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. Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Friday, June 22. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK SLOW. FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1:12J 5 10.!. Index Course Dist Time Tck Wt St Vt Vs vi StrFin Jockeys Best Company GLOBE RUNNER, ch. f, 3, by Kis Highness Nellie Bly F. W. Schmidt. Weight today 96. 629GG Latonia 3-4 1:181 mud 92 11 10 10 105 10ls C Morris Nonic Lucille, Oasis. Lacene. G2277 Memphis 1 1-16 1:19 fast SS 11 9 8 9 9 S,s Manders Ternus, Hyacinth, Docile. 6223S Memphis 1 1:41 good S2 13 13 S 9 111 7 Bilac Cotillion, Nine, Rhinock. LADY MARCH, b. f, 3, by St. Julien Briganza Mrs. J. C. Milam. Weight today 96. 62S91 latonia 3-1 1:152 fast 107 9 3 2 31 741 Troxlcr The Mate, Intcrlight. Toppy Glr. 62S10 latonia 3-4 1:152 fast 110 7 S 9 91 8" Troxler Minnehaha. Pinaud, Ferronierc. 62732 Latonia 1 1:4S mud 1021 9 8 10 11 11s 11" Seder Fresnola, The Mate, Mae Lynch. ALMA GARDIA, ch. f, 3, by Ranc ocas Faithless J. F. Newman and Son. Weight today 96. 63015 latonia 7-S 1:321. mud 89 12 9 9 9 71 6i M Preston Elude. Scotch Dance, Jigger; 62S91 Latonia 3-4 1:152 fast 97 14 13 9 7 4 M Preston The Mate, Interlight. Toppy Girl. 62S10 Latonia 3-4 1:132 fast HO 5 10 11 ll1 SM Preston Minnehaha, Pinaud, Ferroniere. LACENE, b. f, 3, by Ingoldsby Rose Lady Denny Bros. Weight today 101. 63074 Latonia 3-1 1:191 hvy 96 9 S 7 Gl 68 Perkins Oasis, Nonie Lucille. Ag. Airginia. G29G6 Latonia 3-4 1:181 mud 102 8 4 G 51 3 D Austin Nonie Lucille, Oasis, Lady Carol. 62SC2 Latonia 3-1 1:143 fast 96 7 10 10 12 12"1C Morris Lady Carol, Concert, Ethel Day. CLOVER HAMPTON, b. f. 4, by Bathampton Cloverdale II. T. H. Craven. Weight today 107. 62966 Latonia 3-4 1:181 mud 103 3 6 5 6 7" E RobinsnNonie Lucille, Oasis. Lacene. 62S39 Latonia 3-4 1:143 fast 98 5 9 10 101 10"lFinnegan Lizzie McLean, Capitano, Heine. 61565 City Park 7-S 1:28 fast 108 9 10 10 11 11" 9"10regar Ferroniere, Mynheer, Kara. HILONA, ch. f, 4, by Hilaire Zona L. A. Bonsack. Weight today 107. G3024 Latonia 3-4 l:13g fast 112 1 4 4 ! S! AW BkerDodAnderson, AVoodlands, Butinskie 62966 Latonia 3-4 1:1S1 mud 103 9 7 S 8l 9" Perkins Nonie Lucille, Oasis. Lacene. 62639 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 112 2 3 3 31 31 A AV BkerGarrettWilson, Revolt. H. Jack II. 4RACHNE, ch. m, 8, by St. Saviour Distaff C. Hak and Sons. Weight today 109. 63019 Latonia 3-4 1:141 fast 110 9 12 12 12 7s Nicol Ida Davis, Inflammable. St. Noel. 62SG0 Latonia 7-S 1:292 fast 114 5 5 6 6 61 4 Troxler Capitano, Dalesman, Bill Carter. 62756 Latonia 7-S 1:271 good 1031 3 8 9 7 6J 31 AV Allen Sharp Boy, TheGadfly WinuifredLad ROYAL LEGEND, ch. f. 4. by Ingoldsby Royal Una P. Dunno. Weight today 112. 62SS5 Latonia 7-8 1:2S1 fast 112 1 2 2 3 3l 35 E RoblnsnRevolt, Sharp Boy. Lochgoil. 62759 Latonia 3-4 1:19 hvy 104 5 5 5 31 11 E RobinsnWindshleld, Oak Grove, Trappist. 62599 Louisville 3-4 1:16? hvy 97 2 5 6 71 5 T Taylor Free Booter, Reticent, Ingolthrift. MILL SONG, b. f, 3, by Kismet Juanita C. C. McCafferty. Weight today 96. 62S62 Latonia 3-4 1:148 fast 94 2 2 2 31 75 M Preston Lady Carol. Concert. Ethel Day. 62453 Louisville 5 1-2 f 1:0S1 fast 95 2 4 10 9 10JM Preston Goldzone, Windshield, Interlight. 