Items from the Blue Grass, Daily Racing Form, 1908-01-05


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ITEMS FROM THE BLUE GRASS. 1 iMii.-ton. Ky.. January 4. Clem Pieree. for the lasl t..t seasons larin trainer :|t Hamburg Place and who trained such good winners as Meelick. Lady Winirred. Reckon and King James, has sev- eied Lis co eiion wiih J. E. Madden to go into the business of raising rollers v i 1 1 1 his brother jar law. John Nasb Manager Sii.mIci- will in the Mare look after the farm training at Hamburg Place. The only two-year-old McGee wil have on the turf iu 1U08 was bred by Walter S. 1ayue ot this i county, lie breeding the mare Fraucesea to Ed pi Corrigans young KJwgHah bred horse, after she had 9. failed to get in foal when mated to Scintillant II. earlier in the season. In ISM Corrigan bred a nuin- pi lier of mares to McGee and now has a number of yearlings by him. but the Maplewood Farm-bred colt $. is his only foal of that season and he will have for t to ra e under double sbe parentage, as he is leg K istereil by Scintillant II. or McGee. though he is H unquestionably by the latter horse. tl John Offut has turned over to W. J. Young to . ■ Main ami race tor him the two-year old liilies by ri Resolute II.. that worked for him so well as vear :i-lings as last fall. One is a chestnut out at Kochelle. by Hiinyar and the other a bay out of Kilt, by p; Kantaka The latter has beta named Fair ilea a senger. while the Kochelle lilly is registered :,s o Queens Messenger. Offut says Stylitene. the dam of Kings Courier, is sure in foal again this season la Kingston. Mrs. E. O. Pepper owns a full brother. A now a yearling, to that English and American slake winner. E. C. CowiImi. having leased the breeding quali ties of Sallie McClelland, had an autopsy performed after lb- turf queen died am! ascertained thai she was carrying a chesinnt filly, which, being by Star » Kuby. would have made it of gnat value for lilnie breeding purposes. | A

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Local Identifier: drf1908010501_1_4
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