Reducing the Mile Running Record: List of All Horses Which Have Run Miles in Races in 1:39 or Better, Daily Racing Form, 1908-01-05


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REDUCING THE MILE RUNNING RECORD List of All Horses Which Have Run Miles In Races in 1:39 or Better. At Umiarllie, May 27. 1S77. Ten Broeek electrified raring enthusiasts by miming a mile in the then unprecedented time of 1:39|. This record Stood until Rariae reduced it to 1:3. at Washington Park iu 1S!* . This time was equaled at Morris Park bj Lb Tosca in 1881 and at the same track Choristi -i ran a mile in 1:381 in IMS. It was not until 1884 that a mile was run in better than 1:30. Libert. ne scoring in J:3Si at Harlem. October 24 of that year, it thus requiring seventeen years to reduce the* Ten Broeek record to the full extent of a eecoad. Prerkntaly la that same year. UN, ■ mile had for the prat tbae hi this country heea ma in l:3tL Ihii .i a tea Qeerge Forbca ■ needy old selling j later Aran covered a mile in that time at Mania Pant June 11, and Ducal equaled this tiun al Shcepshead Bay August 2S. The Libertine rc.-oni hi id good in til 1988, wata Voter ran a iiile in 1 ::s i-.t Brighton Bench and Oiimar did the ■pom at Washington Park. In 1801 Brigadier i c-cann Hi" record buldct hj riinning a mile at Sheepn-l , .i I Baj la l:57| and held that distinction mail Allan a l . lie cut I iie time 09 1:871 at Washington Park .1ily I. 1908. Ailaa-a-Balea anaceaame] waa Short-lived, laatiag until August 14 of the same year, when Btefc Ifalfca ,aatahltahed the anneeal record o* 1:37| it Harlem. This time was tied t y Kiamesha at Belmont Park PC taker !». 1888 and la ahaal due to he wiped out. In thesi- dajra a mile in 1 38 attracts no great attention Iterantu* f««l mile- are Arena oat. Since IVhi ii I IB l« ii the fashion to make tracks an conducive t" speedy perforauuieea as puaaihle and the ■dm lie- art of track conditioning been di tected Steadily to that end. Still, it is fast running any ahere pad niihs in 1:88 and fractions are of fearaaaaing eteelleace. sin. c Arab fa t rap i mile la |«M ■ 1VJ1. thai lime Uua been equaled or sui- paaaed 143 times and as n matter of interest the following complete list of all miles run in 1:39 or Letter over reeognized traiks is presented: Horse. A.Wt. Track. Date. Time. Inquisitor . .: nil fThcrpahtad June 2.x, ifMKi. 1 :S7| Brigadier ...4 112 Sheepshead June 22. 1901.1 ::!7J 1. Spanker..:: lag Paring ahead June 27. 1804.1:88 Roehamiiton :; 108 Shcepshead June 2.7, 1901.1::Si locund I S4 Sheepshead Seji. lt». 1003.1:38] Ten Candles. 4 122 Sheepshead Sep. j, 1901. 1:3S* Broomstick .:: Ill sheepshead June 2.S, 1904.1:388 Tiptoe :; 107 Bheepahead Sept. 10, l9Ki.l :.-!88 Water Color. I 120 Sheepshead June 2o, 1901. 1:38* Wax Taper.. 4 120 Sheepshead June 28. 1901.1:381 Dublin .". 124 Sheepshead July 0,1903.1:381 T.Minute Man2 92 Sheepshead Sep. 4. 1903.1:38* Kraziallo ...3 104 Sheepshead June 23, 1888.1:884 Ham. Belle.. 