62390 Louisville 3-4 1:16 fast 97 4 2 1 li 2 M Preston Follies Bergeres, Floss S., Mafalda. TSARA, ch. f, 3, by Ornament May Hempstead S. Hudson and Co.. Weight today 96. 02S62 Latonia 3-4 1:142 fast 92 1 3 6 9 91 T Taylor Lady Carol, Concert, Ethel Day. 62679 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 83 1 2 3 4 44 Boadweo FolliesBergeres, N. Lucille, Intense. 625S0 Louisville 3-4 1:15 fast 87 1 1 1 1 1 T Taylor Principia, Cygnet, Marco. MINNEHAHA, ch. f; 3, by Jack Point Amyntas W. H. Robinson. AVeight today 101. 63031 Latonia 1 1:48 mud 92 S 8 7 5 4"t 2 Oregar La Fayette, Proteus, Cotillion. 62993 Latonia 1 1:422 slcjy 102 4 4 2 1 11 22 D Austin Evie Greene. Dudley, Leta Duffy. 62S90 Latonia 3-4 1:15 fast 100 3 4 4 U Is Abuchon Oasis, L. McLean, Bitter Brown. CYGNET, b. m, 6, by Inspector B. Borealis S. H. Kunz and Co.. Weight today 101. 62S15 Latonia 1 1:42 fast 104 3 2 2 2 42 41 W Allen T.Roberts, T.Robinson, JosiesJewel 62733 Latonia 3-4 1:172 mud 102 9 10 9 10 102JStille Ingolthrift. Interlight. Joe Shields. 62613 Louisville 3-4 1:151 fast 107 10 6 6 3 5 Stille Arachne, Modredlaw, Harpoon. ZINDA, br. f. 4. by Woolsthorpe EUa F. T. P. Hayes. Weight today 107. CilGO See Latonia chart in this paper. 63050 Latonia 7-S 1:322 mud 103 3 3 3 3 4! 4 D Austin Knowledge, Mr.Farnum.Hap.Jackll. 62938 Latonia 3-4 1:181 hvy 102 7 6 4 62 61 D Austin Ralbert, Roscoe, Ingolthrift. 62757 Latonia 7-8 1:272 good 1011 4 2 2 2 31 371 D Austin Harding, Clifton Forge, Matador. TO SAN, b. m, 5, by St. Blaise Algae O. F. Hume and Co.. Weight today 109. 62679 Latonia 3-1 1:14 fast 101 10 S 11 11 11"JB Miller FolliesBergeres, N. Lucille, Intense. 62620 Louisvillo 3-4 1:131 fast 107 8 5 4 6" eJC H ShillgReticent, Happy Jack II., Capitano. 62575 Louisvillo 5 1-2 f 1:072 fast 102 5 3 2 23 2i C H ShillgMum, Clifton Forge, S. Rocamora. MINNIE JOHNSON, b. m, 5, by G. W. Johnson Susan Jane Pratt Bros.. Weight today 109. 62393 Louisville 5-S 1:011 fast 113 4 6 4 51 6 Jenkins Robin Hood Maplehurst, Heine. 53921 Union Park 5-S 1:03 slow 96 8 7 S 7s 8" Radtko James V., ClaudeWalton, Soundly. BELLTOONE, b. f, 3, by Lottoon Isabel W. H. Glore. . Weight today 114. 63074 Latonia 3-4 1:191 hvy 112 5 5 9 9 9" Troxler Oasis, Nonie Lucille, Ag. Virginia. 62SG2 Latonia 3-4 1:142 fast 107 10 7 9 10 lOHOtis Ladv Carol. Concert, Ethel Day. G27S7 Latonia 7-S l:27g good. 104 1 5 5 5 6 6" Flnley Harding, Clifton Forge, Zinda. SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-ycar-olds. Selling. l:0O 2 110. DELLA D b. f, 2, by Albert Bullet H. Roberts and Co.. Weight today 97. 63071 Latonia. 4 1-2 f 591 livy 97 8 G 51 41 Oregar Edith M.. Miss Bertha. Webber. 62678 Latonia 4 1-2 f 551 fast 103 9 7 7l V W Allen Dainty Dame, Bitter Miss, Levla. AVENDOW, br. f, 2. by Charadt! Avalanche J. R. Taylor and Co.. Weight tcday 97. 63020 Latonia 4 1-2 f 541 fast 110 2 3 4nk 31 T Taylor MattieMack, SpiderAVeb, Quiddity. 62S14 Latonia 4 1-2 f 552 fast 103 3 3 4 1 6i C Morris Poster Girl, Miss Bertha, Edith M. WILD VIOLET, b. f, 2, by Handsome Repay E. Kunkol and Co.. Weight today 103. 62937 Latonia 4 1-2 f 5S2 hvy 1031 C 4 7J 5lAbuchon DaintyDame. Mat.Mack, LadyArion. 62S61 Latonia 5-S 1:021 fast 1031 8 7 S 8 SlAbuchon Billy Aertress, Frictiou, Mildrene. LEONARD L,, b. c, 2, by Meadowthorpe Racemcdo R. V. Gillespie. Weight today 103. 