Delmar Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-17


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DELMAR PARK FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS BO Auffnat 10 Fortyfirst day Detoar P tk Jockey Club Sommor Moating Weather clear t track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter A B Dade Baoing eUrta at2SO p m TPvAQ FIRST BACK 34 auie Parse 400 3yearolds and upward Horses A Wt St K H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO 383 FUHO 5 103 3 22 li l 12 ONeil W L Mo wer Co 115115 2 45 324 ALP 5 103 1 1 22 22 23 Dngan L W Perkins 5552 5552CEBILLING3LY4 CEBILLING3LY4 105 6 41 3 33 8 Dale G C Baker Co 2 1351351 26917 ELLIS 6 103 S 81 71 81 42 Morse G Kennedy 15 20 20 8 17227 ALALIA 3 96 4 9 53 53 53 Bonner Martin Patton 50 50 50 20 27510 PH HA8BBOUCK3 97 2 S 41 4a 61 Lindsay R W Marks Co 4 B 41 85 27241 CAP1TOLIA 5 103 10 71 61 7 7 Fauntleroy J B Berry SO 30 SO 12 26677 J P 8 7 107 9 5 82 92 8 McClnskey T Whalen Co 40 50 40 15 27511 FIB8T ONE 4 103 7 101 10 10 93 F Jones J P Bice 6883 27510 LOU FERRELL 3 94 12 113 n 12 10 Preston G H Moore Co 30 SO 25 8 27179 KENNETH JR 4 103 5 61 91 6 11 Narvaez W Kinchloe 40 50 50 15 27451 M HASBROUCK 3 91 11 12 12 11 12 Bell C J Kuhs 50 50 50 20 20Time Time 13 24J 491 1011 1161 1161Winner Winner B g by Fonso Mildred MildredWant Want to post at 2 SO At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Faro was mnch tbe best of a poor lot and won well in hand Alp was lucky showed speed and ran to his best form Charles E Billingsly did his best Ellis off poorly and weakly handled waa probably second best Alalia ran a fair race under a blundering ride rideOvar Ovar weights Charles E Billingsly 2 pounds Phoroso Haebronck 3 J P 8 4 First One 2 2Fnro Fnro show out Alp show 4 to 5 Charles E Billingaly show 1 to 2 SECOND RACE58 Mile Parse 400 2y earolds Selling 27569 ind Horses A Wt St 34 M X BtrFin Jockey Owners O H 0 P 274502 ATTELLE 103 2 33 H is Hi Dngan W M Wallace 27485 LILLIAN M 110 6 22 21 22 22 Patton F M Connor L 27325 WI8SEN DINE 110 4 42 41033 85 Watson H M Ziegler 34475 27485 LARRY WILT 113 1 6 6 5 4 T OBrien T H Stevens 10 16 18 6 27512 ROYAL ATHLETE 110 5 511 51 61 510 F Jones A L H M Bogers21 21 2 45 27450 ROYAL RUBY 103 3 1 SH 42 61 Lindsay J W Medlin Co 15 15 15 6 27294 BADGER 106 8 8 8 73 72 Frederick B T Gaines A Bro 25 40 40 15 27562 MAZZABA 105 7 72 7 8 8 Dale O W Boardman 12 16 16 6 6Time Time 12124431102 12124431102Winner Winner Ch f by The Commoner Elletta EllettaWent Went to post at 300 At post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Attelle mnch improved by her recent races and well ridden won as her rider pleased Lillian M ran to the mark Wissendine off poorly and illy ridden finished with great determination Larry Wilt ran his best race Royal Athlete warmed up very stiff and sore Royal Raby showed early speed but quit when the hot work began beganScratched27512 Scratched27512 Miss Thomey 110 110Overweights Overweights Mazzara 2 pounds poundsAttelle Attelle show 1 to 2 Lillian M show 6 to 5 Wiesendine show 1 to 2 Royal Athlete show 2 to 5 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 3yearolde and upward Selling 27570 nd Horses A Wt St M Vt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners I 274553KIS8 QUICK 4 105 1 13 H 11 1 Dale C Straesenburg 85 95 95 95275413MR8 275413MR8 GRANNAN 3 94 5 2 2 V 2 Bell J JS S Bratton 4 41 41 86 27216 ELEVEN BELLS 4103 6 63 63 73 32 T OBrien TADavias 6 20 20 7 27487 MISS COONEY 4101 S 311 31 31 41 ONeil L A Willis 10 15 15 5 5275502EMPYREAL 275502EMPYREAL S 98 7 9 81 6 51 Fauntleroy Perkins A Co 8 8 7 21 21275103FRED 275103FRED HES81G 3 103 4 43 46 42 62 Lindsay R R Rice 4552 27379 CRICKET BUCK 7 105 8 SH 5 82 73 Dngan G C Hinton 5 20 20 S S273792POMELIA 273792POMELIA 6101 2 83 73 52 83 Watson MantonCo 10 25 25 8 27510 CERRO 8ANTA 3 102 9 71 9 9 9 F Jones Morton Morris 15 15 6 21 21Time Time 121 24 481 1011 115 