belling Ind Horses AWtStM H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 275193ZIEGFELD 8 97 5 5i Si 23 12 Bedfern B H Loud Co 1 651 25 27424 ISAAC HOPPER 3 105 1 2li 2 31 21 Hayden W Oliver 66485 27005 SUNNY GIBL 3 10H 3 61 61 66 31 Callahan A M Biggins 15 15 8 2 27519 MAN1LIAN 4 104 4 4 53 52 4n Alarie Fox McDowell 6762 26500 MI88 LOGAN 4 107 2 Hi li IH 52 Troxler John ODowd 24475 27026 STREET BOY 3 102 6 3 41 41 65 J Daly C Mack 8 8 S 3 27521 NANNIE DIXON 5 102 7 7777W Woods W T Baldwin 20 20 20 8 26925 JUVENCU8 3 102 8 8888 LTbompsnH Lewis 6652 6652Time2450 Time2450 117 1231 Winner 1231Winner B c by Hindoo Cambria CambriaWent Went to post at 250 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Ziegfeld went to the front at his leisure and won as he pleased Isaac Hopper finished well and dropped into second place in the last eighth when Mies Logan tired Sunny Girl finished strongly and was closing fast at the end and forced Hayden to hustle Isaac Hopper along to stall off her rush Miss spaedScratched Logan showed early spaed Scratched 27195 Aurous 105 105Corrected Corrected weights Isaac Hopper 105 105Overweights poundsCTI1O Overweights Sunny Girl 11 pounds CTI1O u T rf j A r O rT K 17 K SECOND HACB4 12 ITurtongs Purse 250 2yearoldB Allowance tnd Horses A Wt 8t H X StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO 275172MOWICH 100 6 li 13 1 Lorenz P J Began 1 1 451 27173 PRANK BECKER 110 5 60 42 2 Blake D sbaCo 355 26585 CORMAC 101 1 22 21 31 May F A Hart Co 20 40 40 1 27517 VIVIANI 105 2 31 31 4 Heoson Baker Gibson 10 15 15 6 27534 SILVER CHIMES 100 7 7275S82BOURBON 7 7 51 Hayden W Oliver 8883 8883275S82BOURBON 275S82BOURBON KING 107 3 51 6 62 Adams Charles Bay 85 2 221 2 12 27474 QUEEN FRIESE 100 4 4n 5 7 L Jackson Chambers Co 10 15 15 6 551Winner Time 231 49 551 Winner ButterflyWent Ch g by Montana Butterfly Went to post at 320 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Mowich was bast showed the moat speed and made his field look chaap Frank Becker ran a good race He had to go all aron d his field to get up after beginning slowly Cormnc was in front in all breakaways before the start and wore himself out at the post May saved ground all the way with him and rode a good race Bourbon King took the long route and bis race was below tha mark markOverweights Overweights Cormac 1 pound Viviani 5 5Mowich Mowich show out Frank Becker show 4 to 5 Cormac show 8 to 1 Bourbon King enow out OrTKr7 THIRD BACK 34 Mile Pnrse300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St X K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 274E628PRY 3 92 4 32 32 ZH 13 Adams J E Lane Co 34465 27456 FON EDI 4102 5 42 41042033 L Jackson L Pmitha Co 5772 27423 HNARK 3 99 3 IH 23 1 31 Bayden W Oliver 2 11511512 2743 SPRING WELLS 5 107 2 23 IB 32 4 J Daly G Hendrio 454571013 27516 MAHBLEHEAD 4 107 1 5 5 5 5 C Wilson M Corbett 12 20 20 6 244811131Winner Time 244811131 Winner B f by Domino Dart Maiden MaidenWent Went to post at 3 52 At p st 1 minute Start good Won easily second tho same Adams rode a good race on spry Be laid in a good petition and saved bis mount until in the last quarter thru caught tho loader tiring at the end and came away without much of an effort Jackson pulled Fonada up at the start She would have b en closer up with a batter ride Snark and Sprinsrwells raced themselves into exhaustion in setting the pace the