62638 Latonia 4 1-2 f 512 fast 105 S 10 10 1018 Finley Antrim. Spider Web. Froward. MILDRENE, b. f, 2, by Tho Pepper Mildred, by Deceiver S. K. Hughes and Co.. Weight today 109. 629SS Latonia 5-8 1:011 slow 107 6 4 4 21 2J Troxler AAoolma, Antrim. Yowric. 62S61 Latonia C-8 1:021 fact 105 3 1 2 4 31 D Austin Billy Vertress, Friction, Navarro. SAM COOK, ch, c, 2, by Doctor Cave Fregence J. F. Keith. Weight today 97. 63071 Latonia 4 1-2 f 591 hvy SSI 5 5 131 14UE Rice Edith M., Miss Bertha. AVebber. 611S6 City Park 3 1-2 f 441 hvy 107 6 6n 9Youns Mclntyre, Teo Beach, SI. L. Year. aUINTILLA, br. f, 2. by Pirate of Penzance Luzclla D. T. Morris. Weight today 97. 52911 Latonia 4 1-2 f 57 slop 103 4 3 4 48i Otis Moselle. Froward, Gabble. 622S9 Louisville 1-2 49? good 1011 8 9 111 10" AV Allen Edith M., M. Maker, Lady Bateman NELLETTE, b. f, 2, by Kingston Rapturo W. M. Hayes. Weight today 97. 63071 Latonia 4 1-3 f 591 hvy 10S 7 10 7 V Noonan Edith M., Miss Bertha, AVebber. 62695 Latonia 4 1-2 f 55 fast 101 9 9 81 6 Noonan Avendow, Miss Bertha, FIralto. ANNA RUSKIN, b. f, 2, by Ruskin Anna Chamberlain H. McCarren. Jr.. Weight today 101. E3023 Latonia 5-S 1:001 fast 91 2 11 11$ IJ F Perrett Belle Scott, Froward, King Leopold. C2991 Latonia 5-S 1:031 slow 92 6 6 1 21 1 F Perrett Belle Scott, King Leopold, Froward. WEBBER, br. c, 2. by Sempronius Web of Fate W. A. Smith and Co.. Weight today 103. 53071 Uitonia I 1-2 f 591 hvy 97 9 9 41 3 T Taylor Edith M., Miss Bertha, Delia D. 623CS Louisville 4 1-2 f 561 fast 103 S S 6 6Ji Swain T. Morgan, K. Leopold, Sir Geoffrey HELMUTH, b. g, 2, by Foul Shot Instar B. Schroibcr. Weight tcday 103. G275S Latonia 5-S 1:06 hvy 105 1 1 1 1 21 Abuchon Bonart, Alvise. John Kaufman. 62717 Latonia 4 1-2 f 511 fast 103 3 9 9 128lVgraefen Friction, KingLeopold, MoneyMaker. LADY JENKINS, ch. f, 2, by Lin den Princess Jean. AVeight today 97. First start. , WESTERN, ch. c, 2, by Handsome Independence Day. Weight today 100. First start. THIRD RACE 1 Mile. 4-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. 1:38 31 07. YACHTING GIRL, b. f. 4, by St. Andrew Iscara H. McCarren, Jr.. Weight today 97. 62391 Louisville S C 2:511 fast 125 12 S 8 8 8 SPlunkctt Dunning, Dr. Nowlin, Reiectable 6231o Louisvillo 7-S 1:292 fast 107 10 10 10 12 12 12 F Tcrrett Evie Greene, Capitano, Dr. McCluer. THE ONLY WAY, b. c, 4, by Sain Miss Howard B, Schreibcr. Weight today 101. 63019 Latonia 3-4 1:141 fast 109 7 6 1 2 41 D Austin Ida Davis, Inflammable. St. Noel. 62SS7 Latonia -S 1:282 fast 100 5 2 2 4 5 61 C Morris Usury, Carew, Tom Crowe. PILLER, br, g, 4, by Pirate of Penzance Fleika J. W. Briggs. Weight today 104. JFi70 Latonia 1 1:51R hvy 101 8 S S 7 4i 41 D Riloy Two Penny, Inflammable. Reveille. 62992 latonia 1 1:421 slow 101 6 4 5 7 91 10UC Fisher Concert, Monochord, Hubbard. GLISTEN, ch. m, 5, by Knight of EUcrslie Beloved E. McCluskey and Co.. Weight tcday 10C. onHonia mud 101 " 5 4 5 5 5" Abuchon Swittwing, LittleElkin, HandyBill. G2892 Latonia 1 1-2 2:3G fast 106 1 9 8 7 64 6 Garwood Double, Swlftwing, Little Elkin. MYNHEER, br. g, 9, by Governor Foraker Fraulein F. G. Altman. Weight todav 108. 62SI3 Latonia 1 1:415? fast 113 7 5 5 5 4H 5t"lTroxIor Outwnl, Gilfain, Erla Lee. 02179 Louisvillo 1 1:431 fast 103 G G 5 4 41 410 F Jost Red Light, Free Booter, Reticent. BUGLER, b. h, 5, by Ornament Barbara Gray J. F. Nichols. Weight today 103. G293G Latonia 1 1:491 hvy 108 10 10 8 6" 4 331 Troxler Stroud, Neodesha, Dr. Turner. 