untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1906-09-23


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NOXALL SYSTEM; GREATEST WINNER ON EARTH! System players at GUAVKSEND, LOUISVILLE, and TORONTO are getting the money by following the Noxall System copyrighted. Week after week goes along, steadily winning. It limits the number of plays each week, and some of the recent winners it has given are: - OSTRICH 1-1 WON GOLDKN MINERAL 7--i WON OUTCOME J -2 AVON THEYRE OFF...:.. ...10-1 WON JOE MILT-Ell....... 8-5 AVON WESTERN 8-1 AVON J. r. MAYBERRY G-l WON HEAUTIFUL MAYO. 7-JS AVON BON VIVANT 8-1 WON CORUSCATE 7-2 AVON CORUSCATE -2 AVON COTTONTOAVN 4-5 AArON INQUISITOR G-l AVON rciL.LAL.OE ;. 50-1 WON Remember, you do not play every race. The wonderful copyrighted Noxall System Is entirely different from all other systems, and Is a standard publication In book form. It is no scheme, so do not Hesitate to obtain this wonderful, reliable winning system. Operated with a small capital and earns big prollts. The system picks your own winning bets, and when we say that you cannot lose, every word of it is meant. It is the only guaranteed "system that is sold. TRACK, POOLROOM, OR HANDBOOK with equal results. Simple to -operate. Gives an average of about nine plays a week at any one track. Published in book form, containing racing charts, with demonstration, etc. Money refunded after 30 days trial if a loss can be shown. SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET and Investigate this wonderful system and stop losing. The NOXALL SYSTEM requires no tips, selections, handicap figures. The continued success of this system tells you how beating the races lias been solved. Address. HBXALL SYSTEM - 6RAVESEND, H, Y. CITY OF TRAVERSE FARE, 26 CENTS. Leaves Barrys Dock, foot of East Michigan St. North Side, at 1:1-3 p. m. S. S. Lena Knobloch leaves 55th St. pier at 1:45 p. m., transferring passengers to the Traverse off that point. Return trip will be made as follows: S. S. Lena Knobloch will debark passengers for 55th St. pier at 4:30 p. m. and after last race, making the second trip to 05th St. Passengers wishing to reacli the city early can leave Traverse on 4:30 boat and make connections witli 5:07 express train on Illinois Central at 53rd St. station, which reaches city at 5:20 p. m. A bus line has been established between corner of Randolph St. and Wabash Ave. and Barrys Dock. Service every 10 minutes. Last bus leaves at 1 p. m. sharp. NOTICE. The Traverse will not go to South Chicago except when weather conditions prevent the S. S. Lena Knobloch from landing at 05th St. On such days passengers will be landed at 92d St. in time to catch 5:05 express train on 111. Central. Established 1890. 1 REYNOLDS a CO. Before the publio Horse Owners and Expert every day, Handlcappers. 510, 114 Dearborn St. Dally. CHICAGO. 95 Weekly. 1TE RAVE IN FORM A-Mf tion on a horse to bo cut tit. loose Wedte3day whose odds will be as good as 101 that makes vis confident in tolling our numerous clients IT AVILL "WIN SURE. Dont fail to get it. flJOfl flat bets on our We Never Misrep- specials tbe past resent. sixteen days CJi OTTO have won.... V" aVlV. THE ILLINOIS "SK Boom 628, 235 Dearborn BU TeL Ilarrloou 1876. BOTH SPECIALS SCRATCHED. Sept. 21. Royal lady 7-2 2nd, Dandelion 2nd Sept 20. Hot Toddy 6-1 End, Bohemia... 10-1 2nd Kept 19, Royal Lady 8-5 won, Kllicott, Plunge. 3-1 won Sept 18, Shot Gun 2-1 won. Graceful lost Sept. 17, Momentum 5-1 won, Go Between lost Sept. 15, Mansard 5-2 won, Col. 3. Douglas lost Sept 1. Western Plunge 8-1 won. Prince of Pless. scratched Sept. 13, M Johnson Plg 7-1 won, Arthur Entry lost Sept. 12, Col. J. Douglas... Mi 2nd, Mansard 5-1 2nd Sept 11, Go Between 7-5 won, De JIund.. scratched Sept. 10, J. Miller Plunge 8-5 won. Shot Gun scratched SPECIFIED SPECIALS GUARANTEED 2 MONDAY 8-1 CINCH WEDNESDAY 10-1 Here are two positive winners. Dont fail to get down good on both. Wnen thoroughly tired of "hot air, llowery promises," losers day after day when you want lives ones that cash, come to 623 No chance tu lose on our Info. .00 WIRES OCCASIONALLY OR DAILY. FODB WINNING ONE-HORSE W1KFS out of 6, or lO JlETUtfNED Try It. ALSO Thurstons Turf Guide Book, A SYSTEM for playing, price, a, orthe great L V II. METUOD used fir handicapping, price, u. In any case I fail to deliver four winners out of tix I will return free of charge the choice of either system, together with 0. SEVENTH TEAlt WITH UM5KOKKN KEOUMD D. A. THURSTON, Dept. C, Suite 7-8 Hennett BIdg., Detroit, Mich. THE PERCENTAGE SYSTEM of playing the races is the safest known Capital required, 0 up. Sixty per cent winning selections Autrust; good odds The successful way is system playincr. which covers inside facts. Price. .00. Booklet free. THE uKOWN CO.. OpcUka, Alu. f A YESTERDAY I WIRED DALESMAN 3-2 Won FRIDAY I WIRED PLAUSIBLE 3-2 Won THURSDAY I WIRED BOSERRIAN 1-1 Won I connect with Ihc right horses, those that do or die In the