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DELMAR PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling BellingInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 27488 St Boque 7 114 725 72527511Nannie 27511Nannie J 5 Ill 710 27547 HadieLevy 6 Ill 700 27514 Kid McCoy 4 108 695 27511 C P Jones 5 107 700 27514 SNekarnis 6 107 720 720275152Ladas 275152Ladas 5 107 715 27486 Trixiell 4 103 705 27427 Honeywood 4 108 690 27153 Prince Btonemonth 3 100 700 27515 MissThresa 3 92 715 27510 Emily Oliver 3 92 690 690Second Second Race 84 Mile 3yearolds and upward Belling 273298 Q Ban 10 110 715 715273Z9 273Z9 flindoonet 6 110 705 695275732H 27548 J T Hay 4 110 695 275732H 8 Tobacco 7 110 725 27365 John Morton 4 107 700 25007 Forget Not 6 107 700 27572Tickiul 70027572Tickiul 4107 705 705S7572 S7572 Del arte 6 107 710 27455 Invocation 4 105 715 27570Kiss 71527570Kiss Quick 4 105 710 27S973Cherry 71027S973Cherry Head 3 105 695 275492Elsie 695275492Elsie Barnes 7 105 720 720TLlrd TLlrd Race 5 13 Furlongs 2yearoldi Allowancei 27215 WL George 110 720 275468ambo 720275468ambo 110 700 27278Crimean 70027278Crimean 110 725 27545 Bunter Baine 106 715 275452Jaby 715275452Jaby Tosa 103 710 274282Mamie 710274282Mamie English 103 705 Benlah 705Benlah May b f by Free ¬ man Gold Free 98 Fturth Racerl 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 27549 Lord Neville 6 118 715 272952Eugenia 715272952Eugenia 8 5 107 710 275472Oatburst 710275472Oatburst 4 105 725 72527490Znzel 27490Znzel 4 105 715 27514Konnd 71527514Konnd 70527547La Turn 5 104 705 27547La Kpara 4 102 720 27381 Pnospnorus 3 91 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Milts 3yearolds and upward Handicap 27431 Lee Bruno 5 109 715 27488Nearest 71527488Nearest 5 107 720 720272452Beana 272452Beana 5 100 725 274542 Meddlesome 1 5 94 710 27452 Little Henry 3 80 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 6 13 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Belling Belling274533Fonrleaf 274533Fonrleaf C 5 105 725 725274882Enterpe 274882Enterpe 5 103 720 27515 Judge Pettus 6 102 700 27453 Survive 3 100 715 715275158weet 275158weet Dream 3 98 710 71027Z93 27Z93 Quean Quality 3 91 705 705Seventh Seventh Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances26533Admiral 26533Admiral Schley 5110 705 705275482Kevoke 275482Kevoke 6 110 715 6967 Becorda 6 105 700 700274893Kazan 274893Kazan 3 103 710 71027327dard 27327dard 3 100 725 27548 MissGolightly 3 98 715 715274892Tenny 274892Tenny Belle 3 98 720