62761 Latonia 1 1:462 hvy 10S 11 10 9 7 61 6iTroxIer Intense, St. Tammany, Leta Duffy. MARASCHINO, ch. g, 7, by Golden Dawn Chartreuse Bruntz and Hopkins. Weight today 108. G3015 Latonia 7-8 1:321 mud 103 7 14 14 11 11 14J11F Jost Elude. Scotch Dance, Jigger. 62S92 Latonia 1 1-2 2:36 fast 109 3 5 9 9 9 9" Otis Double, Swiftwing, Little Elkin. HUBBARD, b. g, 5, by Joo Norwood Nellie Gray W. E. Suggs. Weight today 108. 62992 Latonia 1 1:421 slow 10S S 5 4 2 21 35i D Austin Concert, Monochord. Florizel. 56355 Delmar Park 93 1 3-16 fast 2:05 1 3 2 2 2i 4i Harris Athena, Rostor, Eclectic. PRESTIGE, b. o. 4. by Previous Challie Howard C. S. Wilson. Weight today 102. 153100 See Latonia chart in this paper. 63030 Latonia 7-S 1:322 mud 100 7 5 6 7 71 958 Pengast Knowledge, Mr.Farnum.Han Jaek-TT G278G Latonia 7-S 1:271 good 101 1 7 7 4 4and 51 Pengast Sharp Boy, The Gadfly, Arachne. HARPOON, b. c, 4, by Handspring Giralda W. Burke and Co.. Weight today 101. 62S92 Latonia 1 1-2 2:3G fast 1051 7 2 4 6 75- 73 J Dealy Double. Swlftwing, Little Elkin C2S12 Latonia 11:42 fast 109 6 S 7 4 4 41 J Dealy Handy Bill, Sharp Boy, DOESKIN, b. m, 7, by Freeman Theckley J. C. Tucker and Co.. Weight today 106. 62S12 Latonia 1 1:42 fast 111 4 5 6 7 53 nJD Austin Handy Bill. Sharp Boy. Bell-the-Cat G2G74 Latonia 3-4 1:1a fast 103 2 13 13 13 12"1F Jost Lidwina, Oak Grove, Trisauce. MORENDO, ch. g, 6, by Crescendo or Brioso Berna D. Conley. Weight today 108 63023 Latonia 11-16 1:47 fast 10.. 11 11 10 8 9 9" J Dealy Red Light, St. Tammany Florizel 62694 Latonia 1 1:411 fast 10S 8 9 9 6 31 331 J Dealy St. Volma, Eular, Sharp Boy? DR. HART. b. g, 7, by Hart Wallace Florence Shanks F. E. Ryan Weight today 103. 62930 Latonia 1 1:431 vy 10S 12 11 11 10 9 llillcrfnari Stroud. Neodesha. Bugler 52221 Memphis 1 1:441 mud 103 10 10 10 11 11 ll38 AV McGeo Hortcnsla, Our Sister" F. Favorite. INVICTUS, br. g, 8. by Inspector B. Iowa W. Gabriel. Weight today" 103. 63023 Latonia 11-16 1:17 Tast 99 7 9 11 11 11 llSArchilll Red Light. St. Tammany Florizel G291G Latonia 7-S 1:321 slop 97 7 7 7 7 5 4 Archibald Matador, The Pet. Clifton Forge WILLIE NEWCOMB, b. g, 5, by Pirate of Ponzanco Belle Swift J. S. Ward. Weight todav"lQS? 62912 Latonia 7-8 1:321 slop 102 111112 12 101 ll18!Oregar Clyde, Piatt. Jigger. 62G51 Latonia 3-4 1:141 fast 1171 4 3 3 31 3"1 E MorrisonBelltoone, AVeberlields, Clyde. REVEILLE, ch. h, 5, by Golden Dawn Harmony II. L. Peten Sc Co.. Weight todav 111 C3070 Latonia 1 1:51?. hvy 111 2 5 5 3 31 3. Nicol Two Penny. Inflammable Piiler c:oi:i Latonia 3-1 1:111 fast 115114 14 13 13 S OMney Ida Davis, Inflammable, St. Noel. FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap, i;3S 3 107J. ALCOR, ch. c, 4, by Algol Becky Sharpe T. H. Talbot. Weight today 94. ;2g Latonia 3-4 1:141 fast 104 2 1 1 H 25 Abuchon Braden, Toupee, The Clansman. rS ?nC IS,atld JS? 2i Sas; y-Bt 1,1 3 S" 5 Hbrand Aeronaut. Platoon, Kiamesha. 5003 Saratoga 9a 7r8. fast, 1:251 6 5 5 6 7i 86J W Mclnre Rubric, Uoldsraltli, Mad Mullah. CORUSCATE, ch. m. 6, by Chorister Royal Gem H. J. Perry ft Co.. Weight today 95. G2930 Latonia 1 1-S 1:542 slow 58 10 8 7 J 7 915 W SIcInrcSIr Huon, Dutch I!:irlmra. . I. Carroll. C2SSS Latonia 1 1:401 fast 33 6 6 G 5 51 51 T Taylor D.Barbara. MJ.T.J.Csoti, Ternsltod 62S37 Latonia 3-1 l:13g fast 3G S 9 8 S S" A Andress Hazelthorpc, D.Barbara, ThcCrtnuu DEB AH, h. c, 3,i by Algol Sister. H. Shannon and Co.. Weight today 98. 