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I.-, ,- i0 .,, I- I. 10 C * 2, y, THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 43682—1:121—5—107. Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St % % % StrFin Jockeys Best Company. .IIGGINBOTHAM. b. g. 4. by Ballyhoo Bey — Manzanita II. 1 A. Simons. Weight today 93. 72585 F.Grounds 3-4 1:201 mad 5 K 7 2 1 M* M Sumter Chief Hayes. Platoon, Jacobite. -72451 City Park 3 4 1:151 good 8 :».". 10 ; 5 tit" 55 Sumter Lady Anne, Oraenlnm Ace High. 72M4 City Park 7-8 1:311 hvy 3 5 M 6 4 3 2 1» 11 Sumter Javanese. Abington. Flowawav 72240 F.Grounds 3-4 1:19ghy 41 95 5 111* l3 Sumter Hawkama, Avaunteer, BLMnatflM. COONEY K.. b. g. 4, by Senator McCarren — Campania J. Burttschell Weight todav 98. 7*547 Clt- Park 3 1 1 :1M fast 2 Ml I i j j p.. won. Jacobite, Cosaedteaae. Platoon. 72511 City Park 3-4 1:131 fast 3 m7 2 .: 2 2* 2«* Minder R.Tbompso-i. Hanbridge. C.Eastman 734X4 City Park J-4 1:14| Cant I- IM E 111- 1« J W MphvTeles. e, Robin Hood, No Quarter 72132 City Park 3-4 1:151 mud 12 MO 4 4 4 I* 4 "J, J Brooks Sally Preston. Ace High Refined ma City Park 3 4 1:11gfast 40 Ml S 9 5 7- 7" Warren Lens, The Bear. Prime Akmei GOLDPROOF. b. g, 5, by Gold Spinner — Glimmer C. E. Hamilton. Weight today 111. 723K5 F.« "rounds :: I 1 :2n; n.ud 30 ill 1, 1 3 4- 6*1 Lloyd Ch. Haves Higginbothain. Platoon 7MM Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 41 122 6 4 4 6 6 » Crnmins Colloquv. Frontenac. Lady Esther. T074" Em. City Ab 3-4 1:09 fast 6 116 5 3 3 3" 11 Crnmins Clolsteress, Old Honestv. Quadrille 70097 Em.City Ab 3-4 1:09 fast 3-5 99 1 11 1" 1 C II ShilgT.Robinson. Haensel. HighChance. BERTHA E.. b. m. 5. by G. W. Johnson — Happy J. Phillips. Weight today 100. 72474 City Park 7-8 1:271 good las " ! I I I v 5»J II Swaln Hyperioa 11.. Jnggler Podro. 724SO City Park J-4 1:1t* tood « 99 s ■ s 7 V MoIohwIi Ooon. R.dle Strome, M-adewtureeaf *a46 F.Grounds 1-4 1:21 h- l| IM I 1 I : Notter Coltnens. Rnltwrt. Glamor. 2292 l.C. roil 3 4 1:19" mud 11-5 nil 2 2 1 1- 1- Pi.-k.ns BpOBgC Cake, Clamor. Art. Dodger. HAWKAMA. b. g. 4. by Hawkswick — Amaranth P. J. Millettl. Weight today 105. *»455 City Park 3-4 1:14" good 3J M7 7 11 9 .- 7« Mountain Ladv Anne. Oracolni, Ace High. ■--12 F.Grounds 3-4 1:171 slow 3-2 106 2 4 1 1* 1 Mountain Fl Dorado. Denigre Lucy Young 72240 F.Grounaa 3-1 1:191 hvy 8 10Q | 1 i j, 2* Pickens Higbottnra: Avaunteer, B-MantUlg CONVILLE. ch. c. 4, by Dieudonnc— Gualala L. A. Cella. Weight today 101. J 78878 City Park 3 t l:15| goo* IS M s M T : - 8l| Hmmitii Robta Rood, Alencon. No Quarter. W TU.TS K. Grounds 51 f 1:18| hvv I M « S i 7- 7" NflineC UavTIiompson. ArchOhlham. Blekey Ak 7iI1S City Fork 7-8 1:30 slow 11-5 li:t 5 4 2 1 lJ 31 Nicol Wcs, Pride of Woodstock, Airslii| . ▼ NO QUARTER, b. g. 4, by Viking— Sweet Sanger A. B. Maginnis. Weight today 98. ♦ 4$ nm City Park J-4 l:l»| good 15 n j s :: a* ::i IMenrk BaMa Hood. Alencon, Kofincd. a nO City Park o-4 l:14i! last 15 Ml - ■• I II 4 ; Pickens Cooney K., Telescope, Holdn Hood. 72107 City Park 7-S 1388 fast 13 100 7 5 5 5 4"* 42J Pickens AeeHigh. Avaunteer, Lancastrian. A 72069 City Park 51 f l:0Sg good 3J 100 9 6 6 4J 1" Pickens Art.Dodger, LucyYonng, M.Affable. SALLY PRESTON, b. f. 4. bv Canocpus— Nell Preston W. H. Seeman. Weight today 104. 