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RAINSTORM AT WINDSOR TRACK. Detroit. Mich., June 21. A heavy rainstorm at noon and repeated showers during the afternoon made the going at Windsor very heavy, especially after the third race. The weather also militated against the attendance which was only fair. Despite the unfavorable track conditions the public succeeded in picking the last four winners. In the llrst race W. S. Laird saddled the winner in Glendon. He was backed and ran one of the best iraces of his career, running in behind the leaders to the stretch and then standing a long drive anil winning going away. Laird was highly elated over Ills good fortune, as It was the first time his colors had caught the judges eye in quite a while. A cog or something else must have slipped In the Gardner barn over night for tlie stable only secured nne race this afternoon, Charlie Eastman being the ne to bring the money home. Malta was sent after .the purse in the second and her. boy tried his best to fulfill expectations, but the filly did not seem to like the going and had a bard time In securing i Word "was received by Secretary Parmer during the day that the .following stables had been .shipped from "Buffalo and would probably reach here to-lmorrow: J. Everman. with six; M. D. Miller, with tslx- W. T. Adams, with-six; P. G. Gallagher, with three, and J. W. Blalock, with four. Despite the iact that the number of horses: already here is a record breaker there Is stall room left.