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SOME FINANCIAL TURF FABLES. Do figures m-ver lie? They do and they dont. It all depends upon what is intended to be shown. I When it conies to tales of the turf, stories of inoaey won and lost, the gentlemen who write of such doings In the east get very careless. They hand out weird concoctions of figures, and do it so cuphe-niistii ally that they get away with it. The eastern season which just closed was a tamo one from the beginning of August. The earmarks of a money scarcity were visible, and there was a decided shrinkage in the volume of coin that filtered through the betting ring each day. But the array of figures showing winnings and losings that have followed make one gasp. Boiled down the thing would look about this way : J. W. Gates .10.000 Jessie Lewisohn..V.000 tieorge Boles ... 300,000 Charlie Ellison... 100.000 R. F. Carman... 100,000 George Rose 10O.OO0 Chicago OBrien. 00.000 L. A. Cella 30X009 V. II. Dubois... 00,000 Leo Mayer 10.000 tieorge Wheelock 150,000 Joe P.lumo -M.noo Sol. Lichtenstein. SO. 000 Bill Cowan IO.inhi There were other winners, of course, but they must have been shy of ciphers in their total, for they only appear as also beating the game. Among these are Kid Weller, Willie Snow, Leo Swat Is. Eddie Burke, Frank Tyler, Kole Pearsall and Izzy Hammerschlag. The losers also loom up good and strong. Rainey Bros ?2.-0.000 Emll Ilerz ;f2o UMM Dave Johnson... 150.000 T. D. Sullivan .. l:.n. KW Al Dryer 50,000 Whitey Langdon 0,000 After enumerating these the chroniclers fail. But somebody must have lost the difference helwc. u those two lists, which is something over a million. — Cincinnati Enquirer.