Ascot Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-02-11

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ASCOT PARK FORM CHART. LOS ANGELES, CAL., February 10, 1906 Sixty-third day. Los Angeles Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. 90 days. Weather wet; track sloppy. 15 books on. Presiding Judge; A. W. Hamilton. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Secretary, Edward Jasper Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. No recall flag used. W Indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. ff pT A fTrST RACE 1 Mile. Purse ?400. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling OUOdb Net value to winner ?325. " Ind Horses AWt PPSt H StrFln Jockeys Owners O II C P S 6020S SHERIFF BELL wn G110 11 7 6 6 6 41 lh Hm JksonW D Millard S S 4 2 1 6020SJELFIN KING w 6 102 8 2 21 lh 1 1 2l B Powell J Guthrie 3 5 5 11-311-10 C0033 ROCKEY W 7 110 G 5 Sl 5 4" 31 3 W Miller A Miller S 12 12 5 2 601S2 BILL CURTIS WSB 5 102 4 9 9h S S G 4l J Carroll Mrs J Blute 3 41 41 2 1 60129RETADOR WB 4 1031 1 10 7s 7s 7s 71 5s Abuchon E J Baldwin G 10 10 3 8-5 60180 TANGIBLE S 104 2 8 10" 9 9 Si 6s Palms W St Vincent 15 20 20 S 4 59605DIXELLE WSB 4 105 3 1 lh 4 nk fil 7u Fpatrick T O Webber 4 G 5 2 1 G0053KATIE CREWS w 4 100 10 G 3s 3 3 2h S R McDan"lH Walker S 12 12 5 2 Cr03U STONE ARABIA w"5 107 5 11 11 11 10i 9"k 9 Simmons W L Oliver 30 30 20 S 4 00180 PRINCE CI1ING wii fi 110 9 3 1 2 2 10l 10s W Davis Mrs K Maxwell 8 12 12 5 2 600S2 PYRRHO W 7 102 7 4 5 101 11 11 11 C Ross C A Ross 10 10 S 3 6-3 ; Time, 25. 49. 1:10, 1:441. Winner B. h, by Ornament Louise, by Rotherhill trained by W. D. Millard. Went to post at 1:42. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Sheriff Bell was suited by the going, was carefully saved to the stretch and, coming on with one of his old-time rushes, got up to win in the last two strides. Ellin King took the lead on the backstretch and, opening a big gap, appeared the wlnuer. but tired when stronglv challenged. Roekey ran a surprisingly good race for him. Bill Curtis ran fairly well. Retailor Iinished fast. DIxelle ran poorly. Katie Crews showed speed, but tired. Scratched 5942S Golden Light. 112 : 60053 Needful, 107; 00078 Gondolus, 107. Corrected weights Prince Chlrtg, 110. Overweights Retador. 1 pounds; Tangible, 4. ClfGy K K SECOND RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds aiid upward. Selling. O W lJJ Net value to winner 2.". Ind Horses .; AWtPPSt St A StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C P S C0182lMISS BETTY W 5 97 5 1 21 21 2s 1 1 Ink c Ross C A Ross and Co 2 2 7-5 2-5 out C0132LUCIAN WSB 5 102 2 3 3 3 310 2l 2s 211 W Miller II Walker 2 2 7-5 2-5 out I G01S2THE HUGUENOTwll 103J 4 2 lt V- lh 3 315 3 Abuchon J A AVernberg 3 7 7 2 7-10 G00S2 FREESIAS n 93 3 5 4h 5 5 5 5 45 B Moore B F Hobart 20 SO 20 r, 25 C01S2 RL1SSFUL W 6 102 1 4 5 45 42 45 43 5 H Moore L A Bonsack 3 7 7 2 1-2 Time. 25. 501, 1:10. 1:42, 1:55. Winner Ch. m, by Sr. George Free Will trained by C. A. Ross. Went to post at 2:10. .At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Miss Betty is in good form and runs consistently, took the lead on the far tum and kept it, but was doing her lx-st at the end. Lucian was always close up and, finishing gamely, barely failed to win. The Huguenot showed early speed, but tired and quit badly in the stretch. The other two cut no figure. Blissful ran a. particularly bad race. ScratchedrT0S02 Ikkl. 102. Overweights The Huguenot, 1 pounds. 