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Daily Racing Form IB8UKD KVEBY DAY Bmerican Turf Congress Record RecordOSTIOULIi OSTIOULIi OBQAX OV OVTHE THE AMBBIOAN TDBF CONGBE8S CONGBE8SAND AND ANDWestern Western JooKey Dlufi Bulletin BulletinOFFICIAL OFFICIAL OBOAN OF OFTHE THE WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB 31ILY RACING FOBM PUBLISHING CO A Daily Bodectton of the American Turf by Telegraph Entered In the Poei Office ai Chicago aa eooond clasi matter 1S4126 Fifth Avenue Chicago Illinois KDITOB AMD PROPRIETOR F H BEONKLL BEONKLLAssooiATB AssooiATB KDITOB CLINTON C BILIIY BILIIYBEORBTABT BEORBTABT MBS F H BEUMELL COPYRIGHTED COPYRIGHTEDfttttered fttttered according to Act of Congress in the year IBOltby Frank H Brnnell in Jhe office ton D C U B A ATie Tie chart and index numbors and track form of DAILY BAOING FOBU must not be need They are copyrlghtad dally and will be keenly protoctd J SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BB PAID IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS TERMS TERMSPer Per Month 8 125 125Half Half Yoar 750 750One One Year 1400 1400She She abovo1 rates are for single copies as eealed eealedletters letters firstclass mail Daily Baciax Form Publishing Co prefers to tosend send single conies aa firstclass mail in all allcates cates JUaeal subscriptions onisiae the down town towndistrict district will ba declined at other than first firstolass olass mail matter rates o be considered and answered all queries to DAILY RACING FORM mnst be sent over tha fnll name and with tho name of the writer Those names and addressee are subject to a local and foreign directory test S LOUIS MO OFFICE 19 N BBOADWAY BBOADWAYBasement Basement M Murphy Agent AgentOn On Sale at 830 am amDAILY DAILY BAOINO FOKM can be delivered to any address in Bt Louis LouisBmck Bmck numbers can be promptly supplied suppliedOrders Orders for advertisements can be left at the Bt Louis office for telegraphic transmission CINCINNATI OFFICE 408410 Vine Street StreetJ J B Hawley Agent On Sale at Noon BOIT OFFICE 139 Griswold Street On sale at 900 am AX NASHVILLE TENN Duncan Hotel HotelAT AT TORONTO ONT ONTGeorge George McSweeney Iroquois Hotel Hotelif if NEW ORLEANS LA LAH H J Hollo 611 Commercial Place O KANSAS CITY MO MOBiokaecker Biokaecker Cigar and News Co Ninth and andWalnut Walnut Streets MT HOT 8PB1NGB ARK ARKF F C Boving 418 Central Avenue AS DENVER COL COLamilton amilton Kendrick 903018 17th Street AX MEMPHIS TENN TENNB B M Mansford Co CoX X H Clarke Bro CHICAGO ILL AUGUST 17 1901