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NOTES OF THE TURF. J. B. Respess is spending the winter at Louisville, where he is personally training the two-year-olds lie has there, all sired by Dick Welles. He recently sold Caper aud Royal Chance to J. D. NelT of Lexington. The McCormick stable at New Orleans is likely to be more formidable than it has been. In a letter McCormick says that all his horses except Tileing went amiss on arrival there, hut they ate now rounding to and he expects to do well wilh them. Stat. Senator W. S. Amis of Rison, Arkansas. who introduced the anti-racing bill in the senate at Little Rock last winter, died at his home last Tuesday after a short illness. Senator Ami- araa lifty-four years of age and one id the most prominent lawyers of his state. The drawer of a horse iu the sweep on the Melbourne Cup declares in an Australian pa|HT, that within twenty-four hours of getting the ticket, be wis wattai upon by the traiivr of his hois, ami I asked: "What are you going to do for me 7" The trainer got ,000 to nothing as a reward .for his smartness. This shows the folly of advertising the fact that you have drawn a horse. A. F. Mathews has purchased the contract on the apprentice rider. John Ural, who is a son of the former rider for the Pierre Lorillard stable a number of years ago. Young Ural only weigh-cighty pounds and will be seen in the saddle at Now Orleans during the rest of the season. II" has ridden a few times in the past summer and Mathews says a little more experience will make a good jockey of his new riding acquisition.