62SSS Latonia 1 1:401 fast 102 8 S 7 S 7J 7" Noonan D.Barbara, Mj.T.J.Cson, TemsUoil 2455 Louisville 1 1-16 1:4S8 fast 101 7 7 7 7 7 7"1W Allen Slcllvaln, II. Watterson, Coruscate. 62271 Louisville 1 1-16 1:49 slow 102 8 8 6 8 8 8l Oregar Hyperion II., Envoy, Kercheval. DUTCH BARBARA, br. f, 4, by Flying Dutchman Barbara Mrs. J. C. Milam Sc Co.. Weight today 111. G2390 Latonia 1 1-S 1:341 slow 107 8 2 2 1 l1 22 Abuchon Sirlluon, .T.Carroll, KIligsDaughter. 62SSS Latonia 1 1:401 fast 103 4 3 1 1 ll 1 E RoblnsnMj.T.J.Carson. TernsUod, HelcnaC. 62S37 Latonia 3-4 1:132 fast 100 6 G 3 2 2 E Roblnsnllnzelthorpe, TheClman, Whlpwlll COLONEL JIM DOUGLAS, br. c. 3, by Henry Young Rainy Day A. Oldham. Weight today 115. 63022 Latonia 7-S 1:262 fast 111 1 1 1 1 ll l1 Nicol Devout. Cottontown.TlicEnglishman. 62S37 Latonia 3-4 l:13g fast 114 3 3 4 A- 51 Abuchon llazelthorpe, D.Barbara, TheCliuan S273G Latonia 1 l:45g mud 109 2 1 1 1 ll 11 Abuchon II. Stephens, The Slinks, Bcnvollo. KERCHEVAL, br. c, 3. by The Commoner or Tithonus Tom Boy S. H. Kunz and Co.. Weight today 95. C2939 Latonia 3-4 1:19 hvy 1035 5 fi fi C 6 Stillo Devout, Gus Heidorn, Concert. 62373 Louisville 1 1:42-5 fast 301 G 7 6 4 3 4 W Allen Deacon Light, Mcllvain, Coruscate. 62311 Louisville 1 1:42 good 107 1 4 4 4 41 4 W Allen K. Daughter, Bcllindian. Drancas. THE ENGLISHMAN, b. c, 4. by Sorcerer Perfume W. A. Smith and Co.L Weight today 97. 63022 Latonia 7-S l:2Gg fast 102 4 2 3 4 41 A" 1 Austin Col.J.Douglas, Devout. Cottontown G2GS0 Latonia 1 l:41i fast 110 6 5 5 4 3 1 D Austin Careless, lole. Handy Bill. G2336 Louisville 7-8 1:281 fast 113 3 5 5 C 6! 31 Munro Keynote, St. Tammany, Capitano. RED LIGHT, ch. m, 6. by Tammany Halo C. C. MoCafferty. Weight today 100. 63023 Latonia 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 103 2 3 4 1 1 1! M Preston St. Taiinnany, Florizel, Jlonochord. C2479 Louisville 1 l:43i fast 103 1 1 1 1 ll l3 M Preston Free Booter. Iteticent, Mynheer. C2421 Louisville 1 1:432 fast 105 8 G 6 5 2 lJ M Preston Foreigner, Harding, Benvollo. ALMA DUFOUR, b. m. 5, by Artillery Swanhilda E. Corrigan. Weight today 113. 62990 Latonia 1 1-S 1:54s slow 117 7 10 11 S 9 84JE MorrisonSir Huon, Dutch Barbara, J. Carroll. 61316 City Park 1 1-16 1:47 fast 115 4 4 3 3 3 31 II Larsen Debar, Devout. Coruscate. G1027 City Park 1 1:401 fast US 4 5 5 4 41 32 II Larsen Garnish, Pat Bulger, Grosgraln. FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-ycar-olds. Allowances. 1:0C H 100. SPIDER WEB, br. f, 2. by Woolsthorpe Spider W. E. Walsh. Weight today 92. IW020 Latonia 4 1-2 f 5ii fast 100 7 4 3 2s E RobinsnJlattle Mack, Avemlow, Quiddity. 62C3S Latonia 4 1-2 f 54g fast 102 4 2 3l 2s Abuchon Antrim. Froward. Sir Vagrant. 02517 Louisville 5-8 1:018 fast 10G 7 6 7 61 C Troxler Wing Ting, La Vcita, Groniobol. SANDCATCHER, b, c. 2, by Sandringham Doreen J. D. Neet and Co.. Weight today 95. i.U!!l See Latonia chart in tills paper. 63046 Latonia 5-S 1:045 mud 101 S 8 6 6 G51II Wilson Bottles, Bud Hill, Montalban. E2SS9 Latonia 5-8 1:012 fast 105 4 4 7 7 7"1J Hicks Holdfast, Harold D.. Ovelando. BUD HILL, ch. c, 2, by Orimar Young Thistle G. L. Macey. Weight today 99. 