Windsor Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-17


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WINDSOR ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Rmc 1 Mile Mile5yearolds 5yearolds and upward Belling BellingInd Ind Horace Age Wt Hdo 2746 Jena 4 105 710 710274W 274W Nels Morris 3104 715 27641 Z lo 7 102 700 37444 Do Madge 4 99 715 27350 Bequeath 6 99 725 725275032Tempt 275032Tempt J 9S 720 27480 Myrtle B 6 95 700 27414 Mieou 1 95 705 705Second Second Raoe 84 Mil Mil2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances27419Newton 27419Newton W 108 720 27498 Amigari 105 725 274983 Paul Creyton 103 710 27498 Dunsbro 103 700 27501 Brne 100 705 70527540Lacrlmae 27540Lacrlmae 100 715 715Gray Gray entry entryThird Third Race 1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling275412Ed 275412Ed Both 5 115 710 27541 Meggs 6 114 705 27541 Zonne 4 110 720 720275592Lunisville 275592Lunisville Belle 5 104 715 71527S31 27S31 Lady Ezell 5 104 700 27418 Ceylon 4 99 725 725Fourth Fourth Bace Short Ooura Steeplechase 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances27481Coley 27481Coley 4 149 675 675263603Zufallig 263603Zufallig 8 145 670 670274812Jim 274812Jim Megibben 6 145 665 665274162Tates 274162Tates Creek 5 140 660 66027416George 27416George W Jenkins 3 135 650 27268 Boxbnrgh 4 132 655 22365 Little Joe 3 130 650 650Ffth Ffth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap 27351 Trebor 6 110 720 720275013Hil 275013Hil e 4 107 710 71027447Frelinghnysen 27447Frelinghnysen 4 105 715 27297 the Boer 3 102 700 70027542Mis3doak 27542Mis3doak 6 100 715 71527S85VeJma 27S85VeJma Clark 3 90 725 27418 Ceylon 4 90 705 705W W L Hazelip entry entrySixth Sixth Race 68 ESUlo 2yearolds Selling Selling275583Ben 275583Ben Hnllum 106 725 725274833Legal 274833Legal Maxim 103 720 720275433Six 275433Six Bits 103 705 27145 King Ford 103 710 27540 The Widow 103 700 27296 Debenture 100 715 27543 Belle Street 100 700 700Seventh Seventh Race 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 27Z993Himtine 5 104 T15 27542 Jessie Jarboe 5 104 725 27503 Princess Aurora 4 101 700 27541 Ellen Dale 6 101 710 27448 Avatar 4 100 715 27560 Bound O 4 100 700 27414 Uncle Bill 5 100 710 27499 Ihe Geezer 5 100 705 21660 Polly Bixby 4 98 720

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Local Identifier: drf1901081701_4_4
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