7Y7" fTpr fi THIRD RACK 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Burse 1906.sh00. M-year-olds and upward. Handicap. DUOO Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 C01SI MORITA w 4 97 2 7 32 3! 3 I2 1. H McDanINapa Stock Farm7 11 11 45 11-5 WlOSO EMBARRASSMENT Wfi OS 1 4 lh 2 2 2i 25 J Harris G A Ross and Co 8 12 11 4 2 f.0005 WORKMAN wn 4 97 5 1 2 ink h ?, 31 AV Miller T D Sullivan 3 5 3 7-5 1-2 C03U63MAR.SHAI. NEY Wit 5 105 6 3 .rh 4s 4 4 4 Hm .1ksonW Walker 4 5 5 S-5 7-10 C0203UV. H. CAREY WSB 3 102 4 S S 7 7 73 r.h B Powell R II Harris G 1C 10 C 35 fCOir.0RAMUS wn 3 9S 8 2 fi3 fi 5 5" Gh Kent T II StevensandSonG C 5 25 fi-5 GOISVCHIMNEY SWEEP WB 4 102 3 5 1" 5h fi2 G3 71 Kunz .! L McGinnis 25 13-513-51 1-2 5972S ROYOROFT 4 90 7 fi 71 8 S 8 8 M Preston J O layman 16 30 30 12 5 Time. 21. 40, 1:141, 1:41. 1:40. Winner It. f, by Brulus Ilquante, by Flambeau trained by C. W. Carroll. Went to post at 2:40. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Morita ran within striking distance to the stretch, where he moved up and, going into the lead with a rush in the stretch, won easing up. Embarrassment was always a prominent contender and gamely outstayed Workman at the end. The latter showed the most speed to the stretch, but tired under punishment in the last furlong. Marshal Key ran fairly well only. Chimney Sweep ran a bad race. "fpTr7 FOURTH RACK 1-2 Mile. The Woodlands Stakes. 1,500 added. 2-year-olds. Ov50 I Allowances. Net value to winner ,490. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 60103 HORACE E. w 118 4 4 23 33 lh Treubel B Sclireiber T25 25 8-5 4-5 out G0179ALLERION "W 115 17 11 2s 2s 2l Swain G .1 Long fi 12 10 4 2 6QQ52SILVEK STOCKING wn 115 13 0 1 1 3 B Powell G Dulln S 0 C 2 1 C01S4 SYLVAN DIXON ws 115 2 7 85 85 4l W Miller R Angarola 10 12 12 5 25 aU03LADY ALLECE w 115 7 8 71 05 5 Singleton F T Wood fi 12 12 5 2 G0103 NATIVE SON s 115 10 5 5 43 Ck A AV BkerH Stover J8 10 8 4 8-5 G01333ArALEUREUSE W 110 10 15 10 10 7 Scoville C W Clark 10 25 20 10 5 G01793BLUE BOTTLE WH 118 12 12 Hi 95 Sh OConnll Mrs J Blute 15 50 50 20 10 017aIIANDMAIDEN 113 13 10 fi 75 9s Abuchon .1 A Wernberg 15 15 15 G 3 59926 KILTER w 112 S 14 J21 ll1 101 Bullman .T L Holland 15 15 12 G 2 C0232 PONEMAH W 105 5 9 13 12 ll1 M Preston H T GrllHn t6 10 10 4 2 WIBTONY FAUST w 10X 3 2 141 13ntl2l Kent B Schreiher t25 25 8-5 4-5 out. GOISDHOOT MON WB 118 14 3 15l 141 13 R McDanlW L Oliver 10 IK 1G G 3 fi00522HALTON w 118 G 1G ll1 15 14 Horner II T Gritlin tt6 10 10 4 2 60179 RAY EGAN 123 11 17 17 1GJ 15 Borel II Stover 10 10 4 8-5 59S27 FIRST PIRATE wn 113 9 13 1G1 17 1C" W Davis J L Holland 15 15 12 C 2 59S27 MARIE ESHER W 103 11 42 5 17 Kunz Allen and Hensley 50 50 12 5 21 1 1 S tt Coupled in betting; no separate place or show betting. Time, 24, 48K Winner Ch. c, by Bannockburn Miss Lynah trained by W. Covington. Went to iost at 3:20. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second handily. Horace E. was well ridden and saved behind the pacemakers to the stretch, where he slipped through on the inside and, finishing with a rush, won out in the last two strides. Allerion was in close contention throughout, ran an excellent race and finished gamely. Silver Stocking showed great early speed, but was unduly rushed along and tired in the last sixteenth. It was throughout a three-horse race. Sylvan Dixon closed a big gap. Native Son tired. Marie Esher quit badly. Valeureuse ran a good raee under difficulties. Corrected weights First Pirate, 11". Overweights Native Son, 5 pounds; Kilter, 4. "v f fr Q FIFTH HACK 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 13 J Net value to winner 25. Ind" Horses AWt PPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S C01S1 GILPIN w 4 104?. 5 G 5 55 3l Si 1 A W BkerW A Porter 7 10 10 4 2 60155CHARLEY w 3 100 1 1 35 31 1" l3 2h Abuchon J A Wernberg G-5 3 3 6-5 3-5 60155 J. F. DONOHUE w 3 90 8 9 9 S1 6h 55 3 Scoville R H Harris 15 20 15 G 25 601S2EBONY WB 5 100 6 2 4h 41 45 4J 4and Hm JksonW Walker 8 8 31 S-5 4-5 G02052HERMITAGE wn 3 100 9 7 2i 2 5 7nk 5 Kunz J L McGinnis 3 5 5 2 1 G0231 HIPPOCRATES WB 5 107 7 S 7h 71 S5 8 6i C Aker C Van Dusen 20 30 30 12 G G020GMASEDO wn 5 103 2 3 1 Is 25 2h 7s W Miller Rosedale Farm 3 C 35 8-5 4-5 C020G WRENNE ws 3 94 4 5 G G! 7l G5 S"t Kent P Ungar 100 100 100 40 20 59334 CHANTILLY WB S 90 3 4 S 9 9 9 9 R McDanlC W Clark 25 8 8 3 3-2 Time, 24J, 40, 1:15, 1-.2SJ. Winner Ch. c, by Juvenal Koumiss trained by II. Booker. . Went to iKist at :.:5.i. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Gilpin, recovering form suddenly and favored by the going, ran under reserve to the stretch, where he came on fast and, passing Charley after a sharp drive, won going away. Charley ran a good, game raee, showed much speed, lint was tiring at the-end. J. F. Donohue finished with a rush and was wearing Charley down at 1he end. Kbony went fairly well only. Hermitage tired. Masedo ran well to the stretch and quit badly. Chan-1 illy ran an extremely bad nice, but was plainly short. Scratched i01.r!Oood Luck, 100: iOlStCholk Hedrick, 15. Overweights Gilpin, 1 pounds; Wrenne, 4. f f O C SIXTH RACK 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ?400. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. QUO J Net value to winner 25. Ind" Horses AWt PPSt M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S G010S CONFESSOR wn 4 113 3 3 2U 4l in 1!J W Davis J L Holland 4-5 9-107-10out C004 GEORGE P. MNEAR 4 104 7 G 3l ll 2 25 Hm JksonW Walker 4 5 45 3-2 3-5 C013SREVOLT 6 102 2 5 41 3s 45 3" F HbrandV Gilbert 4 5 5 8-5 3-5 C01S0 QUINDARO WB 4 93 5 2 lh 2" 3i 4s M Preston J F NewmanandSon20 25 25 8 35 59979 VALENCIA ws 3 97 4 1 5 5 3 5 Swain W L Russell 6 6 4 6-5 3-5 59S2S COL. BRONSTON ws 3 94 1 4 Gh 7 7 6 Kent P Ungar 10 15 15 5 S-5 G01S3 SAND STORM w 3 103 6 7 7 Gh G 7 Moriarity F T Wood 20 40 40 20 7 Time, 24J, 4S?. 1:15, 1:22. Winner Ch. c, by Father Confessor KofTee trained by F.. Regan. Wenftopost at "nzi. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Confessor ran under restraint in the early stages, moved Into the lead when called on and won cantering. George P. McNear ran a good race and was easily second best. Revolt showed speed, but tired in the stretch run. Quindaro ran a good half and held on well, although tiring. Scratched !0204!Requiter, 100. Overweights Confessor, 2 pounds; Colonel Bronston, 2; Sand Storm, 4.

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