63016 Latonia 5-S 1:048 mud 1031 1 3 3 2 2 It Macey Bottles, Montalban. Lady Arion C2915 Latonia 4 1-2 f 57 slop 10G 5 4 45 37 Ti Macey Yowric, Friction, Tanglewood. 62156 Lexington 5-S 1:002 fast 112 2 3 1 21 2 Nicol Boxara, C. Gilbert, Chocolate Drop HAROLD D., ch. c, 2, by Requital Milcah J. E. Clay. Weight today 107. G3046 Latonia 5-S 1:048 mud 100 5 9 8 7 7"iOregar Bottles, Bud Hill. Montalban. G2SS9 Latonia 5-S l:01g fast 105 G 6 4 4 21 Abuchon Holdfast, Ovelando, Zal. G2717 Latonia 4 1-2 f 518 fast 10S 8 4 61 5" D Hall Friction, KingLcopold, SloneyJInker. YOWRIC, ch. c, 2, by Alloway Necktie W. Gerst. Weight today 110. 629SS Latonia 5-S 1:041 slow 101 4 3 1 Si 4 Grinith Woolma, Mildrene. Antrim. 62915 Latonia 4 1-2 f 57 slop 101 2 1 1 1 Grltlith Friction, Bud Hill. Tanglewood. G2S36 Latonia 5-8 1:02 fast 103 6 2 1 2l 6 Obert Oldlloiiesty, BcllcScott. DellaTliorpo BOTTLES, blk. c, 2, by Isidor Barmaid II. C. V. Muller and Co.. Weight today 110. 63046 Latonia 5-S 1:04 mud 100 6 2 1 ll 1 C Morris Bud Hill, Montalban, Lady Arion 02965 Latonia 5-8 1:05 mud 100 G 7 7 4 4S C Morris Boserrian, Billy Vertress Moselle G2S11 Latonia 5-S 1:021 fast 103 5 7 7 7 713 Finley Ovelando, Billy Vertress, Fullman. ELECTED, b. c, 2, by The Elector Cypress J. B. Lewman. Weight today 95. G3046 Latonia 5-S 1:048 mud 100 4 6 9 9 9581C Fisher Bottles, Bud Hill, Montalban. POSTER, blk. c, 2, by Pirate of Penzance Design C. L. Railey. Weight today 95. 629G3 Latonia 5-S 1:03 mud 100 9 6 6 5and 561 Perkins Boserrian, Billy Vertress Moselle 62S61 Latonia 5-S 1:021 fast 103 7 S 7 7J 781 Seder Billy Vertress, Friction, Mildrene C265S Latonia 4 1-2 f 54i fast 103 10 9 8l 72 Otis Antrim, Spider Web. Froward. WARNER GRISWELL, br. c, 2, by Ornus Sarah P. Dunne. Weight today 107. 62456 Louisville 4 1-2 f 56 fast 118 1 1 2 2 Nicol Zal, Fair Fagot, Holdfast. 62430 Louisville 4 1-2 f 56 fast 109 1 1 11 ll Nicol FairFagot, TlmothvWen.Jud-eTreen G2349 Louisville 4 1-2 f 551 fast 109 1 1 15 11 B RobinsnZal, Marmorean, Bonart. BELLE SCOTT, ch. f, 2, by Contest or Housegirl Mrs. J. C. Milam. Weight today 107 03090 See Latouia chart In this paper. 63023 Latonia 5-S 1:008 fast 112 9 8 7 4h 2 D Austin AnnaRuskin. Froward, KingLeopold 62991 Latonia 5-8 1:038 slow 107 4 5 3 31 l1! Troxler KingLeopold, Froward, A. Ruskin 62S64 Latonia 5-S 1:021 fast 107 5 3 4 5 51 Troxler Billy Vertress, Friction. Mildrene. FRICTION, b. o, t. by Toddington Electricity S. Louis. Weight today 110. 62915 Latonia 4 1-2 f 57 slop 103 1 2 2 2 Troxler Yowric. Bud Hill. Tanglewood 62SG1 Latonia 5-S 1:021 fast 111 2 5 5 21 2! E RobinsnBllly Vertress, Mildrene, Navarro. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1:45s 11 04. ADESSO, br. c, 3, by Requital Ostra J. Gass and Co.. Weight today 94. 63021 Latonia 11:41 fast 104 10 7 11 11 9 95C Murphy .Tosies Jewel, Bedford, Pinaud 62941 Latonia 1 1-8 2:02 hvy 92 4 2 1 2 21 31 T Taylor Daniel C., Double, J. K. F. 62S90 Latonia 3-4 1:15 fast 103 13 12 10 9 G11 E RobinsnJIinnehaha, Oasis, .Lizzie McLean. DUDLEY, b. c, 3, by Bassetlaw Sham S. Hudson and Co.. Weight today 96. 