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HAGGIN PLANS TO AID LEXINGTON POOR. Visitors to Elmendorf Stud Will Be Charged Fee For Benefit of Hospitals. Lexington, Ky., January 10: The noted Elmendorf breeding establishment, which lias long been ttie center vpf attraction for visitors to the Blue Grass region, will in the future be used to assist the two local hospitals in a financial way. It -Is believed the revenue to le derived from plans formulated by James B. Haggin will increase the fund many hundreds of dollars during the course of a year. The management of the famous farm will set aside one day each week, to be known as "visitors day," and each person, entering the gates of the place on that day will lie taxed a small sum, which will lie placed in the fund for the hospitals. It is estimated that during the past few years as many as 1100 people call at the farm eacli week and ask to lie shown the principal horses and places, of interest, and it is necessary to keep a staff of men especially for the purpose, and .Mr. Haggin Is determined to at least help the poor and sick of the city by the new movement. The plan is not to deny visitors the sights of the place, but to concentrate visiting ail at one time or on the same day of the week, when everyone can be given the same information at practically the same time. The price of admission lias not yet been fixed, but will not lie less than ten cents nor more than twenty-five cents, and, most likely the former. The Idea is regarded as a happy one by friends of the Institutions which are to receive the benefits.