untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1906-02-11


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One Horse-One Race IS WHAT OUR SPECIALS CONSIST OF. Yesterdays Special was Withdrawn Fridays Special was. . .MISTYS PRIDE, 6-1, WON Thursdays Special Lost Play next out Wednesdays Special was HECTOR, 8-5, 2nd. Tuesdays Special was. ..... .GRACEFUL, 4-1, WON Mondays Special was.. GEO. P. MNEAR, 7-1, WON Saturdays Special was WEXFORD, 6-1, WON MONDAY AT OAKLAND 8 to 20 to 1 EXTRA SPECIAL. ATTENTION I guarantee this horse to run 1-2 at a price or will excliange sheets for any Three Specials during this month. Track is made to order for this good thing. BEGINNING MONDAY I ASSURE YOU the most successful week you have ever had. Remember, you are protected in this as wc sell yon but ONE horse. In event of a loss, wc give you ONE FREE exchange. Terms, for One Day, 1906.sh for Six Days. MAIN OFFICE, 315, 167 lEAUBORN ST. Phone Central SIM Q D INCH PR CoI.J.C.WOOTERS Auto SKI. D.D.IlirUuU. Manager. sfTHE ILLINOIS Room 623, 225 Dearborn St., Tel. Har. 1876. 15to1 MONDAYS CINCH 15 to I A romp frost barrier to wire go the limit. Feb. 10 Phil Finch. ...Scratched Lifbcr lost Feb. J Lady Navarre. ..18-S -won Chief Hayes 5-1 2d Feb. 8 Mayor Johnon lost Itainland lost Feb. 7 Third Alarm 7-5 won Licber lost Feb. 6 Joe Lesser 1-1 wen Uol White 2-1 3d Feb. 6 Little Scout J-5 won Goldsmith 8-5 won Feb. 3 Hallowmas. 7-5 won Lieber Scratched Feb. ? lr Coffey 5-2 won Escutcheon 3d Feb. 1 St Valentine 6-5 won High Chance. lost Jan. 31 Alma Dufour 1-1 won Floral King 1-1 won Jan. Ju Los Angcleno 10-1 2d Uncle Henry 3d Jan 29 St Valentino 8-5 won Minnie Adams.. ..1-1 won 2 SPECIFIED SPECIALS GUARANTEED BANK ON BOTH SPECIALS. Those will positively win no chance to lose. No losing week on the meeting for progressive players at Crescent City. Daily average for entire meeting "0 per cefft winners can prove it. Buy the best. Let mushroom handicappers run for Sweeny then youll get the money. Our daily record beats all competition. 0 . for winners. Delay no longer well make you win. PRINCE BRUTUS MY GUARANTEED SPECIAL, sent to all my clients Thursday, February 8, was SCRATCHED. This gives another run foryour money. MY NEXT WIRE WIIiI, GO OVER. Get your uamo ou ray list early and you will win out. Price, .00. D. A. THURSTON, Dept. C, 7 8 Bennett Bldg., Detroit, Mich. n II 11 1 U is the day to come In and get the good things Ml IN II A I we are giving our patrons ITIU HUH I 1.M per lBy. 5.00 per Week. Feb. C Libation, 2-1, won; Huzzah, 3A-1, won. Feb. 7 Skyward, 34-1, won. Feb. S Fonsoluca, 7-5, wen; Free Booter, 4-1, won. Pel. Garnish, 2-5, won; Double, 2-1, won; Tryon, 2-1, 2nd. This Is no dope, but direct info froui the track. SYSONBY HANDICAP CO. 119 La Salle St., Room 45B. Phone 1483 Main. fL PEflBDDY and SDNS DIRECT ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT "THE BALLANTINE METHOD" has met with but four losing days tho past year, judging the season from January 1, 1905, to yesterday, Saturday, February 10, 1906, Inclusive, period covering 348 actual racing days. SAME MUST WIN DAILY. This is the only system sold under a positive GUARANTEE. The above record speaks for the value and solidity of the System. The purchase price of "The Ballantine Method" is Ten Dollars. 1rospectus and details upon request. The Ballantine Method does not depend upon our selections. It is a complete system in itself. Facts such as the above are the only plausible things which constitute the strength of an argument. Wc ask the public in general not to conflict system play with hazardous gambling .methods, nor to compare proven facts with illusions. 22 West 33d Street, NEW YORK CITY, Directly Opposite Waldorf-Astoria, WINNERS FOR YOUR MONEY. That is what you get when you do business with me. I charge you .00 per day for my information. If I do not name a winner you get the next days card Free. I do not give you a dozen or twenty horses a day. Two A POSITIVE or three, maybe four, and only those that I GUARANTEE know are reay and will be backed. I have several good things coming up this week. There will be good odds, too. Get in line with me. Out of town clients served early by telegraph and in code. Write today. Telephone DAT ft Q MM II hi 406 BOYLSTON BLDG., Harrison 5582. I 1 I U 1 A iff l II 263 DEARBORN STREET. AVONALIS won 7 2 HBM TUESDAY TUESDAY I have special information on a horse that will be the medium of a coup. This horse goes at the Fair Grounds Track, New Orleans, providing the track is fast. We must have a fast track or nothing doing. Tliis good thing will be bet on in the Pool Rooms throughout the United States and will positively win. I will give this one Free witli my Oakland