62993 Latonia 1 1:42? slow 101 2 1 1 2 31 37 T Taylor Kvie Greene. Minnehaha, Leta DutTy 62S35 Latonia 1 1:411 fast S9 4 5 5 6 5s 11 T Taylor Rubinon, The Pet, Orient. G273S Latonia 1 l:4Sg mud 1011 S 4 5 5 71 and D Austin Adosso, Daniel C, Daring. ROMANY RYE, br. c, 3, by Ingoldsby Sister Anne J. B. Respess. Weight today 101. 549S3 Louisville 5-8 1:03! hvy 100 2 7 6 6 3 Vanbout Wrenne, Two Bills, Antillian. 54312 Louisville G-S 1:01J fast 99 S 10 7 A- 4 Vanbout TheSaraeen, Col.Bronston.HoilolIoi CAPTAIN BUSH. b. c. 3. by Jim Gore Suo II. Mrs. J. C. Milam. Weight today 103. 0v!0y5 Sec Latouia chart in this paper. 63021 Latonia 1 1:41 fast 113 1 5 9 S 55 Troxler .Tosies Jewel, Bedford, Pinaud. 62993 Latonia 1 l:42g slow 113 6 6 5 G 5 5ojTroxler Kvie Greene, Minnehaha. Dudley. 6245S Louisvillo 1 1:43? fast 103 -9 7 7 7 51 4s Orcgar Lady Anne, Elliott, Boldcn. STROUD, b. c, 4, by Free Knight Sarah Davis W. Dennis and Co.. Weight today 107, 62936 Latonia 1 1:491 hvy 107 1 1 2 2 1 11 D Austin Ncodcsha. Bugler, Dr. Turner. 62S35 Latonia 1 l:41g fast 107 9 8 8 10 8 5 Otis Dudley Rubinon, The Pet. LETA DUFFY, b. f, 3, by Charade Lineage P. J. Millett. Weight today 95. 62993 Latonia 1 1:422 slow 105 1 3 3 5 4 4s! F Perrett Kvie Greene, Minnehaha. Dudley 62SG6 Latonia 1 1-16 1:472 fast 95 5 4 7 7 6nk 5 T Taylor Tom Roberts, The Gadlly Daniel C 62764 Latonia 1 1:462 hvy 95 2 1 4 5 Sl 31 F Perrcti Intense, St. Tammany, Joe Lesser." J. K. F., br. o, 3, by Tarcoola Queen Alta C. C. McCafferty. Weight today 98. 63073 Latonia 1 1-S 2:038 hvy 96 6 5 4 3 4 45i M Preston Little Klkin. St. Tammanv, Gauze. 63021 Latonia 11:41 fast 104 12 11 13 13 12 IP C Morris .tosies Jewel, Bedford. Pinatil. 629S7 Latonia 1 1:451 slow 107 7 11 1 2 11 1 M Preston Ncodcsha, Begonia, Colonial Lady. ARC LIGHT, ch, c, 4, by Shapfoll Goldsoal J. Arthur. Weight today 102 626S0 Latonia 1 1:411 fast 99 5 0 7 7 S 7"!HefTnan The Knglishmau, Careless lole 62518 Louisvillo F C 3:478 fast 12S 2 5 G 6 7 5"1C .lolinson Itacatiara, Rain orShine. Cliarawind FLORIZEL, b. g, 6. by Juvenal Florentia H. McCarrcn, Jr.. Weight today 107 63025 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 100 4 2 3 3 31 3i F Perrett Red Light. St.Tammany. Monochord 62992 Latonia 1 1:421 slow 105 4 6 6 4 4i 4 F Perrett Concert. Jlonochord. Hubbard 62866 Latonia 1 1-16 1:472 fast 107 2 3 4 9 9 851 F Perrett Tom Roberts, The Gadlly, Daniel C. SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Soiling. 1 ::S :5 107J. DARTIIULA, ch. f, 4, by Pirato of Penzance Deception J. B. Re3pess. " Weight today 102 ES207 Latonia 101 3-4 hvy 1:218 6 11 11 11 lPlHuesman A.Virginia, Sor. Top. S. Rocainora ES039 Latonia 93 1 mud 1:47 1 2 2 2 21 41 C Morris Kieinwood, Jungle Imp. Larson 57992 Latonia SS 1 1-1G fast l:4Cg 5 5 G 8 8 S"1G Morris Envoy, Bonnie Sue, Devout. COTILLION, ch. f, 4, by Kingston Merry Dance L. A. Bonsack. Weight todav 102 63051 Latonia 1 1:48 mud 102 7 6 6 7 6 1" F llbrandr.a Favette, Minnehaha Proteus 62992 Latonia 1 1 :42 slow 102 7 9 9 6 6 6lPerkins Concert, Jlonochord. Hubbard " 62917 Latonia 1 1:471 slop 99 7 6 6 6 5 SiPerkins St. Tammany, Jlonochord, Iutense. GILPIN, ch. c, 4, by Juvenal Koumiss H. Booker. Weight todav 107 63023 Latonia 1 1-16 1:17 fast . 