lattors race being much out of line lineSpry Spry show 1 to 3 Foneda show 4 to 5 Snark dhow out Springwells show out f rT PC r1 T FOURTH RACK O 12 Furlongs Parse 250 3yearolds ana upward I O 4 I Maidens Allowance nd Horses A Wt St J H if StrFin Jockeys Ownara O H C P 27B212LADY 81LVER 3 95 5 7 4 21 11 L Jackeon L Smitha Co 1152 710 275192 FLANEUR 3 97 3 11 12 12 28 Haydan J Maiden 4 4 85 2710PFAR BIGHT 3 103 1 21 2H 42 3 McQuade E J Nash Nash3ii 10 12 12 4 27263 MANGO 5 109 2 3ii 32 SB 42 Blake G W Cook 65 95 95 710 26798 ARGANAUTA 3100 7 6 62 62 5 Lorenz M Kahn 21 3 2 1 27154 NONPAREIL 3 100 4 4 53 51 63 J Daly O L Richards 40 40 30 10 26188 NAINSOOK 3 102 6 51 7 7 7 A Moore J E Lane Co 20 30 30 10 Time 24 481 1181 121 121Winner Winner B f by Wadaworth Silver Belle BelleWent Went to post at 4 22 At post 1 minute Start good Won ridden out second easily Lady Silver was bast She dropped out of it on the back stretch than went all around her field and catcbinsr Flan ur tiring won going away under a mild drive Flaneur showed the most early speed but tired at the and Far Sight quit almost to a walk so did Mango Argananta showed no high spaed whatever whateverOverweights Overweights Far Sight 1 pound Lady Silver show 2 to 5 Flaneur show 7 to 10 Far Sight show 2 to 1 Mango ahow out Arganauta show 1 to 2 27578 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2jearolda Allowances A Wt St X K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 27456MERBIMENT 111 1 21 2 1 K 11 Wake G W Cook 65 65 65 25 27356 MEDITATION 106 4 427426IPAPER 31 31 32 23 Haidan JELaneCo 21 S 21 710 27426IPAPER MAKER 104 3 H 710H H 22 31 J Daly W D WinstoDCo85 75 75 85 26627 FLINTLOCK 101 5 5271092THE 5 5 5 42 Lorenz J J MacKetaey 12 20 20 8 271092THE COMMON 114 2 4 45585Tima 4 43 5 L Jackson L Smitha Co 45585 Tima 231 48il01i 48il01iWinner Winner Ch f by Handspring Merry Dance DanceWent Went to post at 448 At post 4 minutes Start good Won ridden out second easily Merriment came away in the last quarter but Blake was inclined to loaf and had to ride hard at the end to stall off Meditation The latter was coming strongly but Hayden rode her all over the track and lost ground at the stretch turn Paper Maker found tho paco too fast and tired ia the run home homeNo No show betting on first three O H K TO SIXTH RACK 1 116 Mile Purse 250 8yearolds and upward l I 3 A J Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St X M K StrFin Jockeys Ownara 2746DGRAY DALLY 3102 1 H 12 1 1 U L Jackson F Reagan 35 71012 out 275203 RUHH FIELDS 7 118 2 SH 40 32 21 2 Troxler Charles Bay 3441 27478THEGOUDNPR3 99 3 21 31 21 33 36 Hayden J L Holland 45565 27174 J H tiLO IN 4 111 4 4 5 5 5 4 C Wilson C J Quick 10 10 10 8 27481 BELLCOURT 5 107 5 5 2 4 4 5 LThompsnN Djment 2 Si 2i 710 Time 710Time 24i 49 1 141 1 41 1 48 48Winner Winner Gr c by Belvidere Lindele LindeleWent Went to post at 529 At post 1 mitmte Start good Won easily second the same Gray Dally tiptoed his field and waa never fully extended Rush Fields was hustled along all tha way The Golden Prince tired in the run home J H Sloan ia not in good form at present 8cratched27533VVaterhouse 101 27533 Little Tommy Tucker 88 88Bush Bush Fields show 1 to 3 The Golden Prince show 2 to 5 Belicourt show out

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Local Identifier: drf1901081701_5_2
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