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COLIN TOO MUCH FOR CHAPULTEPEC. "Just my luck to have a good horse with some one else having a better one," said Fred Burlew, after Chapultepec was Iieaten by Colin Saturday. "In nine years out of ten Chapultepec would he a champion, hut lie cant beat Colin, and I dont expect to try to beat Iilm again. It was the same in the two-year-old season or Commando, Colius sire. I had Bellario that year, and Ik; was just good enough to chase Commando home all season." Burlew shipped his horses, including Chapultepec, to Saratoga Sunday night. Chapultepec has seven stake dates at the meeting, three or these being for races in which Colin also is engaged, l.oth are in the Saratoga Special, Grand Union Hotel Stakes and. the! Hopeful. These are Colins only engagements at the meeting, while Chapultepec is In the Flash, Albany, United States Hotel Stakes and the Adirondack Handicap.