104 9 .6 6 7 Gl 661 A W BkerRed Light, St Taiumanv Florizel G2223 Memphis 7-S 1:291 mud 93 1 4 3 7 8 6 Johansn T. McUrath, Lady Ellison Macv Jr 61992 Memphis 7-S 1:30 fast 111 9 5 5 7 7l 6 AW BkcrLady Ellison, King Coic7Arabo. BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE, ch. c. 4, by Tho Chevalier Charlcote C. T. Gardner. Weight w"al todav l0Qay lu-63076 107. KIIOO See Latouia chart in this paper. Latonia 1 1:43 hvy 109 2 1 2 2 5 7"lNicoI The Gadllv. Happv.Tackll II Henrv 62938 Latonia 3-4 1:181 hvy 112 3 4 5 7 781 Troxler Kalbcrt. Roscoe, , Ingolthrift. LANSDOWN, b. g, 6, by Russell Fancy Remnant E. L. Fitzgerald. Weight todav 108. 63076 Latonia 11:49 hvy 108 3 7 6 4 4 414 R Fisher Tlx; Gadlly, Haimv.Taekll IT Henrv 62442 Louisville 7-8 1:298 fast 112 10 6 10 4 5 51 E RobinsnKrla Lee Foriiiicr f ilf-iin 62924 Oakland 1 1-16 1:192 fast 109 6 3 3 2 3"" 4 L FountainBonar, Gloomy "g us. Easy Street. JUBA, ch. h, 6. by George Kessler Breakdown T. Kiley. Weicht weignt todav toaay 108. iuo. C,:!10O See Latonia chart in this paper. 62992 Latonia 1 1:421 slow 10S 12 7. 7 5 5 715U Dealy Concert Monochord Hubbard 62737 Latonia 1 1-8 2:021 mud 103 9 9 0 7 4 5 Seder Fonsoluca, SwiftwSng, Dmible. MAINSPRING, b. gr, 6, by Handspring The Lioness F. Smith and Co. Weight todav 111. 63076 Latonia 1 1:43 hvy 111 10 10 10 10 SJ 51E Rice The Gadlly HannvT-ickll V Henrv 627S7 Latonia 7-S l:27g good 106 2 7 7 7 7 7 E Rice Harding Clifton Fore Zindi 62279 Memphis 1 1-1G 1:49 fast 110 5 12 12 12 10 10lCIine Our Sister. Lena J?, Thistle Do. tOUISE MACFARLAN, ch. f, 4, by Wadaworth Alice Brand Woodford and Buckner. 62S13 Latonia 1 l:41g fast 107 6 7 7 6 5 4! E P.obinsnOutwai Gilfain iTrTa5?07 102 62700 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47g fast 103 2 2 2 2 3 31 Abuchon Wexford, M. Algol St Tammany. 62420 Louisvillo 1 1:428 fast 103 2 5 3 4 4! 4s E RobinsnMandator, JosiesJewel, Ferronlere. GLADIATOR, b. c, 4, by Handspring Heliopolis F. W. Schmidt. Weight today 101. SHa.tonia 1 1:421 slow 104 9 10 10 11 11 9JW Allen Concert. Jlonochord. Hubbard. 62942 Latonia 1 1:4H hvy 107 3 6 7 6 7 7"iSeder Gauze, Pinaud, The Gadlly. 6233S Jlemphis 1 1:4U fast 109 7 9 9 12 13 12" L Jones Scalplock, Paul, Secret. WHIPPOORWILL, b. c. 4, by Shapfell Singing Bird J. H. Young. Weight today 107. 63024 Latonia 3-4 1:131 fast 117 10 10 10 9l 9U Dealy DodAnderson, Woodlands. Butinskie 62865 Latonia 7-8 1:231 fast 117 3 9 10 9 3l 8nj Dealy Revolt. Sharp Boy, Royal Legend. 62S37 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast. 94 9 8 7 6l 41 Oregar Hazelthorpe, D.Barbara, TheClman HAPPY JACK II., b. c, 4, by Halma Sally Ban J. Arthur. Weight today 107. C307G latonia 1 1:49 hvy 107 9 8 S 5 21 2 E RobinsnTlie Gudllr, ITncle Henry.Lansdowii. 1tlt0la 7-8 1:32? mud 105 2 7 5 4 3 33 C Morris Knowledge, Jlr. Faniuin, Zinda. 629J8 Latonia 3-1 1:181 hvy 103 6 5 6 5- 5 C Morris Italbert, Roscoe, Ingolthrlft. GLASSFULL. b. g, 6, by Mirthful Bcllo Hoyt P. Dunne. Weight today 108. 67841 Louisville 111 3-4 fast 1:162 1 3 4 31 41 Nicol Sid Silver. Joe Goss. Love Note. 57S05 Louisville 106 3-4 fast l:16gll 9 9 94 1015 Nicol M.A.Powell, Covina, Ch. Jiilliken. BRIGAND, ch. b, 6, by Belvidere Livonia C. C. McCafferty. Woight today 108. 62S92 Latonia 1 1-2 2:36 fast 109 5 1 2 8 8" 8" Jl Preston Double. Swiftwing, Little Klkin. 62S60 Latonia 7-S 1:293 fast 116 11 V2 7 7 S 71 S Bonner Capitano, Dalesman, Bill Carter. 62790 Latonia 1 1-2 2:361 good 101 6 1 3 3 61 eJM Preston JIamieAlgol, Swiftwing, LittleElkin