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CALIFORNIA FUTURITYS WELL PATRONIZED. Oakland, tal.. January 7. — The nominations for the California lutiuit s of l.MK and lfHO are coming in liecly by mail from various sections of the country in addition to those made by local breeders. " liurns A W.itciliousc. A. B. S[u-cck,ls. Harry Stover. W. oll. Herdn— gh, l..u-ney Scbreilter, O. A. Hianchi and Jeta I . .Millin are among the leading nominators. Colonel Daniel Hums has made the greatest number. Barney Schreibcr has nominated seventeen for the ]!ii;: event and twenty-two for the lftlO lixture. Among the oiingsters lie lias named for the MM stake are. brothers to Dr. Oardmr. Nealon, Deutscli-huiil, Tony Faust. Joe Carey. Jack Atkin and oUicr famous campaigners from his Woodlands Stud. Secretary Perrjr Treat of the New c.iliiomi.i Jockey Club estimates that about 100 MUM will -be nominated for the l!!t Futurity.