Handicap to Marster in Fast Time: Walsh Takes Two Purses- Timothy Wen Runs Good Race-Critics New Record, Daily Racing Form, 1908-01-05


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1 J . I 1 ; I I | I | ; | 1 1 I • i i l t 1 HANDICAP TO MARSTER IN FAST TIME. Walsh Takes Two Purses — Timothy Wen Runs Good Race — Critics New Record. Los Angeles. CaL. January 4. — A selling horse war has finally developed here in which J. P.. Dunn :.nd W. "Red- Walker, are playing the leading rolis. Both men show little animus in their bidding and merely claim that there are horses running here in selling races for 00 and imi that ::re worth 82,000, Walker says he is determine! to make" owners put horses in at their real value. J. A. Rennet took a hand at the game today. running up Beuiay S30o. in the third race Walker added a littla spice to the sport by lifting the winner. Timothy Wen. .0O over his entered selling price. Both horsis were retained by their leeaees tive owntrs. Critic broke the California record for seven fur- longs today, spiming off the distance iu 1:24». J. J. Walsh, the Canadian turfman, who has been racing in hard luck here, finally broke into the running today by winning with Marster and Thuu- der Hill. The usual Saturday crowd was iu attendance and niinte ii books were in line. The eastern baakaeakera have not cut in as yet. but will probably take a hand about the middle of the month. The first race resulted in the defeat of the pro- iioiiueed favorite. Anna May. beaten a neck at the end by Bemay after leading all the way. Beinay forced the pace, running lapped on the favorite throughout, ami outstayed her at the finish. Airs. the second choice, which was well hacked the last time out. again dismally failed to even finish in the money, running a very poor raee. J. .1. Walsh, who came here last fall off the Canadian circuit with a good stable, saw his colors Oniab in front here today when his entry ef Thunder Hill and Queens drove finished first and second in tin- baby race, which was second on the card. Horace IL. on his previous race when he finished second to the Hildieth colt. Valjcan. was installed as the favorite, but met with much interference at the start, losing all of his chances to win. but ran a good race when clear and was gaining at the end. Timothy Wen won the third race in a canter iu the fast time of 1:3! for Ihe mile. Martin did not call on him until entering the stretch, when he dashed to the front in a fast rush, to be eased up at the end. lit the mile and one-eighth race, which was fourth on the card. Marster equalled the track record for the distance, after running the first mile In 1:38. He led all the way but was shaken up midway of the stretch although holding his opponents safe and winning by a good margin. Colonel Jack ftar islied second a neck in front of Edw in Cum. Lisaio ran well for seven furlongs. Marsters victory was the second purse for Walsh, today.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908010501/drf1908010501_1_10
Local Identifier: drf1908010501_1_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800