4 119 Shcepshead Sept. I, 1905.1:383 Daeat 4 118 Sheepshead Aug. 28. 1894.1:39 Kamara 3 108 Sheeiishead Aug. 30. 1900.1:39 Ten Candles. 6 10S Sheepshead June 18, 1902.1:39 Cameron .. .3 109 Sheepshead June 20,1902.1:39 Roxane B 104 Sheepshead June 27. 1902.1:39 Roehampton 5 112 Sheepshead Julv 1, 1903.1:39 Sheriff Bell. .4 105 Sheepshead June IS. 1904.1:39 Boring 3 95 Sheepshead June 29. 1904.1:39 I aiuty 4 110 Sheepshead Sept. 5. 1904.1:39 D. Bernard.. 3 99 Sheepshead Sept. 6, 1904.1:39 Water Light.:: 118 Sheepshead June 1". 1905.1:39 Grenade 5 113 Sheepshead June 25. 1906.1:39 Kiamesha . .3 104 Belmont Oct. 9. 1888.1:87] •Tea 3 102 Belmont Oct. 17. 1906.1 :37g Uiuette 6 109 Belmont Oct. 15,1906.1:38 Creaataa 3 95 Belmont Oct. 17, 1906.1:38 Grapple 3 88 Belmont Oct. 3,1905.1:38? ,:"i"tte i 107 Belmont June 1.1006.1:381 Kroaccloth .4 100 Belmont June 2, 1006.1:381 Telephone ..5 95 Belmont June 6. 1808. 1:381 Far West ..4 109 Belmont Bet 10. 1888. 1:381 D. Spanker.. 6 111 Belmont Mav 30.1907.1:38s N. M. Hay. .4 100 Belmont Oct. 6, 1905.1:38? Kiamesha ...3 103 Belmont Oct. 4, 1905.1:38* Accountant .3 126 Belmont May 19, 1906.1:38* Zicnap 3 95 Belmont "Oct. 11,1906.1:38* Optician 3 88 Belmont Oct. 12, 1006.1:38* Orllene 3 98 Belmont Oct. 13,1908.1:381 Dreamer 3 109 Belmont Oct. 6, 1005.1:39 Grapple 4 106 Belmont Mav 10, 1006.1:30 Content 3 102 Belmont May 29. 1906.1:39 King Cole... 4 115 Belmont June 5,1906.1:39 Hot Toddy.. 3 115 Belmont Oct. 12, 1906.1:39 St. Valeutine6 100 Belmont Mav 28. 1907.1:39 D. Spanker.. 6 123 Belmont June 1,1907.1:39 Ken. Beau.. 3 106 Belmont Oct. 11. 1907.1:38* Do]. Spanker.6 100 Belmont Oct. 12 1007. 1:3S L.of Langden3 107 Belmont Oct. 15. 1007.1:39 Do!. Spanker.O 106 Belmont Oct. 16. 1907.1:38* Bedouin 5 107 Belmont Oct. 16, 1007.1 :38 Number One. 2 126 Belmont Oct. 17, 1907.1:39 Gold. Shore. 3 100 Belmont Oct. 17. 1007.1:384 Delhi 3 112 Saratoga Aug. 2, 1904.1:37* Douro 5 111 Saratoga Aug. 13, 1902.1:38 Chuctanunda 4 118 Saratoga Aug. 16, 1902.1:38 Clonmell • 3 91 Saratoga Aug. 25. 1902.1:38 Koxane 5 107 Saratoga Aug. 12. 1902.1 :3S§ Rockwater ..3 101 Saratoga Aug. 26, 1902.1:38* Heaslip 3 96 Saratoga Aug. 17, 1906. 1:38 1 Dandelion ..4 120 Saratoga Aug. 14, 1906.1:38* Huntressa ..3 104 Saratoga Aug. 18. 1902.1:38* fghnawga .5 126 Saratoga Aug. 17, 1904.1:38| Rough Rider.5 111 Saratoga Aug. 26, 1902.1:39 Tom Dolan.,3 101 Saratoga Aug. 7, 1907.1:39 Tax West... 5 117 Saratoga Aug. 9. 1907.1:39 ralla I 38 Saratoga Aug. 13.1888.1:38 Grapple 5 96 Saratoga Aug. 26.1907.1:39 Kennyetto ..3 114 Saratoga Aug. 28. 1907.1:39 Deuce 4 101 Saratoga Aug. 29. 1907.1:3.8* Ch. Edward. .3 114 Brighton Julv 10, 1907.1:37g Voter 6 122 Brighton July 17.1900.1:38 Dermis 5 133 Brighton July 6, 1904.1:38 Ort Wells... 4 126 Brighton Julv 8, 1905.1:38* 11am. Belle. 5 121 Brighton Julv 11. 1906.1:39 Mifarter .. .3 100 Brighton Julv 19.1907.1:39 Ureainer 5 102 Brighton Julv 25, 1907.1:38* Spooner 2 90 Brighton Oct. 5. 1907.1:39 Orthodox ...3 106 Aqueduct Nov. 3. 