attempt. Xever do you see me shoot at the moon. Each and every horse I send out is backed by the" right money. Day aftcr day my clients have been doing business with the right horses. The information that I have been sending them right along proves without a doilbt that I am without an equal in my line as a winner giver. I have been before the public fifteen years now, and the fact that I am here is that "I have made good." Tills is a business youve got to make good in or quit. I made good by never misrepresenting anything, and giving the WINNERS. Clients who have followed me all season are thousands of dollars to the good on my peerless Infprmation. SPECIAL TERMS: for the balance of the Louisville meeting, 24 racing days, 0. I have no agents. Information wired by me from track dally. JOHN J. WARD, 562 4TH ST., LOUISVILLE, KY. ONE HORSE-ONE RACE la what our SPECIALS consist of. Monday SEPT. 24 Monday- We have an Extra Special Good Thing. This horse lias been in- long preparation, and we regard it one of the surest things, at good oddK, ever offered the public, and we wish to inform you that if you want to win a real good bet, just call at our office tomorrow, and get this Special Good Thing. ATTENTION! For Tuesday, Wednesday, in fact for the entire week of this. Douglas Park meeting, we have word on some good things, and it will be well worth your while not. to miss any of them. special notice: I wish to announce to my old clients as well as new, that I have again established myself in this office, and am now ready fo do business witli you. I also wisli to state that besides the One-IIorse Wire which we receive direct from the track, my own selections will appear on the daily- sheets, and you, witli whom I have done business in the past, know what my record Is, and what my own selections will mean to you. itespectfully. W. BROWN. ALL TRACK WIRES ON FILE FOR INSPECTION. Terms, S2 for one clay; 0 for six days. WEB B INFO CO. EhTneaf138 WOODS mM DAILY FORM LETTER s JlTf 59 Dearborn Street Cidv $ Daily S 4 Weekly SATURDAY OUR LETTER GAVE: SALVIDERE 7-5 WON RUNNING WATER ...1-1 WON INGOLTHRIFT 7-10 WON ELLIOTT, Special 1-1 WON BROADCLOTH 7-5 WON GLIMMER 3-1 WON ALMA DUFOUR, Special 5-2 WON GENERAL HALEY 7-10 WON PHILANDER . 3-1 2d REQUEST 13-5 2d , MAN AN A 10-1 2d OUR LONG SHOT SPECIAL DID NOT START SATURDAY ON ACCOUNT OF CHANGED TRACK CONDITIONS. WE HAVE INFORMATION ON ONE FOR MONDAY THAT WILL BE A GOOD PRICE AND SHOULD CANTER IN. TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL ROOM 312, 59 DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO. MONDAYS SPECIAL NO. 164 in Book. Entry List: 100-101-108-110-il8-3-14-150-160-lG2-164 -1C8-170-171-173. The Little Yellow Book for Sale at all Newsstands and Newsdealers throughout the United States. BE A DAILY WINNER WITH SMALL CAPITAL 15y using my systematic Handicap and Betting. Two charts with full Instructions how to operate at any track or in any poolroom. Irice for the next ten days .00. Thereafter .00. Address, E. TRACY, 6405 Stewart Av., Chicago, 111. I WHAT THE I RUNNING HORSES DID IN 1905 That is the title of a vest pocket volume that every man interested in racing should have. It contains a record of the performances and earnings ef every horse over 6,000 of them that raced on tbe thirty-three principal tracks of the United States and Canada last year. It Is arranged alphabetically and by ages and gives yon at a glance a line on the horses. It should be Invaluable to handlcappers and speculators. NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION The book will be mailed to any address in the United States and Canada upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR. It can be procured from news dealers and at this office at the same price. I DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING GO., 124 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. I Nattie Bumppo 8-1 Won Don Dome 5-2 Won Alma Dufour 5-2 Won Given to all readers of The Turf Reporter under code last week as specials to win and win only. A TWENTY-DOLLAR STRAIGHT BET ON ALL SPECIALS GIVEN UNDER CODE last week, in Ad. headed Turf Reporters Special, WON 10.00! Not only do you get this one best bet each day, but a report on the horses that are ready for winning races, and those you would miss if they were not brought to jour attention. Can you afford to miss information like this when its cost is only .00 PER MONTH. If you think this class of information is wortli the price, send your subscription to the home: office, or from any newsdealer or news stand in Chicago and every large newsdealer in every large city in the U. S. ASK FOR THE LITTLE YELLOW BOOK. T. C. WOOD and CO., PUB , Room 312, 59 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL, SATURDAYS ONE-HORSE WIRE: CORRIGAN, 2-1, finished 3rd AVVWV1 WE PUBLISH LOSERS AS WELL AS WINNERS WWWWV, S Corrigan, 2-1, 3d, was positively the one and only one horse we gave out vestcrday. 