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Los Angeles Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, January 4. WEATHER CLEAB. TRACK FAST. LOS ANGELES ENTRIES. Racing starts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago time. 3:50. X Runs well in mud. tDSupcrior mud runiKT. Fiist Race — 5-8 Mile. 4-year -ohta. Soiling. Track record: 7233G— 5!» — 2— lus. IihI. Horses. A. Wt. Hdcp. 72:::»2 it..,i Jiiii MB Kg ?•_ it;::. . . .r.iiiiMy km . . x . .730 725:;.; una .May ]«« . . X . .715 721 15 iis 100. . x . .715 7227 1 l.ady Kitty 100 710 W.n. . . .Slippery H 710 7255i. . . .JoMsles lo2 705 72t7.i. . . Hermits Cross 102 700 I5T»U: Net ska N 700 72170 Ycjovis 100 000 Second Race — 3-8 Mile. 2 year olds. Allowances. Track Near*: 725:;:;— :uj-2— 107. 7251 1 ..Horace 11 110 725 725H ;. ..Civil Maier 110 720 72..1 1... .High 107 715 7251 I. ..: Tlniii.l.r Hill 107 715 72533 . . vQii.viis drove 104 715 72511. ..Knight of the Bast l »7 7io 72511 Mate 107 705 Force, th. e, liy Arklo — Our Baby 110 Chlaqaapla, ch. c, by Sau- tello Ializado 110 *HassaaaB, b. t, by Baauaaa — has 110 ♦Traffic, br. c, by Cesarion — Tranquil 110 Allen Leo. e.i. c. by Sidney Laeaa— At telle 110 Key .1 1 liner... eh. e, by Ve- su via 11 Miss Cord 110 Orphan Itoy. b. c, bv Fatherless- Mnurie , 110 I.ady Mazagan, b. f, t y Maz-agaav TUsfee . 107 Blffllt, b. f, by Russell— Queenly 107 K. I.. Thomas entrv. " 1.1. J. Walsh entry. Third Race — 1 Mile. 4-year-olds. Selling. Track record: 72120 -1 ::;7;: :: -IOS. 725.11 . . . .C.-niii|iie 107. . x . .725 725551 . . . Bloody 107. . X . .720 72077 -. . . 102. . X . .715 72..1 ; Tim ihy Wen Us. .X. -71o 72481 Nellie Racine 07. . X . .705 72555 Ifou Vivant 104 . . X . . 700 Fourth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 4-year-oi.Is and upward. Handicap. Track record: 72510— 1 :51 5— 4J — BM . 7255:1 . . .I.jsa 10 5. .100. . X . .750 7210S-. .iSir Kdward 5. . 102. . X . .745 72510-. ."Marstor 5. .101. . X . .740 7235:1... Crank Clittner 5..115..X . .735 72480 j. ..Colonel .lack 4. .MS. . X. -735 72510 ...Edwin Cum 5.. W. .X..7W *J. J. Walsh entry. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. Track record: 72400— 1: 11 jj— 2— 92. 724m;-. fats fast 101 725 7240U-... Marvel 107 720 72.;7t Chief Desmond lot. . X . .715 72 100 Grindstone 104 715 72500-. . .Laudable 102. . X . .715 72551 BabOO 102 710 72513 Sniirker 100. . X . .710 72427 — Pant— 0! 710 72500 L. C. Widrig 100. .X.. 705 7251.J 01 well 104 705 725oo Balreed 102 7oo 72532. . . .Mossback .. . . M TOO 72532. . . .Decorator !«» 7oo 00202 Billy Bowlegs 104. . X . .005 72201 .... Soldano 00 005 Sixth Race — 7-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: 72200—1:25 — 3— 108. 72408 PREEN G. .10!. . X . .750 71704-. ..Pretension 7. .100. . X . .745 72280... George S. Davis 4. .Iff. . X . .138 7240s-..*Sir Kdward 5. .112. . X . .735 72553 . . .Lisaro 5. .112. . X . .735 72510-. .•Marster 5. .lab., x . .730 72402"... Critic 5. .100 730 72482... Bryan 6. .100. .©. .725 72001 Ingham 4. .100. . X . .720 M. J. Walsh entry. Seventh Race — 5-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 72330— 50§— 2—108. 7210S Common Sue 4. .100. . X . .725 725:15 Kirklield Belle 4. .100 720 7241.; Prolific 4.. 07 715 7235G. . . .Bannocence 5.. 97 715 72!7:i Buena 4. .100 710 72530 Daisy frost 4. .100 710 724.M 4. .100 705 72170 Ella True 4.. 05. .X. -705 72535 Commissi 4. .loo. .X. .700 0S07s Baby Keife 4. .100 700 Oconouiowoe, ch. f. by Jacksou — Black 1eggy . 4 . . 100