1904.1:38 ork. Lad. ..5 106 Aqueduct April 18,1906.1:39 Race King. .5 109 Aqueduct April 19. 1906.1:39 Cnssina 4 98 Aqueduct Nov. 15, 1907.1:39 Duma Ken. ..3 111 Gravesend Mav 25, 1907.1:38* Allan-a-Dale 5 112 Morris Oct. 5. 1904.1:38*. Gunfire 4 109 Morris Mav 7. 1903.1:38*. Arab 8 93 Morris June 11,1894.1:39 Articulate ..8 112 Morris Mav 9, 1903.1:39 Bebo 5 9.8 Salem Julv 19.1906.1:38* Ellicott 3 118 Buffalo Julv 16.1907.1:38? Cave Adsum.3 106 Buffalo July 17. 1907.1:39 Polly Prim.. 4 99 Buffalo Julv 19. 1907.1:38 G. S. Davis. 3 92 Buffalo June 22. 1907.1:39 Coruscate ...3 86 Fort Erie Aug. 13,1903.1:381 Jolm Verkes.6 73 Fort Erie Aug. 20. 1943.1 :38J Sou-fell 3 93 Fort Erie Julv 18.1904.1:39 La Pucelle. ..4 85 Fort Erie Julv 14. 1906.1:39 Denham 3 95 Fort Erie Julv 27. 1907.1:38* Boy. River.. 3 94 Fort Erie Aug 19. 1907.1:39 Sir Ralph... 4 101 Toronto June 1, 1906.1:39 Dick Welles. 3 112 Harlem Aug. 14. 1903.1:37* Ro.-e Tree ..6 97 Harlem Sep. 8, 1902.1:38*1 Rose Tree ..6 97 Harlem Sep. 1. 1902.1:38s Libertine ...3 90 Harlem Oct. 24. 1S94.1:3SJ St. Marcos. ..3 101 Harlem Oct. 5. 1901.1:38* Tokalon 3 96 Harlem Julv IS, 1904.1:38* Pink Coat ..7 108 Harlem Sep. 4. 1902.1:39 Talpa 4 991 Harlem Aug. 14.1903.1:39 Iossil 4 103 Harlem Sept. 1.1904.1:39 Dalvay 3 100 Harlem Sept. 9. 1904.1:39 Alian-a Dale 4 110 Wash. Pk Julv 1, 1903.1:37* Dick Welles.:: 110 Wash. Pk July 7. 1003.1:38 "rimar 6 109 Wash. Pk Julv 21. 1900.1:3.8 S. C. Love.. 3 102 Wash. Pk June 29, 1903.1:38* Mr. Brown.. 3 100 Wash. Pk Julv 21, 1888.1:381 Bragg 4 100 Wash. Pk July 2. 1903.1:38* Azucena 3 97 Wash. Pk Julv 16, 1898.1:39 G. Arnold... 6 109 Wash. Pk Julv 19. 1900.1:39 Aleedo 3 90 Hawthorne Aug. 4.1900.1:383 B. Ormonde. 5 85 Worth Mav 20. 1903.1:38 t oluni. Girl. .6 115 Worth »»cr. T4. 1903.1:39 Coo. Arnold. 7 123 N. Orleans Dec. 25. 1901.1:39 Min. Adams. 4 110 Cilv Park Jan. 15. 1907.1 :38f Cliim. Sweep. 4 100 Ascot Feb 22. 1808.1:381 Gold Rose... 2 95 Ascot Dec. 27. 1901.1:38 Kilter 3 102 Santa Anita Dee. 14. 1907.1:38* P. Flittner..4 112 Santa Anita Dee. 16, 1907.1:38* M*aro 4 102 Santa Anita Dec. 17. 1887.1:371 Cold. Shore.:: 107 Santa Anita Dec. is. 1887.1:88 lileneeho ....5 102 Santa Anita Dec. 19. 1907.1:39 Acrobat 3 101 Santa Anita Dec. ». 1907.1:38 Old Timer . .2 108 Santa Anita Dee. 25.1907.1:37* Acrobat 3 10.8 Santa Anita Dec. 26. 1907.1 :37J Tim. Wen.. 4 104 Santa Anita Jan. 4. 1908.1:39 Bankbara . .5 124 Tkateraa Jan. 20. 1883.1:38 Santera 4 95 Oakland June 1.1907.1:38* Le.n catcher .4 117 Oakland Dec. 9. 1905.1:38 Bankbara . .5 128 Oakland Jan. 27.1900.1:39" Waswift ...5 111 Oakland Jan. 27. 1904.1 :39 Pr. Leggo....". 103 Oakland Feb. 25. 1905.1:39 II HcGoWaa.6 98 Seattle Julv 24. 1907 1:39 Orllene 4 183 Seattle Ana. 3. 1907.1:3s; D 102 Seattle Aug. 21. 1907.1:39 T. Unknot .11 90 Seattle Aug. 21. 1888.1:38]

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Local Identifier: drf1908010501_2_5
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