Special. Dont fail to get in on this one. It is a winner at a good price. The week coining will see some large doings at Oakland. I have word from my man at the track on a horse that goes In the Third Bace next Tuesday. This is advance information and I will advise a plunge bet. WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY I will put one of the best tilings of the meeting over. This horse has been raced into condition and the conditions of the race lie goes in lets him in where you can bet with the utmost confidence. I do not wire two or three each day and if one wins claim it as a special. I stand or fall by one only each day which I guarantee genuine inside information from my man at the track, who Is one of the best dockers in the business and has worked for me the past five years. Wired in Code. Upon receipt of your order for wires I will send Code by return of mail. Phone Main 1293. OAKLAND SACES ONLY. Terms for the balance of the Oakland Races .00 FOR SIX RACING DAYS. No Single Wires Sent. One Horse Only Wired Each Day. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL, - Room 609, 56 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. Initials E. J. ssrr 1 20-1 special for Wednesday every day. is a chance to make gigantic profits on an ordinary investment. 20-1 on a legitimate 1-3 shot is what you will be getting when playing this one. It is a positive cinch and every client should plunge to the limit .and reap a harvest. tHere REYNOLDS and CO. Horse Owners and Expert Handicappers, Sixth Floor, 119 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO Phone 2877 Central. we Never Hit- "pre,ent- .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. THE NOXALL SYSTEM is .certainly a moneymaker, as week after week It goes on steadily winning for the players. Just think of a system that you know that you are going to beat them, and impossible to lose. Dont you think such a system is a gold mine for anyone? The wonderful copyrighted Noxall system can be operated with a small capital and It will earn big profits. With the aid of the system you can pick your own winning bets, and when we say that you cannot lose, every word of it is meant. It is the only guaranteed system that Is sold. It wins playing at the TRACK, POOLROOM OR HANDBOOK with equal results. It can be applied to any track and Is simple to operate. It gives an average of about nine plays a week at any one track. It la entirely different from any other system, and la published in book form, containing racing charts, with demonstrations, etc., and Is the only copyrighted system published. SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET and Investigate this wonderful system and stop losing. The NOXALL SYSTEM requires no tips, selections, handicap figures, and the plays are not based on odds, favorites, second choices, weights, jockeys, etc., but on an entirely new theory. The long continued success of this system tells you how the problem of beating the races has been solved. Address, NOXALL SYSTEM, P. 0. Box D, Gravesend, H. Y. PAY AFTER YOU WIN Is and always has been my method ot doing business. Our interests being mutual. I must send you winners in order to wiu myself. Am always on the ground clocking the workouts, and being closely connected with some of the very best stables, enables me to send two or three winners each week to honest bettors, livery time I wire you can depend that the horse is at his best and the stable money is down. I dont ask ?2 or per day In advance; instead, after the horse I wire you has won, send me the winnings or a ?2 straight bet. This makes genuine inside information cost you nothing. My only demand is you enclose 40 cents in your first letter, only as a deposit, to guarantee acceptance of telegrams. Address C. ROWLAND, 826 St. Charles Street, Hew Orleans,. La. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW SPECIAL No. 835. Get winning information. The .following is a record of the free specials published daily in llnc- ing Form since Feb. :i: Saturday, Feb. 3 THE GLEAM 4-1 WON Monday, Feb. 5 BRILLIANT 8-1 Second Tuesday, Feb. 6 GROVE CENTER 6-1 Second Wednesday, Feb. 7 LISTLESS Scratched Thursday. Feb. 8 LETA DUFFY... 4-1 WON Friday. Feb. 9 -ADESSO 3-1 WON Saturday, Feb. 10 DAPPLE GOLD Lost During the last "i days of racing but live horses given as free specials by us finished worse than second. Dont neglect to get our .00 special which starts next week. Send at once as she may be entered any day now after Monday. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. Kooju 37, 71 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. GUARANTEED WINKERS from an OWNER and TRAINER, who is closely connected with several stables now racing at NEW ORLEANS. My information comprises ONE or TWO HORSES a day only. Jki horse racing, as in other business pursuits, merit is bound to tell in the end. Ability, perseverence and honesty are the essentials for success, and I have that reputation among hofsemen. SOME NOTABLE "KILLINGS." Dont You Dare, 40-1 Won Wired to my clients January 11th. Phoebus, - - - 20-1 Won Wired to my clients January Both. Los Angeleno -15-1 Won Wired to my clients January 20th. HY CLIENTS ARE WINNING. I will forfeit $ 1,000 if the above is not a positive fact. My clients who have been with me all season, and received the above horses on the above dates, will verify same. Also the Postal and Western Union Telegraph companies over which my wires were sent. I make a bid for your patronage on the winners I give. Without bragging, I can triithfully stale that I have given more winners than any two concerns combined in the same number of horses sent out. Clients who are followiiigmy informal ion tell me that it is the best they have ever had, and are recoinnicnding it to their lriends. 1 wish to thank them for their consideration. My terms are 5 WINNERS FOR For I will agree to send you FIVE WINNERS. Second or third horses do not count, no matter what the odds. I send ONE or TWO HOUSES a day no. more. I send out MANY WINNERS and, while they are not all at tin; above price, they are seldom favorites, as I am in receipt of WINN1NU INFORMATION each day direct from the track. You do not renew ycur subscription until 1 have sent yon FIVE STRAIGHT WINNERS. Remit by Money Order or Registered Letter only to insuro safe delivery. On receipt of same I will mail you cipher code. Wires will follow. DAN ONEIL TRAINER GRAVESEND, N. Y. THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL. 50c. IN LEATHER, 30c. IN PAPER. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 124 Fifth Ave.. Chicago. 111. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM, A Mill 0 Straight Bet ON AID TURF REPORTER SPECIALS See Small Ad. following From Monday, January 29, Including Saturday, February 10, 12 Daya, WON OVER 65.00 AND THE COST IS .00 PER MONTH. Address all Subscriptions to T. C. WOOD and CO. Room 312, 59 Dearborn St , Chicago TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL. .00 Per Month. R. 312, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mondays Special: No. 351. Pturdays Special was PROPER . 0-5 Won Friday " KNVEKITK .l 8d Thursdays " " FltEE BOOTEtt 9-8 Won Wednesdays " Scratched Tuesdays " " Scratched Mondays " " Loaer Saturdays " IJKRTHA K 8-1 Won Fridays " " FREE BOOTER 8-1 8d Thursdays " " .... Loner Wednesdays " ORIENT 14 and tVon Tueedays " " OOI.DIC 4-1 2d Mondays " " KOBIN HOOD 7-1 Won We have information on two for next week Tuesday and Thursday which we shall give as free specials in this ad; probable odds will be 0 to 15 to 1. Entry List: 303-309-312-313-314-315-6-8-9-351-354-355-365-368-370-372. Do you think info like this worth .00 PER MONTH J Think it over. PROPER Was my advertised special in the Palace Hotel Handicap yesterday. PIMKIN, Won. WATER CURE, Withdrawn. E. M. BRATTAIN, Withdrawn. SIR FJRILLAR, Withdrawn. PROPER, Won. GOV. DAVIS, Lost. TI DR. LEGGO,4-1 had II in Burns Handicap. Tlie coming I week, commencing Monday mM Pay .00 and get my Handicap Sboet every dty and if a flat bet on my Best Bets dont win I will eivo you H M the week commencing Feb. 18th H FREE! L Get the best handicap sheet of Oakland races in America. You always playing the best horses. Get your name in my book and any day that I have a II Eare Rood thing I will wire you any I part of the United States. Be B I wise and string along with a man who knows. U JUDGE TOM COLLINS 119 LA SALLE ST. Room 65. Phone Main i3i. .00 Day. .00 Week. KARGUT, 7-1, WON Abe Meyer. 5-1 Won 1astoso M Won Goldsmith 710 Won Little Scout 8-6 Won Jlerry Pioneer 1-1 Won Xa Vernita 7-t Won Ouickricu -l Won Proteus 9-5 Won Nine a-5 Won Lady Free Knight... M Won Coidiu 2-1 Won Alma Dufour ....... M Won Forerunner 4-1 Won Royal Rogue la 5 Won Third Alarm 1-1 w0n" Skyward 1-1 Won Frolic 4-1 Won Kay 12-5 Won Sir Edward ...12-5 Won Proteus 7-5 Won Girard 8-1 Won Martinmas 5-1 Won Line of Lite 5-2 Won Ninnapquaw 7-5 Won Tavacnes 2-1 Won Usury. D. H 9 2 Won. These wore nsiineil on my daily sheet on file at my oilk-e. Positively only one horse to a race, and not all raees. and yesterday was my usual strong Saturday finish with Kargut, 7-1, won; Tho Huguenot, 3rd. Other two withdrawn. .00 DAILY; .00 WEEKLY. W. F. BECKER, 119 La Salle St., R. 30 Telephone Main 3711.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906021101/drf1906021101_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1906021101_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800