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FAVORITES IN FRONT AT LATONIA. Uneasy, Melzar, Colloquy and Judne Treen Win -as Betting Choices. Cincinnati, O., October 2. Colloquys performance in carrying 12,". imunds to victory in an all-aged field of good sprinters over the five anil one-half furlong course, was the redeeming feature of an otherwise ordinary card at Latonia today. The race, however, although resulting in a spirited contest, in which the placed horses were only separated by a close margin at the finish, was marred by mishaps which will at least be cosMy to two owners, as Stanley Fay and Itoyal Breeze were sulli-ciently injured while at the post to warrant a prediction that It will be some time before they again face the starter. Colloquy, Lens and Stanley Fay were the chief troublemakers at the start. The former landed hard with her heels on Koyal Breeze and cut his stille bare. Lens kicked Stanley Fay and cut a deep gash on that colts leg. Stanley Fay, after receiviug a kick, lashed out and drove his heels into assistant starter Hogan, and for a while put him out of business. Favorites had an inning this afternoon despite the large Held that participated, and few, if any, of the layers escaped losses. For the first time during this meeting seven races were carded. As all but one were under selling conditions, they contained big fields of mediocre class horses. The attendance was-small, the prospects of witnessing good sport on account of the fields being regarded as remote, consequently none but regulars were in attendance. In the opening race jockeys Lee and V. Powers were fined 10 each by the judges for rough riding, a decidedly light punishment for so serious an offense. After Dr. Spruiil won the second race, B. L. Thomas bid him up .00 over an entered amount of like figure. The bidding was made in a spirit of revenge, Jim McCullough, it is alleged, having caused Thomas to bet on the horse heavily in his last start, and side-stepped him today in an effort to avoid disclosing to Thomas that he felt sanguine of success. Judges Price and Morrow, who will both officiate at Windsor during that meeting, which begins October 5, were visitors today. Gallileo was shipped to New York to join T. C. McDowells stable. Jockey Mountain is expected to arrive here next Friday, and will ride for J. K. Wainwright during his term of racing horses in this section. Ex-jockey Everett will ship seven horses tomorrow to AVindsor. Jockeys Hazzard and Everett, the latter a diminutive brother, will accompany the string and do most of the stable riding.