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FOUR DERBYS TO BE RUN EARLY. Nominations to the California, Los Angeles, Crescent City and City Park Events. I In l ho mace of time from February 22 to March 21. inclusive, four Dorbys will be run. two in Call- foinia and two at New Orleans. All are of con- j ■Maraaic value and well worth winning. The .: California Derby will be the first decided of the ! four, and will be run February 22. It is a dash of f a mile aud a quarter, has . HK added, and, if ■ twelve stiirt, #will be " worth,300 net to the j winner. Second to be run is the Los Angeles Derby. | It is Blaa a dash of a mile and a quarter. It is of J the guaranteed value of $.,.000. of which the win , ners net portion will be ,875. It is least in value of the four events and has the smallest num- her of entries, eighty. It will be run March 7. Taw Crescent City Derby will be run March 14. 1 Like the City Park Derby it is of the guaranteed j value of 110,00ft, and its net value will be .S25. It differs from the other three in that the distance I Is but ■ mile and all eighth as against their mile ! and a quarter. The last of the four, the City Park Derby, will be run Saturday. March 21. Its conditions and alue are those of the Crescent City i Petty, except in the matter of distance. H is a I peculiarity that the California Derby, Crescent City pert and City Park Derby each received eighty j six lenninatioiis. Bui lew and ONeill entered Chapultepee in each • , of these four races, but are not in the least likely ] 1o aaad Map t California to moot his engagements. I On the other hand, Sam Hildreth has Uncle and j aaacBcb in all four and may try to win them all. i The dates are so arranged that from his vantage- patel of aeiM already i» California he could run j his n.lis for the two Derbys there ami ea-ily reach I New Orleans in time for the Crescent City. At J any rate, if he did not care to campaign his gT «d throe .war olds so strenuously be .oiibl pass the I Cbaaeaat City Derby by and have ample time to rest D Jus candidates up prior to the City 1urk Derby i I : . t . i : : 1 ! i I j .: ! f ■ j | J , 1 j I ! i I j • , ] I j i j I J I D i date. The advent of 1ncle and Meelick would he a disagreeable circumstance to some owners now at New Orleans, but would add immensely to the interest attaching to the two Derbys. If all goes well with the best of the young horses nominated to these important races the contestants promise to be of higher class than have run in any of them in recent years. In California now and almost certain to start at Oakland and Santa Anita are Uncle. Meelick. Magazine, Stanley Fay, Cres- ton, Glorio. Manchester, Husky. Marian Casey. Willie T. Pajaroita, Joe Nealon. Early Tide, Follie L. and others of lesser note. Colonel Bob and Old Timer are in the Los Angeles Derby, hut unluckily were not entered for the California Derby. In the two events at New Orleans, outside of the possibility of Uncle and Meelick being sent on, are such good ones as Chapultepee, Angclus. Lawrence P. Daley, Johnnie Blake, Earls Court, Pinkola, Keep Moving. Moilie Montrose, Clell Turney, Fri-; BBtte, Masquerade, Live Wire, E. T. Shipp, Dixie llimmel, Miss Sain, Hanbridge, Rural Boy, Wood-. lane and E. M. Fry. In the case of all these races many of the eligibles are only in partial training and will not be sent along sharply for some time to come. Undoubtedly the probable favorites arc in sight now, but winter favorites and spring win-; Beta are often widely different. The entries to the four Derbys are given here, and are worth saving for future reference: California Derby. Los Angeles Derby. Satkass. Colonel Bob. Dr. Mathews. Doctor Mathews. Brookleaf. Spohn. Bardolita. Gray