4§ 72474 City Park 7-8 1:27ft good M 1M :: 1 1 2 U 4a A Martin Hyperion II.. Juggler, Pedro. ! a% 72402 CityPark 11-16 1:48 good 20 88 "111 IH * » Martin Temaceo. Plantland. Old Honesty. 72329 F.Orounds 3-4 1 :21ft mud 5 103 C 4 3 31 2" R McDanIKeator. Coon. Platoon. A% 72186 F.Grotinds 3-4 1:19 hvy 4-5 lor 4 3 2 21 2» R .McDanl Avaunteer, Royal Onyx, Tres .Toli. FRANK LORD, ch. g, 4, by Royal Flush III.— Miza T. D. Sullivan Weight today 103. 4 72602 F.Orounds 61 f 1 :14g hvy S km; :: | c, a :.« V Powers MisslWdaney, AlMnller. Hyerionll. a 71966 City Park 7-S 1 :3." hvy 8 5 Km; 111 1 23 21 Liobert Conville, Communipaw, Coltness. 71950 City Iark 3 1 l:23i hvy 6-5 Ml 2 1 1 I2 1- .1 Lee Platoon. Cold Enamel, Besterling. A 71S56 Aqueduct GJ f 1:20 fast 10 93 4 1 1 51 C11 E Dugan Hessian, Suffrage, Lad of Langden. REFINED, ch. f, 4, by Rapallo— Superfine W. J. Donohne. Weight today 98. 4 72547 City Park 3-4 1:14 fast «"" 1|MI 2 3 4 6 01" A Martin Jacobite. Comedienne, Cooney K. 72473 City Park 8-4 1:1S| good 12 M 4 5 4 31" 42 Sumter Robin Hood, Alencon, No Quarter. 72455 City Park 8-4 1:18J good 25 103 I 4 4 3l 44J J Baker Lady Anne, Oraculuni, Ace High. : A 72365 Citv Park 5* f l:09g hvy 12 101 6 6 6 63 6° . Hufnagel Lens, Al Muller, Artful Dodger. 72168 F.Grounds 3-4 l:21jj hvy 4 95 7 Fell. Hufnagel Bertha E., Lucy Young, Ralbert. A PEDRO, br. g. 4, by Masetto — Palms C. B. Daniels. Weight today 98. 72474 Citv Iark 7-8 1:271 good I 86 5 7 5 5 4- 33 J W Mbvllyperion II.. Juggler. SallyPrcston. % ♦ 72420 Citv Park 3-4 1 :14f good 30 101 I 4 4 3* 4*1 1 W Mphy.IackAtkin, TheBear, LadyEsther. a 72365 Citv Park 51 r 1 :U9jJ hvy 40 103 7 7 7 6»* 5« P Bailey Lens, Al Muller. Artful Dodger. 64700 Wndsor 5-8 l:01g fast 3 108 5 4 6 8 7 W Fischer J.Gentzberger, C.Ward, Eva Iser. ♦ A AVAUNTEER. ch. h, 6, by Borgia — Engea S. Louis. Weight today 110. 72384 City Park 11:44 slow 12 112 1 3 3 4 6 6-° C Koerner Coltness, Dainty Belle, Donna. % 72329 F.Grounds 3-4 1:211 mud 12 105 5 6 7 7 54i V Powers Keator, Sally Preston, Coon. I a 72240 F.Grounds 3-4 1:192 hvy 3-2 107 1 3 3 41 35 Mountain Hig botham, Hawkama, B.Mantilla J DE RESZKE. br. h, 9, by Lamplighter — Serene R. E. Watkina. Weight today 100. 72166 F.Grounds 7-8 l:35i hvy 11-5109 8 7 7 6 5nt 59 Delaby Rickey, Tudor, Light Note. A 71965 City Park 61 f l:12g hvy 4-5 117 4 7 3 21 l1 Delaby Lucv Young, Dr.McCluer, Dap.Gold. t 71775 Pimlico 7-8 1:32 hvy 3-5 107 1 1 1 1 Is 11 Delaby HighJumper, Killochan, Telamon. A EL DORADO, ch. c, 4, by Ethelbert — Dorotheo C. C. Bmithson. Weight today 100. a 72312 F.Grounds 3-4 1:17* slow 40 BBS N I . 2- 2- McCaliev Hawkama. Denigre, Lucv Young. ♦ 72210 F.Grounds 3-4 l:19g hvy 30 MS 11 6 7 72 621*McCahey Higbotham, Hawkama, Avaunteer. A 71962 Benning 1 1:448 hvy 31 98 3 3 3 3 3U 512U Schaller Monaeodor, Higginbotham. Bal.Box. X 71933 Penning 7-8 1:308 slop 4-5 102 4 3 2 2 3s 3=1 R McDanl Higginbotham, R.Lady, Bound.Elk. A 71746 Pimlico 1 1:42*. fast 1-6 108 1 1 1 1 le 1° Beckman Campaigner, HighChance, Garment REDGAUNTLET, b. c, 4, by Sir Walter— Orangeade T. P. HayeeK Weight today 105. A 71026 Latonia 1 1-8 2:00s hvy 12-5 1"2 13 4 4 » 3*1 c n ShilgColonel Jack, EdwinGum. SeaSalt. A 71568 Latonia ll:39§fast 17 lio 6 6 6 6 6 491 C H ShillgOldHonesty. Col. Jack. JudgeTreen. 71518 Latonia 1 l:39g fast 20 100 6 6 6 6 6 611 J Butler Harting, Pr.Ahmed, The Clansman. A