Crescent Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-02-11

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CRESCENT PARK FORM CHART. NEW ORLEANS, LA., February 10, 1906. Sixty-third day. Crescent City Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. 100 days. Weather clear; track slow. 21 books on. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, A. B. Dade. Secretary, Martin Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. No recall flag used. W Indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. PAOIA FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. OU4U Xct value to winner 50. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS C01G5LADY HENRIETTA w 4 105 3 1 25 2s lh 1 Radtke R Bauer 6-5 2 7-5 13-201-3 G00S9 GAY ADELAIDE w 4 103 9 5 3h 1J 2 2 Sewell JohnsonandDodson 2 21 21 7-101-3 fi0193sDOLINDA WB 5 110 6 7 55 G1 6 3J Perkins J C Calm 10 25 25 7 3 r,MS9 PAUL CLIFFORD wb S 110 2 2 7- 7 7 4J Dennison Mrs L S Pangle 3 5 45 S-5 3-5 G0143 GLEN GALLANT wsfe 5 113 4 4 Gl 4h 4l 55 J Martin H D Bcllew and Co30 30 20 6 8-5 59292 PRETTY NELLIE WB 3 S3 7 G 4 51 3 GJ Chandler J Mannion 20 60 60 15 8 5S7S7 MARVEL P. w 3 100 8 3 lh 35 5h 7 Cmmins W S Price 10 la 13 5 2 C0192 TENNYBURN ws 4 101 5 S 85 S" S8 SJ Moreland M D Miller .30 100 100 30 10 59592 VAN HOPE w 5 108 1 9 9 .0 9 9 Freeman I Wieskopf 20 100 100 40 20 Time, 24;, 50, 1:10J. Winner B. f, by Previous Bo Peep trained by R. Bauer. Went to jKist at 2:00. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Lady Henrietta, away well and given a good ride, followed the pacemakers closely to the stretch, where she assumed the lead and won with plenty to spare. Gay Adelaide tired slightly in the final quarter, but ran a good race and was much the best of the others. Dolinda ran a game race, standing a hard drive resolutely. Paul Clifford was sharply impeded soon after the start and closed a gap. Marvel P. is a fast non-stayer. Pretty Nellie showed speed, but failed to stay. Scratched 5U9G9 Walter Schiller, 95. nAfl 1 SECOND RACE 1-2 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. O J "OC JL Net value to winner 00. " Ind Horses- AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS 00092ZICK ABRAMS w 105 7 5 lh l it Bell D Henry 1 1 4-5 1-3 out C011G OUR OWN w 102 G 4 25 5 2h L Smith W H SnyderandCo 10 10 10 4 8-5 C0191-GLAD PIRATE w 103 8 0 45 4s 3k o Andson J Mannion 10 10 8 3 G-5 , G0141 MAY GILMORE W 97 3 9 6 6J 4 Radtke J J Mackessey 20 20 20 8 3J 59S63 MY SON w 105 9 7 71 2h 51 H SimpsonF Starita 12 25 25 8 4 601 6G FAST MAIL W 109 2 2 81 31 C W RobbinsT D Sullivan 3 6 6 2 1 0Of5 BLACKLOCK w 100 1 I 51 1- 7l W McGee S Louis 15 20 20 5 3 C0141 RETLAW WB 109 4 8 9 S S1 Cmmins E Peters 25 40 40 12 5 C01CG REGAL LAD W 109 5 3 31 9 9 J Martin AHandDHMorrls 10 12 12 4 8-5 Time, 25j, 37J, 52. Winner B. c, by Service or Balgowan Kennesaw Belle trained by D. Henry. Went to post at 2:30. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second driving. Zick Abrttms ran as if best, showed the most speed, stood a hard drive gamely and won well In hand. Our Own was all over the track, but finished fast and ran in improved form. Glad "Pirate closed up a big gap steadily and would have been second in a few more strides. May Gilmore showed improvement aud was going fastest of all near the end. Fast Mail ran poorly under weak handling. PHOI O THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. UVt4 Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS G001G CANYON WB G 111 3 2 ll 1 li 1 11 Sewell C M Barrow 4-5 1 1 2-5 out G014t3SINCERITY BELLE w 4 99 1 1 6 C 31 2 2- Moreland M D Miller 10 12 12 2 4-3 G0H4 HARRY SCOTT TV 3 102 4 4 3 45 6 35 3s O Andson Lockart Bros 15 20 20 7 25 C0193 WEDGWOOD ws 4 103 2 3 41 51 51 5 45 J MclntyrcS W StreettandCo 10 20 20 6 2 .0193BESTERL1NG wn 4 106 5 6 5 21 2 4 5 Dennison Mrs S Reid 4 5 5 7-5 1-2 C01G7 BON. 1R. CHARLIE W 4 109 6 5 25 3 45 6 6 Radtke J Brignardello 31 35 31 4-5 9-20 Time, 2G, 51$, 1:18,. 