115Winner Winner B f by Bobby Beach Kiss Me MeWent Went to post at 332 At post 9 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Kiss Quick is mnch improved carried her speed well and was excellently handled Mrs Grannan ran a good race from where she got off Eleven Bells finished fast through the stretch Mlsa Cooney found the pace too hot after the first ha f mile Empyreal finished very fast running an anOverweights Overweights Kiss Quick 4 pounds Eleven Bells 2 Cerro Santa 3 3Kiss Kiss Quick show out Mrs Grannan show 4 to 5 Eleven Bells show 3 to 1 FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles f nrse 400 Syearolda and upward Be 27571 nd Horses A Wt St K H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H I 27489 MEN ACE 3 92 3 13 12 is is 13 ONeil FizerCo 65 65 85 omt 27513 HARDLY 6 103 1 2 31 32 31 21 Fanntleroy Brumfleld Co 10 15 15 41 41274523BELLE 274523BELLE SIMPSON 4 105 2 52 5 55 58 8 Dale JKoefeCo 66582 66582275133ROOHE8TER 275133ROOHE8TER 4 109 6 32 2 23 22 46 Lindsay R H Rice 1153 8 S5 26418 CHOPIN 5 106 5 43 41 411 4 5 Dngan J C Ferris Jr 8 25 25 8 V 23315 SIR HOLLA 6 106 46 6 6 6 6 F Jones Hughes Elliott 10 SO SO 10 Time 13t 261 501 115 142 1481 1481Winner Winner B f by Rainbow Mendacity MendacityWent Went to post at 404 At post 7 minutes Start good Won cantering second handily Menace was mnch the best at the weight She is a growing and much improved filly and will ba hard to beat in the future with light weight up Hardly ran to her best form and is improving Belle Simpson ran up to the mark Rochester was prominent to the seven furlongs whan ha quit aa if shot The other two are not np to a race raceHardly Hardly show 3 to 2 Belle Simpson show 1 to 2 Rochester show out tjlf Kr7 J FIFTH HAUK 78 Mile Parse 400 4yearolds and npward Selling Horses A Wt St K K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H I 274872TICKFUL 4 102 S IH 1 1 15 12 T OBrien Fizer Co 3 S 21 1 274872TICKFUL275118CLONS1LLA 275118CLONS1LLA 6105 4 41 31 2 2H 22 Fauntleroy J F Fogg 2 115115710 275118CLONS1LLA27363DEL8AHTE 27363DEL8AHTE 6 107 1 3 6 6n 53 31 Dale T Bayers 10 12 12 5 274272TAO ANNIES 4 100 5 51 5 41 42 42 Lindsay WoodmanPinleylS 40 40 12 27S812BENHAM 3 107 2 21 2 32 SH 5 Dngan B L Seass 85 85 75 12 274873 WARREN POINT 8 102 777776 ONeil P McGnire 15 40 40 10 27179 CAPT LOWEBY 5 105 6 62 41 51 6 7 F Jones HRCraigheadCo20 80 80 80 80Time Time 13 25 49 1151 1281 1281Winner Winner Ch c by Ecuador Sewing Girl GirlWent Went to pos at 435 At post I minutes Start good Won easily second the same O Brian got Tickfal to going iu a hurry while th others were untangling themselves after the start and won by doing so as Tickful was tiring at tbe eLd Clonsilla made an unusually stout finish Delsarte badly jammed in tbe early tangle came strongly when he got out of a pocket at the threeeighths tienhams legs could not stand tha hot pace Warren Point pulled np very lame lameTickfal Tickfal show 1 to 3 Clonsilla show out Delsarte show 8 to i Benham show oat Q rj pr r7 O SIXTH RACE 34 Mile J urse 400 Syearolds and upward Belling ad Horses A Wt St 54 W X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 272463RANDAZZO 6 110 1 2 21 22 11 Dale Jones Co 65285 oat 270023 H S TOBACCO 7110 2 16 1 1 2 T OBrien E Slaughter Col 1 45 oat 26870 DANIEL 4 105 3 4 4 31 31 FauntleroyCaesar Young 46682 4668227S632dTAFF 27S632dTAFF 3 98 4 3 31 4 4 ONeil T H Stevens 8 10 9 75 75WinnerB WinnerB h by Whistle Jacket Mamie knnt Went to post at 500 At post 7 minutes Start good for all but Staff Q Won cleverly second secondeasily easily Randazzo was kept wll up in the first part of tha race was energetically ridden IB the thestretch stretch and came fast and strongly in the last quarter H S Tobacco was at his beat got well the finish No finishNo show betting on first three

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Local Identifier: drf1901081701_3_2
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