4 Note Our one best bet is ohe horse a day. No handing out of a bunch of epeciaN: no f i false or misleading statements. Our regular price for our one best bet is .?10 weeklv. j J We give no guarantees, but bid for your patronage strictly on the results we pruduce week J 4 after week. The fact that we have not had a losing week demonstrates that we know how h X to locate winners for our clients. u I MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY BIG KILLINGS ; h S MONDAY our one horse special Is something on which we feel especially conlident. You can go to it? extra strong. It is a positive cinch and we expect the price to be at least 5 or 15 to 1. 1 l $ WEDNESDAY 4 the star trick Of the week will go. We advise all clients to be down hook, Hue and sinker. Every thing has beep framed up nicely. The jockey has been engaged and all other details THURSDAY A LONG SHOT. Tills trick will win just as easy as Scotch Dance. 12-1. won, which was the only horse 1 we wired our clients for a plunge to win and win only on Monday, Sept. It. k 4 . $ NEXT SATURDAY, SEPT. 29, If we will put over a horse that will win just as easy as Golden Mineral, 7-2, won, which 4 was the only horse we wired to our clients on Monday, Sept. 17. fc ARRANGE AT- ONCE TO GET ABOARD OUR VWVWW FOUR ABOVE ADVERTISED GOOD THINGS WMW BILL LESTER and COMPANY SUITE 37, 90 LASALLE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Telephone Main 2928. Owners and Trainers. Terms ..... .00 Daily; 0.00 Weekly. The E. J. M, System a Big Success! MY SYSTEM PLAYERS ARE COINING MONEY. From August 28th to September 21st the System Shows a Net Profit of ,375.80 ,375.80 on my handicapping. I will publish in this paper each week the results of each weeks play to convince you that this is no fake. The only way to win playing five or six races each day at one track is to sys-lemizc your betting. I have perfected a System that can be operated on racetrack, in poolroom or handbook. Turfites, this System is a sure winner and it will be to your interest to investigate. Write for particulars. My terms are 25 Dollars for the System and I will give a Guarantee of 30 days with it. If you can show me where you lose in 30 days playing my handicapping 1 will refund your 25 Dollars and givcyou the System free. No doubling up or progression in tlUs System. NO ONE-HORSE WIRE SENT OUT BY ME THE PAST WEEK. 1utrons will receive three good thinirs from Douglas Park the coming week that I have inside iat.wjmi-tion on. TOMORROW the first one goes in the Second Race. THURSDAY the next one goes in the First Race. SATURDAY I will wind up the week with one that has been prepped for a Killing. This horse goes in the Fifth Race and will deliver the goods at good odds. The races are picked out for these h u-ses to go in. They are lit and ready and, barring an accident, cant lose. Get in line, vitli me. This will be a banner week for my One Hcrse Wire. Special One-Horse Wire from my man at the track. Wired in Code. Under receipt of your order for wires I will send code by return of mail. PHONE MAIN 1293. .00 for Six Racing Days, Including Full Handicap Sheet. No Single Wires Sent. I handle One Track only and wire One Horse only eacli day. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL, ROOM 609 56 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. INITIALS E. J. RUNNING WATER, won. Plunge. Bet Your Limit, 1-1 This gra-d thoroughbred made Tangle look like 30 cents. tO.t MONDAY AT GRAVESEND. SPECIALLY PREPARED 10-1 Bluflitig his last out. This trick will breeze homo. Aboard is tho word. TUESDAY, 15-1- -One that Will Simply Slaughter the Bookies 151 Monday will start another banner week. Results, not hot air and apologies. Wednesday, 25-I--A Cyclone in the Stake Race-25-l With any good luck this steed will towropc. Avail yourselves. Remember, Monday wo start tho balla rolling. Get in early. Regular subscribers get advantage of these grand opportunities. .00 por week opens an account. 226 ST- MAJOR Dai" TEL. 5 943 H A R R. initials f. p. .00 Weekly. I THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1906 Contains all Racing Records from January 1, 1905, to January 1, 1906. Three Up-to-date Tables as Used by the Handicappers of Racing, with Directions for Application. Bookmakimj Percentages. Track Records. Track Speed. Comparative Speed Records. Winners of Important Stakes. Statistics of 1905. Englands Great Races. Records of Harness Racing up to Sate. 50 CENTS BOUND IN LEATHER 30 CENTS BOUND IN PAPER DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 12 Fifth Avenue. CHICAGO. ILL. NATIONAL, RACING 11KVIKW No. 432. Ilonm 157, 71 lenrloiMi Street. VhUuco. 111. YESTERDAYS SPECIAL WITHDRAWN. Our three-horte-wire will get the money every week, players cashing yeeterdny on Elliott. 1-1, won. .00 per week. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906092301/drf1906092301_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1906092301_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800