1:40, 1:50. Winner Ch. g, by Cayuga Sister Monica trained by C. M. Barrow. Went to post at 2:58. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second the same. Canyon, in ills present good form, was much the best, raced into a long lead after going a quarter aud was never fully extended thereafter. Sincerity Belle was allowed to .drop far back in the first three-quarters, but made up ground rapidly when hard ridden and finished gamely. Harry Scott had no mishaps and ran a good race. Besterling tired fast in the last quarter after running well to the stretch. Wedgwood ran a dull race. Bonnie Prince Charlie is In poor form seemingly. Scratched 00144 Shenandoah, 101. Corrected weights Harry Scott, 102. Q FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. The Audufcon Selling Stakes. ,000 added. 3-year-olds and V7 j "dt O upward. Net value to winner ,200. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS 60113GOLDSMITH wsb 7 115 3 1 1 1 1 15 15 J Martin J Tevis 5 7 7 25 1 C0142COLONEL WHITE w 4 104 7 5 3 21 2h 2 25 Sewell J Robertson G-5 6-5 1 1-2 out C014DJOE LESSER w 8 102 8 6 7l Gl 5 5 31 Dlggins CEPattersonandCo 8 12 12 4 G-5 G0169 MACY JR. wn 3 93 1 S 55 5 4 4l 45 Perkins S Lazarus 20 40 40 15 G G016S L1EBER WB 3 101 4 2 25 4l 6s 6s 51 Radtke A Shields 3 3 21 7-10out G0192KING COLE WB 4 100 2 7 42 3 31 3h G Freeman Mrs S C Hildreth8 12 12 4 2 60193 RAINLAND W 5 110 G 4 S 8 8 8 7s Bell Mrs M Goldblatt 20 40 40 12 5 60219 HOLLO WAY wsb 3 95 5 3 Ch 7J 7 7 S L Smith W A Chanler SO 40 40 12 5 Time, 25s, 51, 1:10s. 1:44J. Winner B. li, by Meddler Klldeer trained by II. Richards. AVent to post at 3:24. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Goldsmith, well ridden, was hustled into a long lead and, taken in the best going throughout, came away fast when called on strongly in the last furlong and won with much "in reserve. Colonel White stood a hard drive gamely and closed a big gap, but was not good enough to beat the winner today. Joe Lesser, badly outrun for the first three-quarters, came fast at the end. Macy Jr. showed sudden Improvement and ran a good race. Lieber .seemingly has trained off and ran a badTace. King Colo ran well to the stretch, but failed to stay. A A I"IFTI1 HACK 2 Miles and 70 Yards. The Cup Preliminary Handicap. Value 00. OvJ l 4fc4fc 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50. Ind Horses AWtPrSt 1 Vh 1 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 60167FOOT. FAVITE wn 5 97 3 2 ll l2 l1 l1 1J Is Radtke A Ellis 9-5 13-513-31 1-3 G01G7SCAPTAIN BOB w 4 106 1 1 23 2s 22 2l 21 25 J Martin Mrs M Goldblatt S-5 11-511-53-5 out 60220L. ANGELENO wsn 7 102 5 3 35 4 3 35 3 3 L Smith H G Bedell 21 13-313-54-3 out 60043 LOUIS KRAFT WB 5 95 4 5 4" 31 4 4 4 4l00Morcland J Joyce 8. 8 45 6-5 1-2 60229 CASHIER ws 4 90 2 4 5 5 5 5 5 5CH ShillgC E Burnett 20 20 20 5 3-2 Time, 27, 54, 1:21, 1:51, 2:18, 2:45, 3:12. 3:38, 3:43. Winner B. m by Lamplighter Performance trained by A. Ellis. Went to post at 3:54. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Footlights Favorite, given a skillful ride, raced the others under restraint throughout, was in the best going for the entire trip and won cantering. Captain Bob ran forwardly for the first mile and a half, but tired thereafter and had to be hard ridden to stall off Los Angeleno. The latter was poorly handled and, when wearing Captain Bob down fast in the stretch. Smith began fumbling the lines, causing her to swerve and also lost his whip when he attempted to drive. Louis Kraft had no mishaps. Cashier was beaten off after going the first quarter. Scratched C01!3;lhil Finch, 128. CfG A Pt SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. DUrO Net value to winner 00. . . i Ind Horses AWt PPSt 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59843 TRISTAN SHANDY wb 5 lOG 5 4 3 2 H 1 l1 Sewell E Trotter 6-5 2 2 1 1-2 C00GGMCENTON W 4 103 11 2 5 lh 21 2 2s Radtke Rice Eros 25 2J 21 1 1-2 59994 COTTAGE MAID w 6 108 9 7 41 5 4 4l 35 L Smith II Callahan 12 12 8 4 2 6014O O. G. PARKE Ws 3 90 10 3 2h 4h 31 su 4 Manders I King and Co 12 20 16 8 4 59642 BOUVIER w 5 103 12 5 15 3 55 6 55 Diggins CEPattersonandCo 15 20 20 8 4 60217 SAFEGUARD W 0 103 2 S 7l 6 6- 5h 6 Bedell T Licalzi G 8 6 2 1 60190 SAUL WB 5 110 8 1 S- 7 9 S1 71 Mountain J and C Davis 15 20 20. 8 4 C0120 MINT LEAF w G 103 1 11 Gh 9s 71 95 84 Moreland Mrs A Tempest 20 CO 60 20 8 G0170 BENORA wsb 5 105 G 9 91 81 8 75 9" L Jones Mrs W Perkins 15 20 20 8 4 C0190 CHNCBY OLCOTT wn 3 935 7 12 ll3 10 10 10u 10s M Murphy E M May 20 20 12 5 2J 59944 FIRING LINE WB 7 10! 3 6 105 1111S 11"11 Vstaden F J Carey 12 20 20 8 4 59S64 AVILL SHELLY ws 6 108 4 10 12 12 12 12 12 J Davis S T Smith 20 60 GO 20 10 Time. 255, fili, 1:18, 1:40, 1:51. Winner Br. g, by Tristan Long Maid trained by E. Trotter. AVent to post at 4:24. At post 3 minutes. Start good. AVon handily; second easily. Tristan Shandy, well ridden, forced the pace throughout and. mildly driven in the last quarter, held Kenton safe at the end. The latter ran in improved form under good handling and stayed well in the final hard drive. Cottage Maid ran fairly well, closing a big gap in the last half. O. G. Parke tired in the last quarter after running well to the stretch. Bouvier showed early speed, but tired and is of little account. Cliaun-cey Olcott ran a dull race. Overweights Channcey Olcott, 3 pounds. C0 A d. SEVENTH RACK 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. 0Jj44I:0 Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWi PPSt and StrFin Jpckeys Owners O H C P 8 60195 COLONIST WSB G 103 2 3 5 5 43 41 lt Dennison E L Talley and CoS 15 15 5 25 59641 KATIE POWERS w 5 105 S 7 G3 Gi 5 5l 2nt Moreland AV P Reardon 4 7 7 2 1 6006G LEMON GIRL w 4 70S 5 4 43 4 31 2s Sh Perrine MDeathageandCo 15 30 30 10 4 60094 DECORATION Ws 6 105 1 1 3 1 l3 15 45 Freeman J J Ogles 7-5 3-2 3-2 7-10out 60193 BRILLIANT WB 4 100 4 G 8 3 G3 G 5 Diggins T D Sullivan S 9 9 3 G-5 C01453DAPPLE GOLD ws 5 108 3 2 2 2 2h 35 C" Radtke S B Billings 3 3 25 1 1-2 59944 LIGHT NOTE wsb 4 10S 7 8 71 7s 7l 75 7s H McDondW A Chanler 10 13 12 5 2 60217 BISHOP AVEED wsb 4 103 65118 8 8 8 PA AValshMrs II Simons 20 40 40 J2 6 Time, 25j, 51j, 1:18, 1:405, 1:51. Winner Br. g, by Sir Dixon La Colonla trained by E. L. Talley. AAent to post at 4:54. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Colonist liked the rough going, ran closer up than usual in the early stages, finished gamely and outlasted Katie Powers. The latter trailed far back for the first three-quarters, then came with a belated rush and was unlucky to lose. Lemon Girl ran a surprisingly good race and finished going fast. Decoration ran well to the stretch, but tired fast in the last furlong. Dapple Gold showed speed, but tired. Bishop AAeed quit badly in the last half. Scratched 00119 Chub, 105; C0170 Brookston, 105.

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