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j?kTHE ILLINOIS ! Room 623, 225 Bearborn St., Tel. Har. 1876. ONE 25 25-1 CINCH 2 SPECIFIED SPECIALS GUABAETEcO Here is one of the biggest killings of the year; go to it hook, line and ladder. Owner will plunge. We are positively assured there is no chance to lose. Tills horse will win by a block. No "morning glory," but a cinch. Hell deliver the goods Surely, miff said. fV. S. HAND H AN DICAPPER. Author of "Hands System of Handicapping". Rooms 1 to 6, 850 Market Street, Phone 1802 Montgomery. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. SUMMER OFFICE, 280 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Open May 1st. Responsible Eastern Bettors can learn something Greatly to their interest by addressing me At Once. Full or special selections wired daily by 2 a. ns. Terms .00 Daily; 5.00 Weekly, or 0.00 Monthly. N. B. Systems of playing mailed subscribers free of extra charge. TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL. 91.00 Per Month. R. 312, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Saturdays Special No. 557. Use New Book No. 64. Entry Lis t 3-8-14-16-17-18-508-509-515-524-550 -552-556-557-559-561-563-564-565-572. HORSES IN TRAINING 1906 TO BE PUBLISHED MARCH 30. Will contain a complete list of horses in training in the east and west, including name, color, sex, age and pedigree, as well as owner, trainer and stable jockey. Kvery two-year-old registered with the Jockey Club will be included, also the rules of racing, scale of weights, winners of American and English classics, winning sires, owners, jockeys and several new and useful features. For reference purposes the book is valuable. Price .00, bound in leather, postage prepaid. .Money must accompany the order. Address H. A. Buck, 571 Fifth Avenue, New York. National Racing Reviews Special, No. 34 Room 37, 71 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. t.00 IKU MOUTH. 25 CENTS IK COPY. p-t Thursdays Special Withdrawn. FREE! "MY SYSTEM" Fully Explained FREE! Without an equal In the world! I have the greatent Winning Scheme ever discovered! If you have S4 to Play With, write Today, if you want "In"! 1C. WOODS. "Wanton." Memphis. Teiui. INFORMATION. A New York lawyer has excellent racing connections at New Orleans Receives occasional "good things.! Chicago client wanted. Good bettors send address. -Lawyer, Koom 8 World Building. TO-DAY A WINNER YESTERDAY ST. GEORGE JR 5-2 WON WOOLMA 3-4 WON LILY GOLDING 7-5 WON ORCHAN My Special C-l Lost TGET THE BEST INFORMATION U U Of Oakland Races I JJ YOU CANT LOSE. E JUDGE D TOM COLLINS 119 La Salle Street, Room 65. Fbone Main 4392. .00 Day. .00 Week. Canejo 12-1 Won ESS goas today. Lots of good ones on the tab for next week. Oet in line with me. Z SearSbornIt.ld Pa t Go KITI Q 11 Phone Harrison 5582. I Ul UUIIIIUII DAILY SPECIAL ABE MEYER SCRATCHED. Thursday Lord Nelson . 5-2Won Wednesday SYLVIA TALBOT . 12-1 lost Tuesday . DIXIE LAD . . 10-1 won Monday . CHARLATAN . . 1-1 won Saturday . NEVA LEE . . 5-1 won Friday . ELMDALE . . Scratched Thursday . No Selection. Wednesday BALESHED . . 9-5 won Tuesday . FREEBOOTER . 8-5 won Monday . BERT OSRA . . 5-2 won Daily Specials: .00 a Day, .00 a Week. Dally special filed with tills publication at 10:00 A. Iff. TODAY 5-1. S J- J- MONDAY 10 1 iHT O Su"te 84, 119 LA SALLE STREET I I I CHICAGO BRANCH. Phone Main 3645. Jl JL Send Communications to GEO. OTIS T The Turf Reporters Daily Form Letter. jSjijjs FIGURES COMBINED WITH INFORMATION ltsSJfjKK. jfi r 1er cent of entire letter guaranteed 1-2 or next days sheet PRKE V W Da,y " " " " S4.00 Weekly sJyf Room 512 59 Dearborn Sheet, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. y ESTEKD AT OUK LETTER GATE LANCASTRIAN Special 1-1 WON SIR FRANCIS II 8-1 WON FLAVIGNY 8-1 Second MONET 1-1 WON BERT OSRA Best Bet 11-5 WON ORCHAN Special 6-1 Lost ST. GEORGE JR 5-2 WON SEASON OF 1906 Stakes for Spring Meeting New fTlempnis Jockey Club MONTGOMERY PARK OFFICE, 2 COTTON EXCHANGE BUILDING MEMPHIS - - TENNESSEE TO CLOSE ON MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1906. GASTON HOTEL STAKES, ,000 Added, Foals THE HOTEL GAYOSO STAKES, ,000 Added; THE PEABODY HOTEL HANDICAP, ,000 of 1904. Subscribed to by Gastons Hotel. A Foalsof 1903. Subscribed to by the Hotel Gay- Added. Subseriled to by the Peabody Hotel. A sweepstakes for two-year-olds, eolts and geldings, oh awrapav thenonHna handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- 0 to accompany nomination, and 0 additional additional to start. The club to add ,000, of which ward. 0 to accompany the nomination and 0 to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second, j-00Ml0. secontl; and 00 to third, fourth to save additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 and 00 to third, fourth to save starting money. coUs,nS117!geWings, lil.n to second, 00 to third, the fourth to save starting Four Furlongs. of a three-y ear-old race of the value of ,000 to money. In addition to the stakes, the winner will carry 5 lbs. penalty. Non-winners of a three-year- receive a valuable vaiuauie niece piece oi of silver suver donated uonateu liv uy Pnl loi. THE ARDELLE STAKES, ,000 Added; Foals of old race other than selling of the value of 00, if , , Snowden. Weights to be announced two days ote thn value the 1904.-A sweepstakes for two-year-old fillies. 0 "F j"JB ... , , , . of ,000 In inO. or 1000, allowed 5 lbs.; If non- before the race. One Mile and One-eighth, to accompany nomination, and additional ,tl, to winw?rS in 1005 or 1900 of a race other than selling start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second and of the value of 00. allowed 10 lbs. Maidens al- THE TENNESSEE BREWING STAKES, ,000 00 to third, fourth to save starting money. Four ,med 17 11,s- 0ne Mile- Added. Subscribed to by the Tennessee Brewing Furlpngs. the MONTGOMERY HANDICAP, ,500 Added. Company. A selling sweepstakes for tliree-year-olda THE MEMPHIS STAKES SI 250 Added- Foals of A handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination, 1904.-A sweepstakes or two-year-olds. 0 to ac- to0startT"oO ded0 orvhlch rsoo aUdltional to s,art- aJlled- of wUi:U company the nomination, and 0 additional to start, to second and 50 to third! the fourth to save start- 00 t0 sot-uml and 00 to third, fourth to save ,250 added, of which 50 to second and 50 to inK money. In addition to the stakes, the winner starting money. The winner to be sold at auction third, fourth to save starting money. Three pounds will receive a valuable piece of silver donated by for ,500 if for less; !! lbs. allowed for each 00 below the scale. The winner of two races other the club. Weights to be announced before 9 a. m., to ,500; then 1 lb. for each 00 less to 00. than selling of the value of ,000 each to carry a t i! er n so mil- o f F t Uo vain- dtqoOO or Two s,ar,ers and selling price to be named through the lbs. penalty. Non-winners of a race other than sel- 0iier" than" selling of any value after the eI1try box at the usual time of closing for this days ling of any value, allowed 5 lbs. Maidens allowed weights are announced, to carry 5 lbs. penalty, racing, and those so named are liable for starting 10 lbs. Five Furlongs. One Mile and One-sixteenth. fee. Seven Furlongs. If there are enough horaes to justify, three jumping races each week will be offered. In addition to above Stakes, the TENNESSEE DERBY, ,000 Added, and TENNESSEE OAKS, ,000 Added, that closed January 2, J 905, will be run at Spring; Meeting. Notice. No entry will be received for any of these Stakes except on this condition: That all disputes, claims and objections arising" out of the racing, or with respect to the interpretations of the conditions of any race, shall be decided by a majority of the Executive Committee present, or those whom they may appoint, and their decisions upon all points shall be final. The Clul also reserves the right to refuse the entries of any person, or the transfer of any entry, and without notice. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SECRETARY. NEW MEMPHIS JOCKEY CLUB S. R. MONTGOMERY, President. M. N. MAC FAR LAN, Secretary.