Less Liberty to the Valets, Daily Racing Form, 1906-02-11


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LESS LIBERTY TO THE VALETS. This excellent resolution was adopted by the stewards of the Jockey CInb at their last meeting: "That- Kobert A. Pinkerton shall grant permits to all valets for jockeys and that all such valets shall be provided with a suitable uniform and arm number and to be entirely and especially under the supervision of the Pinkerton agency, all such plrmlts to be revocable at the pleasure of and without notice by Kobert A. Pinkerton. Robert A. Pinkerton is also instructed to have in daily attendance a certain number of official valets for general use to jockeys not provided with personal valets and for use in cases of emergency." Much good to racing will result from this move. The valet, in unfform and numbered under the eye of such a master, and the public as well, will walk In fear. He may still drop his scruples and continue In his worship of gold as his god, but his excursions from the betting ring to the jockey room will bo less frequent and his tempting propositions from the bookmaker, the designing owner and the plunging bettor, for all of whom he has been and still is, a medium of transmission, will be fewer. The jockey will have fewer incentives to ride dl3-JionesUy-. Jl similar, resohfjpnt s.oolli-.tdeatc-i universally. Another resolution adopted was: "That the jockey blackboard now in use at the tracks should be perfected and kept posted to date as far as possible for the convenience of owners and trainers in securing jockeys, and that the assistant to the clerk of the scales should keep a book with the daily engagements of jockeys, their riding weights and any general information useful to owners and trainers."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906021101/drf1906021101_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1906021101_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800