Owl. Argentine. Diamonita. Dianionita. Argentine. Gaga. Amundsen. • hapul tepee. Bardolita. Angolus. Yillafranca. .loo Nealon. Gaga. St. Ilario. Chapultepee. S.nator Barrett. Joe Nealon.. Smiley Corbett. Magazine. Magazine. Sweet-taire. Swect-taire. Jane Swift. m Hen. of Shennaniore. Hen. of Shennainere. Waldorf. Martha Jane. Martha Jane. Waldorf. lane Swift. Sir Wesley. Bookec Hill. Joseph K. Wayne. Rastus. Deneen. Burt G. Lewis. Billy Myer. Creston. lie Thankful. Early Tide. Hilly Watkins. Harvel. Early Tide. Johnny Edwards Dead. ■reston. John C. Rice. Adena. Sparkles. Orsula. Rey Hindoo. Dovalta. Acorn. Lord Filigrane. L. C. Widrig. Hand-Mo-Down. Anoura. Blue Heron. Aromatize. Glorio. Mossback. Mrs. Nugent. Hal. Follie L. Smirker. Keep Moving. Bannock Bob. San Ramon. Cheridah. Dixon Belle. E. M. Fry. Ed B. Wolfville. Wherewithal. Montclair. Manchester. Old Timer. Braggart. C. W. Burt. Import. Harcourt. Lady Hildreth. Stanley Fay. Uncle. Centre Shot. Ctaae Russell. Supine. Meelick. Dredger. Wap. Decorator. Marian Casey. Tommy Ahcarn. Saint Modan. Maltbie. Sainwa. Creation. Moore .lohn.son. Karodo. Colombia Maid. Barney Oldfield. Willie T. St. Tremor. Hoggs. San Holmo. Nick Stoner. St. Kilda. Foul Trick. Glorio. Rajaroita. Franciscan. Dareington. Keep Moving. Gallantive. Sepoy. Ed Davis. Infanta. Thomas Flyer. Wherewithal. Johnny Edwards Dead. Manchester. Heather Scott. Meelick. Warden Yell. Gene Russell. Rey Hindoo. Uncle. Acorn. Lonia. st. Patrick. Sainwa. Balmoral. Moore Johnson. Roman Wing. Willie T. Frank Skinner. Kismet Jr. Bannock Bob. Nick Stoner. Miss Sain. All Alone. Cheridah. Macias. Husky. Urine of Gold. Cloy no. Round and Bound. . Van Gordan. Kaintuck. . C. W. Burt. Raleigh. i Harcourt. Thomas Flyer. Stanley Fay. Centre Shot. • Jrcat Apache. Creation. Altadice. St. Avon. j Crescent City Derby. City Park Derby. Bu.ket Brigade. Goldquest. Himalaya. Stauneh and True. W. H. Baker. Bod Mill. Lady Caroline II. Lady Souffle. Prince Bowling. Sir Navarre. . The Shaughraun. Earls Court. Mufti. Ada O. Walker. Alsatian. Pinkola. Angolus. E. T. Shipp. ■hapultepec. Dixie Himmel. Lnjeaneaaa. Zagg. Blue Lee. Keep Moving. Prowler. Miss Sain. I.awrence P. Daley. Czar. Johnnie Blake. Hanbridcro. Coster. Moilie Montrose. j Risk. Stone Street. Scallop. Miss Mazzoni. Rockstone. Aunt Rose. Lira Wire. tncle. Joe Nealon. Meelick. | Onatassa. Luco. c.eoige Byrnes. St. Ilario. C.oh bluest. Tartar Maid. Staunch and True. Rhinestone. Red Mill. Brown Dick. Lady .Souffle. ivouis Burnetii 1 1 . ; Sir Navarro. Bucket Brigade. Earls Court. w. H. linker. i Ada O. Walke;. Laid? Caroline 11. Pinkola. Best Advice. E. T. Shipp. The Shaughraun. Dixie Himmel. Mufti, ./.agg. Angolus. Keep Moving. Chapultepee. Miss Sain. Lajeoaeaan. BtOOe Street. Alsatian. Aunt Rose. . Blue Lee. | Miss Mazzoni. Prowler. Uncle. Marcus Aurelius. Meelick. Johnnie Blako. I Hanbridge. Lawrence P. Daley. Moilie Montrose. Brantome. I.uc". Coster. Tartar Maid. Risk. St. Ilario. Scallop. Rhinestone. Rooklodgo. Beautiful Knight. Live Wire. Brown Dick. Hiacko. Lonla Roedorcr. Tillinghast. Rogue Chita. Joe Nealon. Johnny Edwards. Onatassa. Batsman. George Byrnes. Field Marshal. Bogue Chita. Dixwell. Thomas Flyer. C.lenville. Field Marshal. Hack. Batsman. Rural Boy. Dixwell. ;• ■ Whiz. Hack. Cool Glenville. B. Ilwether. Gh e Whiz. Park View. Cool. j Milo. Park View. Airgun. Airgun. : orge H. White. Milo. Baeridge. Margaret T. E. M. Fry. Rifle Bange. Brimmer. Louiae K. Wo dlane. Banridge. j Milford. Geoig.- H. White. : P-digreo. Brimmer. "l.dl Turney. Woodlane ir w Swift. .lack Spin lock. KMuts Plate. CI. 11 Turney Mis 1 . latiev. Kings Plate. Mat iu -rude. Miaa Boloney. Fi i/ette. Masquerade. Mi Ouiddy. Frizette. Uaterine. i.isterine. r.Q. Don Q. Manuscript. Manuscript. Pink Cap. Pink Cap.